This in from Bill King about my state rep, Dennis Paul:
I wanted to let everyone know that notwithstanding a letter signed by over 80{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the precinct chairs in House District 129, Rep. Paul yesterday voted in the Pension Committee in favor of Sylvester Turner’s pension bill that does not have any transition to defined contribution plans and does not give Houstonians the right to vote on the $1 billion of pension bonds Turner plans to issue. In addition, the so-called “corridor” which supposedly limits the amount that the City will contribute to the plans is riddled with loopholes that you could drive a Mack truck through.
This bill passing out of the Pension Committee moves it one step closer to final passage. We have some reason to hope that a better bill will be coming out of the Senate. So far, at least, the Senate has stood firm on the requirement that pension bonds be approved by voters.
I hope that you will continue to share your views on this critical issue with all of our legislators.
I tried to reach Dennis to find out why he voted for this very flawed plan but I guess he’s busy. I rarely disagree with Dennis but this is a bad vote on a bad solution to the City of Houston’s pension problems. If conservatives like Dennis allow liberals like Mayor Sylvester Turner to push bad legislation through the House, there isn’t much hope for the everyday common folk.
I did get an opportunity to speak with Dennis after posting this. He urged me to keep the faith and made a very good case for what he was doing and why. In fact, he was able to use plainspeak so that even an old timer from Pasadena like me could understand the whys and wherefores of what the committee is trying to do with this bill. I still have some doubts about it and he also does. But he is working to try and put a few amendments on it that he thinks will make it more palatable to conservatives and a stronger bill for the city. I get the feeling that the biggest concern for all involved is that they do not want the city to file for bankruptcy because if that happens, everyone loses.
I hope that he puts out one of his legislative updates with the arguments he used in our conversation. Sausage making isn’t easy, it takes a lot of ingredients and if you put the wrong ones in, it doesn’t taste so good.
Foolme says
Did Dennis Paul get bought?
Bill King says
Just as point of information, there is no chance the City will file for bankruptcy if Turner’s bill does not pass. If the bill does not pass, the City’s contribution to the plans increases by about $135MM next year. On a $5BB total City budget, that is about 2.5{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986}. Anybody really think there is not 2.5{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of fat that could be cut from the City’s budget? The claim that the City will go bankrupt if the bill does not pass is a red herring.
Nick Salem says
Turners Bill is flawed in every aspect of the plan. The plan is being called ” Not A Perfect Plan ” well not only is it not perfect but it is full of sink holes that the mayor can never fill except by more Pension Obligation Bonds for two of the three pension systems and lifting of the Revenue Tax Cap to fill them. One fact remains in this whole pension legislation, Firefighters have never had A Pension Obligation Bond and do not need A Pension Obligation Bond to fix our small stake in this pension problem.
DanMan says
I’d sure like to know what Dennis is thinking too.
JB Williamson says
Doesn’t really matter what Dennis is thinking, his mind is made up. The decision Dan Patrick made & organized to see it gets done. Patrick appointing Joan Huffman as chair made that very obvious. Turner stabbing HFD in the back & lying to them. Turner promised the firefighters, after worrying that King might win, support me, walk the streets for me & I will not come after your pension.
Wife & I were delegates to the last 2 republican state conventions, if I had known my party was going to see that our pensions were damaged or stolen, I would not have spent the time & money in support!
This party will lose us as workers, delegates, precinct chair & contributors!
I have no problem with the fact new hires may need to have a different retirement plan. What I do have a problem with is, breaking the commitment the city made to me in 1969 & taking away my COLA, since FF’s are not eligible for social security. Taking COLA away from present widows & retirees, is as WRONG as it can be & can’t make an impact on the current situation.
Renee Jahnke says
I hope I can be there on judgement day when these evil and greedy politicians are crying and begging for mercy. And they will be.
I have not heard ONE politician give ONE SINGLE reason why they feel it is justified to STEAL retirement money from a FF, a beneficiary, a child, a widow. I personally feel one is a coward who will not face our firefighters and answer questions or hides behind someone elses money for political favors.
A man will be lnown for his greatness, his integrity, and his heroism or he will be known for being a coward. One must choose which one he will be.
Harvey Yaw says
City of Houston has $650 million to build bike trail, $10.5 million for art, each council district has $ millions of dollars shush funds, highest paid mayor, staff members, and council members in the US (continue to take automatic raises based on a district judges salary, etc. etc. City of Houston cannot manage the money taken in. Drain the swamp in Houston.
Ralph Cunningham says
Dennis, if this was your pension, you would be totally against it. To be screwed out of everything that you were promised is not right no matter what angle it is looked at. I can see now that you another greedy politician that needs to be voted out. I just hope when the swamp is drained, you’re sucked out with the rest of the crap!
Jackie Hibbard says
This bill is robbing from Peter (fire fighters) to pay Paul( police and muni)