If you want to see a classic example of how a left leaning major market columnist shifts blame to the hated Republicans on an issue, please read Pulitzer Prize winning Houston Chronicle columnist Lisa Falkenberg’s latest screed. Titled Bathroom policy fast becoming hot-button issue for politicians, Ms. Falkenberg stretches, bends, and breaks the truth in her quest to demonize Republicans.
“The handwriting is on the bathroom wall: Stay out of the ladies’ room if you’re a man,” Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said a few weeks ago, wading into the national debate. “If it costs me an election, if it costs me a lot of grief, then so be it. If we can’t fight for something this basic, then we’ve lost our country.”
Ain’t he brave?
Well, yeah, in a way he is. He knew before he said those words that people like Ms. Falkenberg would attack, smear, and mock him. But he did it anyway because it was the right thing to do.
I know, I know. It’s a slippery-slope thing. If we allow people the freedom to use the bathroom they deem appropriate, one can only guess what would happen next!
Actually, we don’t have to guess. They’ve been doing it for decades. Without much fanfare. Until it became a handy dog-whistle issue for Republican primary voters. Now it’s the end of civilization.
She’s right. People have been doing it for decades or centuries, who knows? But isn’t that the point? No one knew – therefore, no problem. You dress like a woman, no one pays attention. But that isn’t the issue today, is it? No, the issue today is that people want the right to go into the opposite gender’s restrooms and they want to do it in your face, without regard to the privacy rights of 99.9{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the population as a whole.
Do you see that sentence in bold above? This one:
Until it became a handy dog-whistle issue for Republican primary voters.
That is where Ms. Falkenberg broke the truth. That is a flat out lie. The dog-whistle belongs to the LGBTABCDEFG crowd that insists that we have to “accept” whatever it is they want today. There never would be an issue if the LGBTABCDEFG crowd had not started passing laws saying that men could enter women’s restrooms, locker rooms, showers, spas, etc. No issue at all. Republican voters rightly responded to this nonsense and hopefully will keep on responding to this nonsense.
There’s no evidence that this is a public safety issue.
Another untruth, although this one could be considered an opinion, not a lie. Because there has been plenty of evidence presented that this is in fact a public safety issue. Ms. Falkenberg simply chooses to ignore it to form her opinion.
Now check this out: Ms. Falkenberg is suddenly for local control.
Back to conservative values: I thought local control was one of them.
This week, our lieutenant governor, whose office is based in Austin, called for the ouster of Fort Worth Independent School District Superintendent Kent Scribner because he approved new guidelines to accommodate transgender students in a broad array of areas from dress code to sports.
Patrick said if parents are unhappy with the district’s decision, then it’s up to the school board and superintendent to address it. If they don’t, he said, “that’s why we have elections.” It’s up to parents and school boards to “reflect the values of that school district,” he said.
Well, the Fort Worth district has spoken on its values. And they don’t need some politician in Austin butting in.
Ha, you can’t make this stuff up. Can you imagine the outrage Ms. Falkenberg would have if a local community passed an ordinance saying that no abortions would be performed in their city? Or that illegal aliens couldn’t rent a house? Or that Muslims couldn’t bang out their obnoxious calls to prayer all day long? She’d go nuclear. And you’d better believe that she’d want “some politician” from Austin or Washington “butting in”.
She then claims any bill addressing this stupidity will have no chance in the Texas House.
At times like these, we should all bow our heads and say a prayer for Joe Straus, the Republican speaker of the Texas House, who will have to play the grownup once again next session in staving off legislation that would hurt Texans as well as the Texas economy.
The bill doesn’t have much of a chance in the House, which prompts the question: Why try?
Answer: So that a few far-right politicians can say they fought the good fight. And winning isn’t the point anyway.
“Defeat would perhaps be the desired outcome of some of these bill advocates,” says Rice University political scientist Mark Jones. “It would allow them to have their cake and eat it too.”
As a strong supporter of Speaker Straus, I can say this with confidence – he will not block a bill that addresses this. He will allow the will of the House to prevail. If enough House members want to pass this, it will pass. That is being an adult in the room. And as much as I like Mark, he is taking this issue much too lightly with a remark like that.
