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For Immediate Release
Contact: Melissa Herrera 832-499-6469
[email protected]
Maria Espinoza, a Houston Republican and National Anti-illegal Immigration Leader, Announces Congressional Run
Houston Republican and national anti-illegal immigration leader Maria Espinoza filed today as a candidate for Texas’s 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. John Culberson currently holds the seat.
“Career politicians and Washington bureaucrats are leading America in the wrong direction,” Espinoza said. “We need true conservatives in Congress, people with the boldness to stand for what is right, not just some of the time, but all of the time.”
“I won’t just talk like a conservative during the election season,” Espinoza said. “I am a proven champion for Constitutional governance, individual liberty and the Rule of Law. I have boldly faced down attacks from the Liberal Left, and even Establishment figures in my own party, to speak the truth about the crises facing our country, especially on the issues of border security and immigration.”
“I will take that same strength of conviction to Washington, standing up for our conservative values and American families,” Espinoza said.
Leadership Record
Espinoza is the Co-founder and National Director for The Remembrance Project (, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation, that advocates for the families of Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens. On May 7, 2014, she faced down Eric Holder, Obama’s first notorious Attorney General, and in a separate private meeting, she met with U.S. Department to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. Her message: Obama must enforce current laws on immigration to protect American families from the illegal criminal and terrorist invasion across our border. Both meetings were attended by family members of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who was murdered with a weapon identified as allegedly being from the illegal Obama/Holder “Fast & Furious” gun-running debacle.
In June of this year, in response to the national media’s mis-reprentation of Hispanic Americans’ allegiance to America, Maria envisioned and innaugurated a new initiative, America First Latinos (, an organization giving a voice to patriotic, conservative Americans of Latino heritage who favor strict border enforcement.
Maria has appeared before numerous Texas House and Senate Committees and work groups, spoken in many state Capitols and established Remembrance Project affiliates in over 30 states. She is the former President of Eagle Forum – Houston.
A 6th generation Texan on her mother’s side, Espinoza’s father was born in Mexico and legally emigrated to Texas in the mid 1950’s. Espinoza was an All-American Track Star at Abilene Christian University and studied Business Administration. She eventually settled in Houston, starting a career in the legal and real estate fields. She and her husband Tim, a civil engineer, now live in west Houston, and they have three adult children.
Career Politician Opponent
Espinoza’s opponent, John Culberson, has been in Washington since 2001. Culberson has spent virtually his entire adult life in politics, winning election to the Texas State House while he was still a law student, then jumping directly from the Texas Legislature to Congress.
“Culberson is now part of the problem in Washington, not the solution,” Espinoza said. “Fourteen years in Congress is long enough. Conservatives can no longer count on Culberson.”
Culberson’s Conservative Review Liberty Score is 62{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986}, a D-minus rating that Espinoza says is very much deserved.
Espinoza cited Culberson’s absence in the fight on key issues, from runaway spending and debt, to stopping amnesty and sanctuary cities for illegal aliens, to defunding Planned Parenthood. All of these votes are cited on Espinoza’s website,
“Culberson just isn’t working any more. In fact, last year, he missed the second most votes of any Texas Congressman and was among the bottom ten percent of all members of Congress for missed votes,” Espinoza said.
“It’s time for new energy, fresh commitment and strong conservative values in our Congressman,” Espinoza said. “It’s time for a bold new leader who will fight the tough fights, who will stand up and be counted for our conservative values. That’s the leader I will be.”
The Remembrance Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donation will help us build more Stolen Lives Quilts, continue revealing the truth and placing American families first.
The Remembrance Project
The Remembrance Project
PO Box 440548
Houston, TX 77244-0548
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The Remembrance Project
PO Box 440548
Houston, TX 77244
Voter says
The last time a personally ambitious Tea Party activist challenged Culberson using the same type of misleading statistics, advertising them in a district wide campaign, that person received roughly 10{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the primary vote. That’s because CD7 voters know Culberson to be one of the most consistently conservative members on Congress, who has been among the most creative in using the power of the purse to fight back against many of President Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional mandates. A newly elected Member of Congress would wield little more than hot air compared to the real power to make a difference that Culberson has accumulated through his seniority and powerful committee assignments. If you want to know where Culberson’s values are, note that he was the first member of Congress to endorse Ted Cruz for President when Cruz’s standing in the polls was even lower than his popularity with the Washington establishment. That’s hardly indicative of an establishment insider. Move along, nothing to see here. says
Rep.Culberson voted to give Obama more power and fast track Obamatrade, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
This so-called free trade treaty is giveaway for insiders, and a trojan horse for more immigration and Obama’s ‘climate change’ agenda.
Senator jeff Sessions is fighting against Obamatrade, but Culberson voted to put it on a fast track – meaning Congress can;t amend the horrible deal Obama has negotiated, and the Senate cannot filibuster it.
That’s hardly the conservative thing to do. What a fraud.
Dan Lan says
“Nothing to see here.” ?
Along with Maria, James Lloyd (Judge Lloyds son) has filed.
