This is not surprising if you followed the Houston mayoral race:
Costello endorses Turner
Cites Turner’s policy positions on infrastructure, debt as determining factorsHOUSTON – Former Houston mayoral candidate Steve Costello today officially endorsed State Representative Sylvester Turner in the 2015 Houston mayoral runoff election.
“Although Election Day did not go as hoped for our team, I’ve always maintained that the issues and challenges facing our great city must come before personal politics,” said Costello. “In the course of the campaign, and through dozens of forums, I had ample opportunity to examine each candidate’s position relating to improving the state of city finances, prioritizing public safety and getting to work to fix our roads.”
“Sylvester and I agree that ReBuild Houston is a good baseline infrastructure program that can and must be improved to meet the needs and expectations of Houstonians,” said Costello. “We agree that our police force needs to be increased to match the city’s growth and growing needs, and that we must get back to community-based policing so officers are connected to our neighborhoods’ challenges and successes.”
“After leaving office in January, my focus will be on finding a path forward to position Houston for its next steps in mass transportation,” said Costello. “Sylvester Turner is the best candidate to connect all of Houston through multi-modal transportation, and I look forward to working with him on critical transportation issues like commuter rail.”
In addition to serving as chairman of the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Transportation Policy Council through December, Costello will also continue his service as a member of the Memorial Park Conservancy board of directors and as a member of the Marathon Kids national board of directors.
“I am very grateful to have the support of Steve Costello,” said Turner. “His service to this city for six years as a City Council Member, his advocacy for a pay-as-you-go funding policy to repair our streets and lower our debt, and as chairman of the region’s transportation policy council will have a lasting and positive impact on our city’s traffic and street improvements. As an engineer, Steve knows that the foundation of a building is not a visible part of the structure but it’s makes the building stable. Steve’s work on the city’s finances and infrastructure have laid the foundation for Houston’s future success. I look forward to working with Steve as we unite Democrats and Republicans, business and labor and thousands of Houstonians to bring our city together and move forward.”
I’m not someone that generally thinks endorsements make a big enough difference to matter. This one might be an exception to that because Costello is basically releasing his Republican supporters, as few as they were on election day, to pull the trigger for a liberal Democrat. Costello didn’t do well in the general election, that’s a fact and it is mostly because he simply had no base of support to rally. Democrats were more comfortable voting for a Democrat. The LGBT community, although they appreciated his support on the HERO, were savvy enough to know that he didn’t have a path to victory, so they went with Turner. Republicans in general ran away from him because he was the “architect” of the very unpopular and now illegal “Rain Tax”. But still, in a low turnout runoff, Costello releasing his supporters to vote for the liberal Democrat is fairly significant.
So, if I call Sylvester Turner a “liberal Democrat” what should I call Bill King? Moderate Democrat? Maybe but Turner’s legislative record suggests that he is actually more prone to listen to Republicans than King is. I mean, King mocks us for praying in public? King says that Catholics are backward, oppressive, and hostile? King thinks that humans are the predominant cause of the farce called “global warming”? Really?
Hey, beats me. I guess I’ll refrain from calling him anything.
BTW, on the day Costello supports Turner, King gets the support of Latinos:
“THESE ARE THE PIONEERS OF THE LATINO BUSINESS COMMUNITY IN HOUSTON”Businessman Bill King today professed he was “frankly a little in awe” to receive the strong backing from Houston’s leading Hispanic business leaders, many of who were among Adrian Garcia’s strongest campaign supporters. Ten chairmen and chairwoman emeritus of the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Chair Hipolito “Poli” Acosta and key members of Camara de Empresarios Latinos de Houston; former Houston City Council member Felix Fraga and James Rodriguez; and Greg Compean member of the Harris County-Houston Sports Authority all stood with King to endorse his mayoral campaign at Talento Bilingüe de Houston.
“Bill, I am here today with key Hispanic members of Adrian’s finance committee ready to join the team because we believe that Hispanic business owners will have a voice within your campaign, and within your administration,” said Massey Villareal, who just served as Adrian Garcia’s campaign treasurer. “Between now and election day, I am committed to making sure the Hispanic business community joins the effort and elects Bill King the next mayor of the City of Houston.” (Watch here:
“Bill’s message is clear and is resonating with our small business owners who are tired of the inefficiencies at City Hall, tired of the neglect in our neighborhoods that over the years has not been taken care of, tired of the bureaucracy that makes it harder to start and run their businesses,” said Acosta. “I am proud to join many members of our community here, Hispanic leaders, in the effort to make sure we get the leadership of Bill King as our next mayor in Houston.”
