This in from former Harris County District Clerk and current Republican candidate for Tax Assessor Collector Chris Daniel:
For Immediate Release
Multiple Election Judges are reporting issues with the IPad system of the County Clerk Office: Voters who have already voted by mail early (or been sent a ballot by mail) are NOT showing up in the system. This allows for a voter to have their vote recorded twice under the current practices of the clerk and the election judges, without reconciliation.
This is a recurring problem that took three days to fix this past fall during the City of Houston elections.
In an egregious error between both the Tax Assessor Collector and the County Clerk Offices, Voters registered with the Tax Office are in some cases NOT showing up in the poll books at the early voting polls. This is not only slowing down the tasks at the polls by having to have the election workers to call the Tax Office and verify these voters with voter registration cards in hand, are indeed valid voters, but again opens the door for multiple votes to be taken at multiple polls without reconciliation (since they are not in the poll book to begin with).
It’s time we had competent officials in charge of our voting system and poll books. Every vote must count and no extra votes should be taken, nor should any voter be denied the proper right to vote.
Who: The County Clerk and Tax Assessor
WHAT: Registered Voters Not included in poll books and mail voters not being listed as having already voted or sent a ballot
When: NOW through early voting
Contact: Chris Daniel 281-682-8710, texas.daniel
Chris also sent this information:
Discrepancies Reported From Early Voting Locations
February 18, 2020
Reporting Locations:
1. SRD 141H Octavia Fields Public Library
2. SRD 150L Lone Star College Creekside
3. SRD 146F Fiesta Mart on KirbyMissing Mail Ballot Data
Election Judges at #1 and #2 above both reported voters entering the polling place carrying their mail ballots with carrier envelopes. The voters wanted to surrender their mail ballots and vote in person.
When election staff scanned the voters’ driver’s licenses, the voters were in the county clerk’s system. However, the system did NOT show that the voters had requested mail ballots. The voters surrendered their mail ballots and voted in person.
If the county clerk has not properly loaded the mail ballot information into their system, then these voters could have voted by mail and again in person. The same problem was noted for the first 2.5 days of early voting for the November 5 election.
Missing Voter Information in the Electronic Poll Books
All three locations above reported voters entering with current voter registration cards and proper photo ID. However, the voters could not be found in the county clerk’s electronic poll book system. Election workers contacted the county voter registrar and confirmed that the voters were legally registered voters in Harris County and eligible to vote in this election. They then contacted the county clerk who advised the election workers on which ballot style to present to the voters and directed the election workers to place these voters on the “omissions form.”
The problem with this is that placing the voters on an omissions form does not place them into the county clerk’s system as having already voted in this election. It is possible for these voters to vote multiple times in this election, following the same process as reported above.
I’m sure illegal voters are still on the rolls.
Is anyone surprised? Elections do have consequences. Unfortunately, the voters of the democrat party have a reputation for electing unqualified candidates. Not to say that the republicans don’t occasionally do the same. These aren’t the only newly elected officials that have problems.
Democrats have stolen elections by hook and crook for more than 50 years. Time to clean house Houston. Vote the bums out, all of them. Democrats=crooks, liars, cheats.
Pass this to the candidates campaign office! November is a train wreck in the works.
I can remember in 2016, someone from the inside circumvented mail in ballot requests that were confiscated from within, and either kept or mailing addresses were changed. Registered voters were denied their vote because someone had already voted for them via mail.
Now this Party is running the show with little to no Republican staff.
Someone from the Secretary of State better yet federal level needs to intervene.
We need to look at exceptions and waivers. We need to recognize that our system is under attack. I think we have an excellent system in play with some bad errors of judgement.
How will I know if my mail in vote will be counted?
This is an outrageous problem!
The Dumbocratics are cheating Americans again!
Federal observer
watch Harris County mimic Philly with some precincts having produce more votes than they have people registered to vote.
No surprise that the candidate running for Tax Assessor Collector is going to claim there are problems. If Chris Daniels, Alan Vera, et all don’t work for the County or as election judges how do they know this information is true?
They know its true because of first hand knowledge from voters who have called the party, from their own Assistant Supervisors and at the Early Voting sites who have reported these problems to the party and to the Elections Division of the County Clerk’s office and from personal communications with the Elections Division. It’s true. I have heard that the Elections Division loaded the wrong database from the beginning of 2019. Many people have since moved and updated their voter registrations. They received the correct registration card, but since the updated database wasn’t loaded, they weren’t in the system or were listed in the system in wrong precinct which means wrong ballot. Democrat party disenfranchising many Early Voters, same thing happened first 3 days of Early Voting this past October. You’d think they’d learn by their previous mistakes. Gross incompetence.