70{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the Iowa polled are supporting non-GOPe candidates. That sentiment is strong here also. We should expect a surge of “anti” voters in March.
The real problem for Culberson is that no one actively supports him. While there are many who are strongly opposed to him, the best I’ve heard are some “He’s OK” and “He’s not so bad” sentiments in his favor. I don’t think he’ll win a runoff either.
Steven Dailey says
I have attended every Town Hall meeting in West University Place where John Culberson has appeared. He defends his record just as McConnell, Boehner and the others do. We have believed his lies and have supported him for every term. He has consistently voted with the Democrats for the last four sessions and has totally lost credibility. Another RINO that has to go. I will work hard for Maria. This may be her time.
ConservativePnoza says
Steven, go to Maria’s website and you can sign up to volunteer and donate…and share with your friends and family.
She’s also on Facebook,
We have to keep fighting the good fight!
Manuel Barrera says
Don’t live in that district, but her mother gained three generations of living in Texas from a previous post by Ms. Maria Espinoza Lyng.
Probably just a typo on one of the posts.
Ed Vidal says
Go Maria. Culberson is a slippery RINO. You have the testosterone advantage in this race.
Culberson makes a good argument for term limits – – 10 years for Congressmen.
Manuel Barrera says
Ed I agree with term limits, I voted for Kay Bailey because she promised to serve only two terms. She was reelected to a third, but not with my vote. I think we have a lot of Republicans that talk a good term limits game but once elected change their minds. I did not notice that she was promising to limit her time if elected, is she?
Karen says
Anyone who has gone to one of Culberson’s recent town hall meetings held in the district will know that his constituents are not too happy with his record. I’ve been to the last 2, and he was doing some serious tap dancing with his answers.
Ed Vidal says
Tap dancing is a polite way to put it. Listen to his interview with Matt Patrick on radio AM740, where he asked for reinforcements in Congress, then when we sent reinforcements, he still folded and voted for CRomnibus.
He has been in Congress for 14 years and become part of the Washington Cartel. Time for a change.
William Harney says
Culberson is a RINO liar; he sent out an e-mail to explain that he didn’t do what he did; he voted to fund Obama’s executive amnesty by supporting the Chromnus spending bill (a Continuing Resolution); he is bot and paid for by the same folks that support JEB, and the other ‘establishment’ candidates…….I’ll support her with $$ and time. He lies and when he gets caught, he brings up how he went to bat against the VA….what a crock.
ConservativePnoza says
Visit her website or her Facebook page I know they’re looking for donations and volunteers. It’s an uphill battle but I know we ca get these RINO’s out of office this election! says
Rep. Culberson voted to give Obama more power and fast track Obamatrade, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
This so-called free trade treaty is giveaway for insiders, and a trojan horse for more immigration and Obama’s ‘climate change’ agenda.
Senator jeff Sessions is fighting against Obamatrade, but Culberson voted to put it on a fast track – meaning Congress can’t amend the horrible deal Obama has negotiated, and the Senate cannot filibuster it.
Basically, Culberson supplied the grease so Obama can ram this Obamatrade thing through Congress. What a fraud. says
Rep. Culberson supplied the grease so Obama can ram Obamatrade through Congress.
In June, Sen. Jeff Sessions warned that giving Obama “fast track” trade promotion authority would make it easier for Obama to push the TRansPacific Partnership, TPP.
TPP sets up a European Union-style international regulatory bureaucracy that will rewrite our immigration laws and impose climate change rules on our economy.
Donald Trump said fast track and the TransPacific Partnership are a bad bad deal.
Culberson chose to follow Obama rather than Senator Sessions and Cruz and voted to fast track this bad bad deal.
Carol says
I, too have been to many of Rep. Culberson’s town halls over the last five years. It is my recollection he did not have many town hall meetings until the Tea Party movement arose. After that, every one that he had he spent most of the time whipping out his wallet and bragging that he would use the power of the purse to stop the excesses of President Obama. Then he went back to Washington, D.C. and voted pretty much in lock step with whatever John Boehner wanted! In 12/2014 he voted to pass the $1..1 TRILLION spending bill that also included funding for Obama’s executive amnesty program. This was after voting to spend $45 billion OVER what the Budget Control Act allowed! Then in 10/2015 he voted to pass another spending bill that raised the debt by $1.5 Trillion and increased spending. He has been in Washington too long.
Dan Golvach says
I am the father of Spencer Golvach. who was gunned down on Jan 31 2015 while sitting at a red light op magnum and 18 th in Houston. The killer was a four time deported illegal alien with a long history of violence and lawlessness in our country.
I have had the great honor to work along side of Maria in various arenas pertaining to this issue. Both in Austin and DC. If you want someone who is through the roof intelligent and will NOT be bought off, you have an opportunity with this great woman.
She has my full endorsement.
Go to if you would like to actually do something about what’s happening to our country
Greg Espinoza says
Go Sis go. I know you are a REAL person, you are and do what you say. Our Gov should be run by everyday people like us, not career politicians. They have put us in this mess.