I received an interesting email from the Ken Paxton campaign this morning. It’s the first one that I have received that has him attacking Eva Guzman in his quest to remain the Texas Attorney General. Why?
It’s easy at first glance to think that she is gaining on him in the polls. I doubt that. Sure, she may have gained a few points in polling with her television advertising blitz but she isn’t playing to be the front runner, she’s trying to get into a runoff. So why would Paxton start attacking her?
First, here is a body of Paxton’s email:
Theme of the Day: Eva Guzman Is Too Woke for Texas
Eva Guzman was “woke” before many progressives even caught on to the popular trend.
~ In 2016, Eva Guzman led the planning efforts for a taxpayer-funded “woke” gathering called Beyond the Bench: Law, Justice, and Communities Summit, an event particularly focused on “racial” and “implicit” bias in the criminal justice system and promoting the principles best known now as “Critical Race Theory.”
~ The conference attendees and hosts developed a list of controversial “Big Ideas” to “spur action,” ideas that come from the woke ideology that is now pervasive, such as mandating training on the cognitive and implicit bias from “all stakeholders in the criminal justice system.”
~ While parents worry that their children will be subjected to divisive “Critical Race Theory” programs that seek to divide us further on racial lines, Eva Guzman’s conference suggested as one of their top five “Big Ideas” developing an app geared towards children to recognize bias at “a really young age.”
~ Another highly ranked suggestion outlined by the conference Guzman hosted was to require every institution “to have a racial and bias audit that is public for accountability.”
Here’s the bottom line: Texans can’t trust Eva Guzman to defend our conservative values because Eva Guzman simply doesn’t share our values at all. Her “woke” agenda has no place in Texas.
Here’s where Team Paxton needs your help. We need you to share Eva Guzman’s woke record with your friends and followers on social media. Share the suggested post above on your social media accounts and make sure this critical update makes it across the Lone Star State. We need to make sure conservatives across Texas know the truth about Eva Guzman before the upcoming primary on Tuesday.
Pol. Adv. Paid for by the Ken Paxton Campaign
His campaign also produced a Facebook video on Guzman’s wokeness.
Okay, so Guzman is woke. Or maybe she’s just a Latina that was trying to prove that she was not the typical Republican. Who knows?
The more interesting thing to me is how campaigns work in the final days of an election cycle. The email above is based on an “article” on Townhall.com titled Republican Primary Challenger to Texas AG Helped Organize Summit Promoting CRT Ideas on ‘Implicit Bias’ by Rebecca Downs which clearly comes from oppo research handed to Ms. Downs by the Paxton campaign. Once again a campaign is using Townhall.com to push their talking points. Why does Townhall continue to do that? Content, what else?
And back to the question, why? In talking to several ‘insiders’ (not from the Paxton campaign) the latest polling is showing that Paxton isn’t going to make the 50% plus 1 vote to avoid a runoff.
The polling also shows that Guzman is sneaking up on George P. Bush for second place and that Gohmert remains at the back of the pack.
If those polls are accurate, it’s pretty clear that Paxton would rather face Pee Bush in the runoff. Pee is so far removed from the grassroots level of Texas politics that if he does squeak into a runoff with Paxton, he’ll get blown back to Florida where he belongs.
On the other hand, Guzman might well have a shot at Paxton in a runoff. Paxton’s ethical problems are clearly on the minds of Texas Republicans if he does get dragged into a runoff. Traditionally, the most conservative person in a statewide Republican primary usually wins (see Cruz, Patrick). But between those ethical problems and Guzman’s ability to get funding from the more liberal/moderate contributors in the Republican Party, she might be able to put a scare into him or in a longshot actually win the runoff in an upset.
I wouldn’t bank on her winning but it is plausible. It’s also plausible that by attacking Guzman now he can pull a few votes away from her and avoid a runoff altogether. I don’t see that one happing but again, who knows?
DanMan says
I have always liked Louis Gohmert but his commercial made it easy to reject him in the primary. Bush ain’t going anywhere. The ethics and indictments related to Paxton sure haven’t slowed his epic pace.
We changed the law in Texas to keep Austin’s DA from suing every republican in office. I believe that change required the indicted statesman would be tried in the jurisdiction he served or came from. Didn’t the DA in Collin County stop the trial because the two Houston attorneys trying the case were bilking the whey out of the Collin County coffers with $500/hr fees and no movement in the case? It’s been going on so long it would seem the statute of limitations would kick in.
David Jennings says
Paxton has delayed that particular investigation with various legal maneuvering including the one you cite. No statute of limitations on an already filed charge.
Then there are the current investigations, including one by the. FBI. Then there is the affair.
So yeah, Paxton has multiple ethics problems. But like I said on my ballot post, I’ll be voting for him. Didn’t know. about Guzman’s woke thing but that makes my vote certain.
foolme says
Remenber in 2016 her reversal on the Greater Houston Partnership/Jemkins public information case?
Gale M Sayers says
Her response…:The conference Ken Paxton is lying about was sponsored by the Texas Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, two of the most conservative courts in our country. The Courts called for this “listening session” in response to the murder of five Dallas Police Officers in 2016. Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht knew my husband served on the Houston police force for thirty-seven years and asked for my help.
The governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general all sent representatives to the conference. Ken Paxton said nothing at the time and has said nothing for the last six years.
In fact, I’m the one who’s been looking out for Texas school children, which you can read about in this article.
In these closing days of this Republican primary, Paxton and Bush are threatened by my candidacy and have resorted to the lowest campaign tactics – bald-faced lies.
I won’t stand for it, and I know you won’t either. Please share this message with your friends and family and remind them to vote for Eva Guzman if they want a conservative, experienced, and honest Attorney General for Texas.”
Bill Daniels says
Are you talking about the same FBI that seem to be compulsive liars and criminals? Same FBI who participated in spying on and sabotaging a presidential candidate and then a president?
Every single person in the FBI should be put on a Brady list of people NOT to be trusted to testify about anything.
Paxton has brought us deliverables. I’m ridin’ with Paxton. I like Louie Gohmert, but I’d prefer to see him primary Cornyn. I wish he hadn’t jumped into the AG ring.
Belleauskye says
We have to be careful with all the liberals choosing to be rhinos by lying about their true stance. So, “republican” and “conservative” in campaigns means nothing. While I feel Paxton and Abbot drug their feet on this whole plandemic, they did finally do what was right. We can’t let their slight weakness cause us to vote for a rhino! Louie Gohmert would be best AG for Texas based on his tried and true conservative leadership…but there’s too many ???s about who Guzman really is, so we gotta stick with Paxton. The Bush dude is a noncompetitor, we’ve all had enough of the Bushes. I’d vote for bozo Beto b4 I’d vote for another Bush. Just be wise people…Guzman’s rush out of the Supreme Court to run against Paxton just stinks like Soros shenanigans to me. God Bless you all, Texas, and America!