Press release from the Dan Crenshaw campaign:
The campaign is heating up, and I would like to give you an update on our incredible progress.
Early on, I was told by “experts” that we would not be able to overcome the entrenched political interests in Harris County, and the massive self-funders trying to buy the election. They were wrong.
We have an excellent chance of making the run-off on March 6th. We blew through ALL of our yard signs much faster than expected. They are all over the district. We have 150 large banners in strategic locations throughout the district that are reaching THOUSANDS of voters daily. Everywhere I go I am recognized by voters and encouraged to win this election. Our next mailer will reach Republican voters early next week, with more to come during early voting.
We have had 10 successful meet and greets already, with many more to come. The latest candidate forum at the Harris County Republican Party was a huge success for us, and gave me the chance to stand out from the competition. See a clip from that night here:
Harris County Republican Party Candidate Forum
As we make our final push into early voting, I promise you that I will work harder than any other candidate. In fact, I will be showing my dedication to the district by literally running 100 miles through the district from Feb 20th-24th. We will be working with local volunteer groups to shed light on Harvey-devastated neighborhoods that are still rebuilding, and raise money for their cause. It is so important to me to help constituents NOW, and not wait until I am in Congress.
I need your help to get across the finish line. Please donate what you can, as every little bit helps, and we will not waste your generosity. We need to pay for more direct mail, additional signs, digital ads, and radio commercials. This is a team effort and I need your help to complete the mission. The priorities that Texans care about are at stake like never before – border security, free enterprise, and defending our Judeo-Christian values. We need lions in Congress, and I pledge to be the leader you can all be proud of.
Dan Crenshaw
Lieutenant Commander, USN, Retired
Dan Crenshaw for Congress
My campaign ad is live, and going out across the district! Please watch it and share it with your friends and family via email, facebook, twitter, and youtube. We need YOUR HELP to win in Congressional District 2!
2018 HCRP Primary Congressional District 2
Guns and Cigars – the Dan Crenshaw for Congress campaign
HYR CD2 candidate forum: Kathaleen Wall walkout, Kevin Roberts no show
While your service to this country in the Military is commendable, Your lack of political experience and involvement in the district is concerning……. DC is quite different from the battlefields….a lot more treacherous!