Incredibly, she somehow wraps this up and blames the rise of Trump on people opposing this nonsense. Talk about not understanding why Trump is where he is. It is precisely because politicians ignored idiotic policies like that that Trump is where he is.
Republicans should stand FIRM and reject this crap. And readers need to understand that columnists like Ms. Falkenberg are not trying to give them an unbiased view of the facts, they are paid to produce biased opinions that support the newspaper’s underlying philosophy. Which is to support the left’s version of “progress”. Don’t believe me? See this editorial from the Houston Chronicle, published one day after Ms. Falkenberg’s screed: Potty politics
The transgender restroom controversy is a hoax crafted by ideologues for scapegoating.
Editors reinforcing their columnist’s opinion, and reinforcing the Houston Chronicle’s left leaning philosophy.
Jerry Patterson says
If you’re biologically a guy and can’t “transfer” or “identify” well enough to pull off the transition without being detected (and I’m sorry Caitlyn, you don’t look like a woman) you need to recognise that fact and leave your high heels at home. Maybe we should require 3 options for public restrooms-men, women, and whatever. The slippery slope charge is legitimate. If the LBGTQ folks prevail and your gender is what you feel it to be, a 6′ 4″ high school kid who “identifies” as a girl should be allowed to play on the girls volley ball team. Since it’s demeaning to him to be naked with the guys he will be showering with the girls. That’s all the University Interscholastic League needs is to be required to referee high school team members eligibility based on how they “feel” about their gender. The trans bathroom rights track is similar to applying the legality of same sex marriage to the legality of polygamy. At some point in the future, the courts will strike down prohibitions on polygamy as well. I disagree with Falkenberg that Strauss will impede legislation prohibiting restroom access to transgenders. He will let the House have it’s will. I agree with her re: Patrick though. Dan throws the “martyr” card around all the time, and unbelievably people fall for it. Dan knows his bravery on trans bathroom rights (“I don’t care if it costs me my election”) is BS. It’s also embarrassing to Patrick-not that he’s savvy enough to know he should be embarrassed. Texas is a one party state for the near future and this ain’t gonna hurt Dan in the R primary. What a crock. JP
Neither Here Nor There says
What people like the Ms. Falkenberg can’t grasp or refuse to understand that the “Bathroom, showers, etc.” are not solely how it impacts one individual. There are other individuals involved, they are women and girls, that look like women and girls. What about what they think and how it may effect their mental well being?
Not everything is left and right, however, the HERO failed because people regardless of their political affiliations believed it to be wrong.
jerry patterson says
Well said. In other words Obama believes those who are uncomfortable by being in the John w/a trans person don’t have the same rights as a trans person who is uncomfortable being in the John with folks who they don’t “identify” with.
Fr. Christopher Terry, O.P. says
” I agree with her re: Patrick though. Dan throws the “martyr” card around all the time, and unbelievably people fall for it. Dan knows his bravery on trans bathroom rights (“I don’t care if it costs me my election”) is BS. It’s also embarrassing to Patrick-not that he’s savvy enough to know he should be embarrassed. Texas is a one party state for the near future and this ain’t gonna hurt Dan in the R primary. What a crock. JP”
Prussian Neo Nazi eugenics genocidal racist Lisa Falkenberg is in propaganda lock step with Skull and Bone’s Nazi JH Bush’s New World Order of Barbarians Planned Parenthood culture of murder. Falkenberg’s Furher,is Hitlery- the real American Hitler. Lisa in her prize winning columns sieg heils “Abortion Ueber Alles” as a Pulitzer Prize winner Chronicle media shill. As such, Lisa is just as two faced as Jeb! a Hitlery supporter (as GW said, “She’s my sister in law”) and Dan Patrick, playing the martyr card in the race for Lt. Governor.. Patrick cried out that Democrats (actually it was CIA Dave) were spreading rumors about his closeted homosexuality, Patrick, allegedly, as an undercover gay man has been going into men’s bathrooms for over a half century with no one noticing that he is gay except Democrats. So why is not only Falkenberg, but as Falkenberg points out, as it is pointed out that she is doing the same thing, making a political issue out of homosexual men using woman’s bathrooms. And just like unborn children in abortion, girls and women sensitivity and dignity is completely dismissed by Falkenberg in doing so..
