A racist email attacking Houston City Council At-Large 3 candidate Michael Kubosh started showing up in voter’s Inbox’s this week.
Just when Scrambled Brains and Lobotomized Eggs thought the season was boring, along comes something to wake up his feet. Angry black men support Michael Kubosh! Michael Kubosh supports rabble rousing hoodlums! Why, Michael Kubosh even gets rabble rousing hoodlums out of jail for free!
Okay, the fun is over. Let’s see if we can figure out which of his opponents sent the email.
The obvious choice is Rogene Calvert. Why? Well, here is the email header:
Who is Pat Downing? Glad you asked. She works for the Rogene Calvert campaign. Here is a picture of her giving Clyde Bryan a Rogene Calvert push card at last weeks Downtown Houston Pachyderm Club At-Large 3 forum (you know, the one that put dude’s feet to sleep):

I remember talking to her because she told me that she had a friend that could be my twin brother. Poor guy, only one person should have to walk through life with these looks. And I also remembered her because she was one of the grand jurors on Judge Susan Brown’s Runaway 185th Grand Jury. You know, the one that leaked like a sieve and managed to turn an election? Yeah, that one.
So I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she sent this out. And another clue lies in the address at the bottom. 10850 Richmond Ave, Ste. 100 • Houston, Texas 77042. Guess who’s address that is? If you guessed the campaign of Rogene Calvert, you win the prize! Just scroll down to the bottom of her website:
And guess who else is at that address? Michael Kubosh’s brother Paul decided to go take a look. And guess what he found? Mustafa Tameez! Who just happens to be one of the best, if not the best, political consultants in Houston. And who just happens to be Rogene Calvert’s consultant. Imagine that.
Busted right? Case closed, right?
Hold up Sherlock! Think about what I just said.
Mustafa Tameez happens to be one of the best, if not the best, political consultants in Houston.
Would the best or one of the best send out a racist email that was so easy to backtrack?
I didn’t think so but I called Mustafa just to check. He told me about being confused as to why Paul Kubosh stopped by and thought it was about another matter. He confirmed that Pat Downing was working for the Rogene Calvert campaign. He said he hadn’t seen the email that I was referring to. And then he laughed and said, if I had done it, I would have done it better and I darn sure wouldn’t have put my address on it. You’ve got to love his confidence. Yeah, that’s pretty much my thought.
Now, it is very possible that Pat Downing did this on her own, without Mustafa’s knowledge. I mean, think 185th Runaway Grand Jury. Anything is possible with that group.
But is it likely? Remember this – no one on that runaway grand jury was ever indicted for all of the leaks, so isn’t it logical that if Downing did send this out, she would have been smart enough not to put her name or address on it?
Okay, amateur sleuths, help me figure this out! And no, I don’t have the original IP address, the email was forwarded to me. My guess is that it is a Roy Morales supporter but that’s just a guess based on his very similar verbal attacks on Kubosh. It could be Mayor Parker – she absolutely does not want Michael Kubosh on council.
Now, about the email itself. Michael Kubosh has never hidden the support he is receiving from the black community in Houston. In fact, he is proud of it and touts it. Recall that he had Quannel X standing up for him at his campaign announcement. I asked him yesterday about the charge that he bailed out people in the 288 Trayvon Martin protest for free and he said, “How could I do that? No one was arrested.”
The most egregious example of racism in the email is the photo of National Black United Front Chairperson Kofi Taharka. Whoo boy, he and other angry blacks are putting a beat down on white boy!

On second glance, I suppose that could be white girl getting a beat down. I sure wouldn’t want to vote for Michael Kubosh! He supports mobs of angry black men putting beat downs on white folk! That picture alone probably woke up Scrambled Brains’ feet.
Except, of course, that Kofi Taharka wasn’t giving anyone a beat down. You want to know what Mr. Taharka is doing in that picture? And what the white man/woman is doing? Peacekeeping. Yes, that’s right. Here is the caption that was attached to that photo when it was published as part of an AP story about one of the Trayvon Martin protests:
Friends try to calm down, David Wright, top, who reacted after he was told he couldn’t enter the Bob Casey Federal Courthouse in Houston as more than 100 protestors organized outside for a protest in reaction to the acquittal of neighborhood watch member George Zimmerman Tuesday, July 16, 2013.
Here is what that picture is really saying:
Vote for Michael Kubosh! He is the only candidate in At-Large 3 that has the support of diverse groups across the community! Michael Kubosh supports peacekeepers!
So much for a boring campaign season! See a related non-boring campaign season post by Don Hooper: Mayor Parker recruits Pasadena man for Houston council.
I see, the Bush memos were “fake but accurate” and now we have a new category “accurate but racist.” We are encouraged to attend the first, but ignore the second. Is it conceivable that the real racist is the accused and not the accuser? Perhaps both.
Sorry, Uncle Kenny, but your thinking is flawed. The “memo” above is false and INaccurate.
Try again.
Has Dannie Goeb (aka Patrick) DNA all over it…..
Dude, does Dewhurst pay you for every negative comment about Sen. Patrick? Or is it just by the month?
It's the other way around, Dave. But thanks for the linky anyway!
David, you can’t be serious! Quanell X is the catalyst for lots of bad things that happen in Houston. And for all those individuals that think it’s okay for Quanell X to protest, let’s not forget that the Zimmerman verdict was based on how evidence was presented to a jury. Who the heck is Quanell X to disrupt the daily routine in Houston because he’s bent out of shape about a verdict in Florida? He shuts down a major highway and attempts to prevent a family with a child’s medical emergency from passing through. He targets of all the neighborhoods in Houston, River Oaks, for another protest. Let’s ask ourselves a question, why didn’t he target the third ward for a protest? No, he targeted River Oaks because that’s where all the rich white people live who by the way have nothing to do with the Trayvon Martin case or verdict. What have all the residents in River Oaks done to Quanell X? Where is your objectivity David? It scares the daylights out of me to think that a potential member of Houston City Council would have ties to such a negative individual and perhaps even owe him something for it. Even the local TV stations have done exposes on Quanell X and how he shakes people down for cash. Remember the old saying of mothers across America, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Michael Kubosh will not get my vote.
Well, Houston (non)Conservative,
I guess we’re making progress. At least you didn’t accuse me of covering for Mike, whatever that means. BTW, take up your complaints about Q 10 with Michael Berry if you want.