Heck of a title, eh? Coming from me, I mean. After all of the criticism I’ve leveled at Harris County Republican Party Chair Jared Woodfill through the years, why on earth would I support his re-election? Frankly, after a week of pulling myself in all directions contemplating my vote, writing this post is really very easy because it comes down to one thing: I think that Jared Woodfill the best candidate on the ballot this year. And even though my public support for him will come with much hatred and vitriol from his opponent’s supporters, the shibboleth in the BJP logo means what it says.
As I’ve written many times, there are two parts to the job of HCRP chairperson. One is communication, the other is organization. Because of the structure of the organization, I think that the communication part of the job is the most critical and thus give more weight to it when comparing the candidates. And as I’ve also written many times, I think that Jared excels at representing the party and its ideals to the public. Those ideals are not popular with the mainstream press but Jared is able to defend the party’s positions without coming across as mean spirited or petty. I shudder to think what would happen if we had a messenger that did not have the ability to do that. And in this specific race, against this specific opponent, the difference between the two men in their ability to articulate the party’s positions couldn’t be clearer.
As to the organization side, I think that Jared has allowed one geographic area of the party to dominate the discussion. But Jared didn’t do that alone and it is far more complex than simply pointing to those in leadership and complaining about the lack of representation from other areas. The precinct chairs in other areas must acknowledge and accept that they could have just as much power if they worked as hard. In fact, we are seeing the precinct chairs from other areas now working just as hard and that is one of the sources of tension in the party. Transitions of power are never easy and as other areas of Harris County gain more forceful precinct chairs and begin to grow in influence in the HCRP, the Northwest side is going to see their influence wane. That is actually a very good development for the party and whomever the chair is will not be able to change that dynamic. We will become more diverse because Harris County is too diverse to let one demographic or geographic area dominate it.
As for “pay-to-play”, no one has written more about it and been more vocal about it than me. And although the slates started shortly before Jared took over, it is true that the system flourished while he has been chair. But the development of this system has been organic and is driven not by Jared but by the success that three slates have had. Their success comes from their own hard work and intelligence in targeting specific voters and from overall voter apathy.
I am very happy that more voters are taking notice of this for-profit system and that we are closer to reaching a critical mass as far as reducing the power and influence that three slates have had on the party. You know exactly what I mean if you have been opening your mailbox or reading the Endorsement Matrix. Diluting their market share while at the same time continuing to hammer home the fact that candidates pay for these “ads” will, I think, result in a more level playing field over time and reduce the influence of the “Big 3”.
The whole fight about “pay-to-play” and Jared’s challenger making it an issue and pretending that he has been on the front lines of the fight has really turned me away from his campaign. In his own words, on January 8th of this year, less than eight weeks before voting, Paul Simpson told one of the “Big 3”, Terry Lowry, that “pay-to-play” wasn’t his fight. Here is his exact quote:
As you well know there are people out there that take issue with your system – that’s their fight.
And in the same interview, Paul Simpson said:
I’ll buy an ad from you and I don’t know what you’re gonna do in my race, that’s the way it is.
Click here to read more about that. Not only did he say those things, he entered into an agreement with Lowry to purchase a $10,000 ad, paying $5,000 up front and promising another $5,000 later. Then he reneged on the second half of the payment after Lowry endorsed Jared. In less than two years, Simpson has paid Terry Lowry $16,575, not counting the $5,000 he reneged on:
It is blatant hypocrisy to claim that you are the one to end the pay-to-play system when you say publicly that it is not your fight and you have been and continue to be a player in it, as recently as two months ago. It is the equivalent of a gambler putting down his money to win a big prize, losing the bet, and then campaigning against gambling.
Another area that Jared has pointed out about Paul is that he refused to pitch in and help after the first fight for chair we had in 2010. Paul and his supporters deflect this by saying that he worked on his own, with campaigns and in developing precinct chair tools outside the party. Well, that is all well and good but it simply illustrates Paul’s way of thinking – if I can’t get my way, I’ll go somewhere else. You see it in the Lowry quotes above and I personally experienced it in 2010 when Paul took his ball and went home, refusing to help the Ed Hubbard campaign in the runoff with Jared. If Paul really thought that Jared was bad for the party, why would he do that? Perhaps so that he could run again in 2012 and 2014? Folks, this is a volunteer, unpaid position that needs someone that is a team player, someone willing to work for the good of all, even if it means your ambition must be throttled.
Like I said at the start of this post, I get that I’ll be roasted by Paul’s supporters. And if Paul wins, I’ll be shut out and his administration will not be friendly towards me or BJP. That’s not really a loss because I’m already shut out and voting for Jared Woodfill isn’t going to change that. But it would by hypocritical on my own part if I went into a voting booth and voted for Jared Woodfill without telling you about it and why.
So, I’ll be voting for Jared and I think that if you isolate yourself from the rhetoric and make a calm, rational decision, you too will come to the conclusion that Jared Woodfill is the best candidate to move the party forward in this election. And I’ll still be here criticizing him when I think he needs to be criticized, and helping him understand that the party must become more diverse if we are to maintain our influence and make a difference for our grandchildren.