Falkenberg won the Prize for exposing the murderous corruption of a decade of no bills against hundreds of Harris County Law Enforcement Officers shooting Texans of all colors, genders, sexual preference, the mentally ill, by Devin and Michael Andersons’ Key Man Grand Jury.
Then Dr.Douglas Karpen comes under indictment by Perry appointed Devon Anderson for ringing the necks of five to nine month aborted alive babies (and selling their intact bodies to Planned Parenthood’s I-45 Gulf Coast Abortion Clinic Third Floor Life Donation Center) Karpen is exonerated, no billed, by AG Abbott, and Devon Anderson after an Infanticide investigation enlisting HPD Homicide Division is completely quashed by Mayor Parker, and all evidence dismissed under oath of secrecy by the Chip Davis/Anderson Key Man Grand Jury. Post Prize Lisa is now a huge supporter of the Key Man Grand Jury corruption that exonerated Karpen. After Devon ran unopposed for re election in the Republican Primary as a reward fro exonerating Karpen, with the complete endorsement of both CIA Dave and Dan Patrick, she exonerated, no billed, Planned Parenthood and indicted Dan Daleiden on Felony and Misdemeanor charges of altering a state document, and attempting to purchase baby parts from Planned Parenthood. I thought the felony was purchasing baby parts, it’s only a misdemeanor!
Falkenburg was ecstatic now with the exoneration of Planned Parenthood, but especially with the indictment by Devon (who says like Abbott and Patrick that she is pro life -Wendy Davis said she is pro life too- and in truth, Wendy Davis is about as pro life as these abortion political profiteers Patrick and Abbott) with Devon’s integrity in just following the evidence, and indicting Daleiden who Falkenberg who won a Pulitzer prize exposing the Anderson’s always no bill and accept no evidence to the contrary, Key Man Grand Juries, calls “No Journalist, but a phony, a fraud”.
The pot calling the pan black!
Dan Patrick stole the Sonogram Bill as a state legislator from another legislator and ran it home because Patrick along with his I am willing to loose every thing to keep people with same sex attraction out of the opposite sex bathrooms (but what about homosexual in their same sex bathrooms and showers-isn’t that as much or more of a violation) because he is “pro life.”
Why did “Pro Life” Dan Patrick say nothing about Devon Anderson’s criminal Key Man Grand Jury exoneration of either Karpen or Planned Parenthood and Indictment of Daleiden. Why is Dan Patrick supporting tacitly the re election of Devon Anderson. Lisa was ecstatic in her praise of Devon’s integrity and her Key Man Grand Jury no bill.
I found out just the other day from a Mid Wife who showed a wonderful You Tube entitled “What Babies Need” (Every one should watch this-it is the most important thing you will ever watch) that Sonogram ultrasound through intense heat and pounding violent sonic vibration in imaging the unborn child in the womb causes devastating birth defects- especially autism. Ten years ago, autism was one in 10, 000. Today with these “Pro Life” abortion political profiteers passing Sonogram Laws that has risen to 1 in 165, and climbing. The same “pro life” abortion profiteers, Perry, Abbott, Patrick, Devon Anderson, who gave us the United Surgical Partners
the fraudulent Out Patient Abortion Clinic Monopoly Law, HB2, who tried to force Guardicil on your eleven year old daughters, and gave us under the “Pro LIfe” crowning bestowed by pro life con woman fraud Elizabeth Graham’s Texas Right to Life PAC, the Sonogram Law, now are willing to lose everything to keep men dressing up as women going into women’s bathrooms. What about closeted homosexual men going into men’s bathrooms Dan Patrick. There is no difference between what Dan Patrick is, a two faced liar, and Lisa Falkenberg.
Hopefully, as the above quote says, people are beginning to see through not just Falkenberg’s murderous duplicity, but “Pro Life” abortion profiteers Abbott, Patrick, Perry, and Devon Anderson’s Falkenberg like muderous duplicity..
Pat Bryan says
“Because there has been plenty of evidence presented that this is in fact a public safety issue”: Provide the evidence. If you cannot, then you are a liar.