King opened his remarks by noting that Hispanics serve at disproportionately higher rates in the U.S. military “because of their great love for this country.”
“The message we’ve carried throughout this campaign has been fairly straight forward, back to basics,” King said. “It represents what we have found visiting neighborhoods across the entire city — this incredible frustration about the city not delivering the basic services we all expect from municipal government. As mayor, I am going to put an end to the political games played at City Hall and start making sure our neighborhoods are treated fairly.”
List of today’s endorsers:
Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Lupe Fraga
George Gonzalez
Irma Diaz Gonzalez
Tony Grijalva
Gilbert Herrera
Rick Jaramillo
Gasper Mir
Armando Perez
Adan Trevino
Massey Villarreal.Camara de Empresarios Latinos de Houston
“Poli” Acosta, Chair
Polo Becerra
Abelardo Matamoros
Jacob Monty
Rafael Ortega
Jose Rivas
Abel SanchezFmr Houston City Council Members
Felix Fraga
James Rodriguez.Harris County-Houston Sports Authority
Greg Compean
Can’t say I’m not fair on dueling press releases. I will note that the “Latino” community still doesn’t bother to vote. Even the legal ones.
Bill King says
Perhaps you should call me a Christian that believes in following actual Jesus’ teaching.
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.” Matthew 6:5-6.
Your statement about my views of the Catholic Church are an outright misrepresentation. Suggest you read my Christmas Eve column from 2013 at
Manuel Barrera says
The tax collector was one of the most hated by the Jewish community. Levi or Mathew if one prefers gave up that calling to follow Jesus. I don’t recall Bill King giving up tax collecting and taking homes.
Seems that Bill King chooses but one part of the New Testament to state that praying in public was the only way that Jesus proposed.
Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.
As to marriage what did Jesus say
4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
One can only say that Bill King has perverted the New Testament to justify what he believes.
Ed Vidal says
No surprise on Costello. He has been part of Houston’s failed fiscal policies for the last six years, which Turner would continue. Especially ridiculous is Costello’s push for citywide mass transit, when his policies are pushing jobs and residents outside city limits, and hollowing out the city like Detroit.
Bill King’s support from Hispanics does not surprise me, especially from the community of small and medium-sized businessmen. You might describe Bill as a pragmatic fiscal conservative, and nothing more.
Manuel Barrera says
Any support that Bill King gets will be from a segment of the Hispanic Community will be because they can’t bring to vote for Turner because of the color of his skin. Not because any policy that King has proposed.
If those group of Hi-spanics were so concerned about fiscal policy why did they support Garcia first?
Someone should ask Felix Fraga if he has indeed endorsed Bill King.
Kevin W. says
Everything I read about Bill King leads me to wonder how fiscally conservative he is. I verified on his campaign website and social media accounts that he plans to spend an awful lot of money the city doesn’t have to buy things we can’t afford. He tells us that using bonds is cheaper but that is a lot like my wife telling me she needs my credit card for a big sale at Macy’s to save money. Bonds are only cheaper if you can afford to pay them off and buy things you must buy until your finances are in order. That makes Bill King look a lot like a tax and spend democrat to me but maybe I’m wrong. I’d sure like a financial wizard to analyze the true cost of Bill King’s proposals and let us know if the city is allowed to go that much further into debt.
Fred Flickinger says
So Hispanics that vote for King are racist???????
That is probably the worst comment I have ever seen on this site.
Manuel Barrera says
Fred I know my community, it is no different than why Devine chose to run against Frank Medina. I guess that makes Republicans racists or should I say bigots?
“In what can only be described as shocking, Judge John Devine (candidate for Texas Supreme Court, Place 4) told former Texas District Court Judge Scott Link he decided to run against incumbent Texas Supreme Court Justice David Medina because “I can beat somebody with a Mexican name.” The statement was made during a candidate screening luncheon and was witnessed by Houston attorney, Frank Harmon, who also attended the lunch.”
Fred I would suggest that you need to expand your views and maybe reading. There are very good reasons why a large segment of the the Latino community in Houston does not support African Americans.
Manuel Barrera says
I get my Medinas confused, David Medina.
Ed Vidal says
Many Hispanics want to avoid, or get off, the path that Africans have blazed of government dependency, and instead want to make their own way. Nothing racist, just a lifestyle choice.
If you accuse everyone that disagrees with you of being racist, then pretty soon that accusation becomes meaningless.
Besides, Medina is an Arabic name meaning city.