Website: JaredWoodfill.com
Silent Archer says
As Charles Kuffner wrote on his blog, “I’m just going to say this: Most Democrats I know are rooting for Woodfill to win. Those of you that vote in the Republican primary, make of that what you will.”
David Jennings says
Silent Archer, all I can say is that I never base my decisions on the thoughts of vulgar LibDem’s. Make of that what you will.
Eric Dick says
LOL! Looks like David Jennings will miss talking smack about Jared.
David Jennings says
Eric Dick,
I guess you didn’t read the post. But that is par for the course and better than your comment on Facebook. Cheers.
Eric Dick says
I read your entire post and agree with Alvin Walker in that you are off your meds again.
Secretly, I have a hunch that you are supporting Jared because you will miss bashing him on your blog.
Enjoy the beautiful Sunday!
Activist says
So, why the photo with Rafael Cruz? Jared was not a Cruz supporter until after he won the Primary? Paul Simpson was among the first Cruz supporters who got onboard as matter of principle when Cruz was considerred to barely have a chance at winning. In fact, I was there on election night when Jared was denied access to the private suite for Cruz family and supporters. So, why use the Cruz brand to promote Jared? I respect your right to pick and promote the candidate of your choosing, but is using such a photo in an endorsement announcement a fair statement?
Small Government Conservative says
I’ve been a fan of your blog for quite a while, but lately you’ve been off the reservation, and the departure is such that it even makes me speculate about possibilities of financial kick-backs; a serious, unfounded allegation, but that’s how ridiculous your posts have become. A party chair is not a candidate in the general election. A party chair is barely known to the general electorate. A party chair’s “communication skills” do not win elections for the party- the communication skills of individual candidates do. A party chair is meant to improve organization, not persuade Independent voters. You claim disgust at the direction of the party, yet support the status quo. Fascinating. You boggle the mind of late.
David Jennings says
Small Government Conservative,
I sure wish I knew where to pick up those financial kickbacks. Could you perhaps tell me where to go? I’d love to have the money.
Dave says
Small Government Conservative,
I don’t always agree with David Jennings but I can assure you that he has thought this out and if you read the article I think that you’ll understand his reasons, no matter if you agree with them or not.
Jack O'Connor says
You have softened your image on Facebook by showing the true meaning of the better half. I also see that you have used the expression “cheers” on signing off to a comment. Good picks on Harris County Department of Ed. I think you have come a long way but there is some softness forming around you brain and the results are showing.
Yes, I read your post and understood your rationale. It is faulty because you way under estimate the issue and value of organization which includes Jared’s questionable handling of the HCRP’s budget, financing, and expenses in years past. Most concerning is who he has promoted as his wing and hatchet men with regards to social issues. One could forgive his lapse in judgement in choosing the right spokespeople for the Party in the years past. Jared has been busy with a large effort in a suit as a plaintiff’s attorney and the subsequent fall out of failing to get a settlement that would even pay interest on his millons in loans. I liken his Republican Chair activities picking up in only the months preceding the election for chair to ………..
sliding into home but missing all the bases after winning the last election.
We…I mean we all like Jared in some way but the HCRP needs change. Some of Jared’s social spokespersons as well as his own words have condemed people who do not agree with him completely. Listening to someone invoking Bible quotes on those on who want a change in the leadership of the Party here, and who I know to be of strong Christian conservative faith, is beyond misguided. It has driven decent and intelligent people away from the HCRP for losing its credibilty as a conservative venue. Being reactionary is not being conservative.
It appears that a recent quote from your competition at the Chronicle, Charles Kuffner, may have triggered your coming out for Jared. I agree with both….”knowledge is good” and “truth matters”.
Paul Simpson for HCRP Chair!
David Jennings says
Why do you continue to torture yourself? Just go read somewhere else – it’ll be better for your health, especially your mental health and trust me, after reading that drivel, you really need help in that area. As for my “competition”, I’m like a golfer – the only competition I have is me against the course. Think about that. 😉
Paul Kubosh says
I have to ask. Where does Raddock stand in this election? I guess from your post he must be behind Simpson?
Jack O'Connor says
David….you lash out when someone hits a sensitive chord. You are the one that appears to be tortured and you just cannot take criticism. As a matter of fact…some people have said to me let up on David, he is getting out of sorts. If you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen. You like to go against the tide and then rationalizing your convoluted logic. Like hitting a ball behind a tree and the having to make a grandiose shot to redeem yourself. I acknowledge that you have been on target a number of times. Your better half is your better half and you are proud of it. All I said was that your logic on the HCRP race is faulty and you respond with nasty comments. You can delete my comments or undo my access to BJP if you like. If you want me to say “respectively” before I disagree with you look elsewhere for comfort.
Paul Simpson for County Chair!
