Hey, as long as I’m talking about the bloggers o’ the left, I might as well talk about the Big Dog, Charles Kuffner. Kuffner has made a name for himself with the bloggers o’ the left by pretending to be all for diversity and such. Well, whomever writes over at InsideHCC calls him out for his hypocrisy:
Off the Kuff and Racists comments?
Off the Kuff is a blog from the far left with its’ bias certainly apparent to most people that visit it. The problem with too many far left blogs is that they don’t see their own racist attitudes. Here is an article where the writer makes what I consider a racist comment but is not taken to task by its’ readers. This is what the writer wrote “I have no idea why Keryl Douglas thinks she can be elected Mayor, but then the same can be said for everyone not named Annise Parker and Ben Hall. Speaking of whom, you have to figure Hall is not happy about this. Douglas will be competing with him directly for African-American voters. I’m sure he’d prefer to not have that competition…” Why is that the Black person has to worry about another Black running but a Caucasian (White) does not have to worry about another White person? Is Kuff suggesting that Blacks only vote for Blacks and Whites don’t (has the blog writer seen the makeup of the Republican Party? Annise Parker is White, should she worry that at least two of her opponents are White? Would she have to worry if a woman was running? There is a woman running Keryl Douglas is an African-American female? Would Parker have to worry if a homosexual or lesbian was also running?
When Manuel Rodriguez brought up the subject of his opponent being homosexual this is what the Off the Kuff Blog had to say ” I agree with all these reactions. Rodriguez didn’t admit to doing anything wrong – his “apology” amounts to little more than “I’m sorry if someone was offended by what I said” – and didn’t say what if anything he might do to atone for his words. Talk is cheap. Rodriguez has shown us who he is, now he needs to show us – not tell us – that he intends to be better than that.” Where is the apology for the racist comment Off The Kuff?
Yeah, Big Dog, where’s the apology?
Hint to InsideHCC: don’t hold your breath. Big Dog is so full of white guilt that you would think he would apologize but having seen his work through the years, he won’t even bother to acknowledge you. He’s the Big Dog, ya know? He and his little minions type hate from their keyboards every day but if someone calls them out on it, they go running into hiding. Or whine incessantly like the did to me.
Just remember folks – when the left feigns diversity, they only mean it if those diverse ones stay in their place. Or in Big Dog’s world, vote for their own kind. Why, exactly, do you think that they are so supportive of abortion when the facts are that abortion kills more minority babies than white ones?
Aw, whenever I see "Leftist Blog" I think there's a chance I could be the one getting some good traffic for the day. Oh well, back to the Elders of Zion meeting with George Soros, Bill Maher and Saul Alinsky.
LMAO. Stop picking fights with kids that are bigger than you.