Ya gotta love press releases. This one is from the Eric Dick for City Council at Large #2 campaign:
For Immediate Release – Eric Dick for Houston City Council At Large #2 – 713-510-4500 – 4325 Tulsa Road; Houston, Texas 77092; www.ebdick.com
Today Parker has issued a statement that she is going to issue fines to bandit campaign signs.
In response I say the following:
1. Parker is a hypocrite.
The plain truth is that nearly every campaign (Parker’s included) is guilty of putting out campaign signs illegally. Indeed, in 2009 Annise Parker, Peter Brown, and Gene Locke (Parker’s current finance chairman) distributed many illegal campaign signs in highly dangerous areas. Today Melissa Noriega, C.O. Bradford, Chris Carmona, J. Brad Batteau, Scott Boates, and Fernando Herrera all have campaign signs out illegally.
2. Parker is a bully.
Here Parker is seeking to fine campaigns opposing her personal agenda. For example, my campaign has been very critical of her overthrowing the will of the people when she turned back on (and sought to expand) the red light cameras.
I am personally opposed to the red light cameras due to ATS reducing yellow light timing in order to increase violations. Furthermore, my campaign has been critical of her leadership with her forced Historical Districts and the Wal-Mart 380 Agreement in the Heights area.
3. Parker has a conflict of interest.
Obviously there is an inherent conflict of interest in having the mayor issue fines to campaigns that oppose her views. In fact any fines issued to City of Houston candidates should only be issued by Harris County or an entity that has no affiliation with the City of Houston.
I will note that personally I have nothing against Parker or her lifestyle choice. In fact, the Log Cabin has endorsed me. It is my belief that government should be kept out of our personal lives and pocket books.
I kinda like this guy because he isn't afraid to get out there and fight. Oh, and he's also very creative.
Not sure what is creative about breaking the law or damaging dozens of poles. This coming from Dick who donated to Parkers campaign this year and in 2009. We all have seen bandit signs and many are placed by overzealous or under trained volunteers. His went way beyond that. It's time to take them down. There should be a full investigation. He has money to have a free beer, free BBQ, and free margaritas event then he should have the money to take the signs down. What will the jury say when a worker falls taking down Mr. Dicks sign and sues him.
After having a COH employee trespass on my property and interfere with my First Amendment political speech I am in agreement that Parker is a bully………http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWsW0-KtI0s
why is it that as a city we sit and focus on these small details like sign placement? There has never been a candidate that has followed city ordinance for placing their advertisements around town and age this election it will continue to happen. Why not turn to the larger issues we have around town and the small stuff like this will work itself out in time. focus on the homeless issue, the local houston economy, the hideous high rise condos that go up and rape the history and character from our city by demolishing the areas around them and running local small business away. With many more issues we have in our city we would rather give heed to gripes of sign placement or glorify people who pride themselves on painting over these signs like it will be our downfall. Yes signs can be an issue but a very small one compared to other problems we face. Let’s learn to prioritize and attack rather than whine about smaller picture issues. Since the issue of signs is not a new one, and no matter the amount of gripes honestly isn’t going anywhere, let’s look at the issues and candidates since this is really what politics about.
What if he gets an election(ahem) victory and Mayor Parker has to call his name…..or worse yet they get into an argument in Council Chambers
There's two philosophies to life.
1. Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff.
2. Take care of the details and the big things will automatically happen.
I'm a believer of the second philosophy.
As you say, there's never been a candidate that followed the city ordinance. That actually seems to be the problem: selective enforcement of the law. If they can't or won't follow the law why would want them making the laws?