Paul Kubosh…..how can you make the Raddack connection to Paul Simpson in my post? It appears that you want to have the people who do not like Raddack not vote for Simpson. You have become exceptional at the political game but maybe I am wrong. You should ask Raddack where he stands. Where do you stand on the HCRP Chair? I know where Ed Emmett is coming from. I am just a citizen who reads and listens. I am free to express my opinions. N’est pas.
Paul Simpson for County Chair!
Wisdom comes from truth and knowledge…….
Rhymes W. Right says
Like I said – I’ve seen this one coming for a while now. I think you’ve gotten it wrong, but I don’t doubt your integrity.
Karenlisa says
l didn’t see it coming. what a let down. The status quo is not a good result. I guess I’ll have to work that much harder to offset your defection. Shame on you for assuming you would get the same treatment from the Simpson organization – but I guess you’re “in” now.
Don Hooper says
David, are you holding out on us.
Ross says
Anyone who endorses Woodfill for the job isn’t thinking rationally. Woodfill is actively driving people away from voting Republican with his messages on social issues, and candidate purity. Face it folks, abortion and same sex marriage are issues where the Republicans are on the losing side, and making those issues the center of a campaign reflects a level of stupidity that is hard to comprehend. As I’ve said before, you need people like me, who are socially pretty liberal, to elect Republicans. I am almost at the point, as are many like me, where I will not vote for most Republican candidates.
Corie C. Whalen says
I have to agree with Ross. Jared’s attitude is pushing away an entire generation of would-be Republican voters in Harris County.
I’m more than willing to vote for a socially conservative candidate. But they have to lead on small government issues that unite Republican voters.
While I don’t think Paul Simpson is infallible, I appreciate that he sees the GOP as a political party that needs to be inclusive and competitive.
The HCRP shouldn’t be run like a church that excommunicates non-believers. When we operate this way, we shouldn’t look back confounded as to how the Democrats took over.
Jack O'Connor says
I am a social conservative and agree with this post by Ross and Corie’s comment. My further concern is that the party has become a club for people who come from certain beliefs and is not genuine in its effort to reach out. The new generation of hispanics and blacks who are conservative gives me great confidence in the future of the Republican Party, ….. Chris Carmona, RW Bray, and Temo…… to name a few. Whatever the outcome of this election the need to change will still be there. Paul Simpson has already started the grass roots effort on his own and does not take credit for it.
We have let the Party divide and fragment Republicans. Being reactionary is not being conservative.
Barrie says
“If Paul wins, I’ll be shut out and his administration will not be friendly towards me or BJP.” — This really says it all. Now that he is a precinct chair beholden to Jared, David Jennings and his blog are entirely committed to the status quo. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, huh Dave?
David Jennings says
Yeah, Barrie, you nailed it. I’ve joined them and support the status quo. You are the smartest cookie in the jar!
And FWIW, I’m not a precinct chair just yet. I will be but not yet.
Dave Smith says
One important aspect of communication is communicating to the members of your own party — keeping people up-to-date with what’s going on, using every possible medium. One such area is the Social Media. The Obama organization schooled Republicans in general in the use of Social Media in the election of 2008. Unfortunately, it hasn’t gotten any better — even 6 years later.
For example: go over to Twitter and look at the HCRP versus the Harris County Democrats. The Dems have over 3 times as many followers, and they have consistently during early voting been using Twitter to GOTV — Get Out The Vote. Information on early voting, polling times, polling places. Meanwhile, the HCRP Twitter seems to have one purpose: publicizing Jared Woodfill appearances.
Of hundreds of precincts in Harris County — over 1000, many of them with no Precinct Chair — there were only a couple hundred at the last HCRP meeting to vote on several resolutions. There were also some non-voting visitors — a good thing to have: people who are interested in the party workings and wanting to talk to party leaders and workers, and, in some cases, wanting to see how their donations are spent. Think there might have been more participation and interest if Social Media had been used to publicize the meeting?
A preacher in my church growing up used to say that “church isn’t a hotel for the holy, it’s a hospital for the hurting”. Similarly, the HCRP isn’t a club for a select few to pat themselves on the back for “standing” for this or that issue, but rather a gathering place for the coalition that while not agreeing on everything, certainly shares more in common in terms of political philosophy than it does with the center-left coalition known as the Democrats. Our party has not been operating that way under Jared Woodfill’s leadership. That’s a shame. To paraphrase Dante, some would rather “reign in hell than serve in Heaven”. This needs to change.
David Jennings says
Dave Smith, one track pony much?
Dave Smith says
Sorry, I just find it hard to believe that what should be one of, if not the, largest and most influential GOP apparati in the country isn’t even using basic social media in an effective basis, nor are they getting the word out about meetings. But of course if the current chairman is on a TV or radio show, I get tweets and emails about it.
Prefer a Facebook comparison? HCRP: 3640 “Likes”, 294 visits. HC Dems: 5871 “Likes”, 890 visits. The Dem FB page is full of interaction, posting of commentary and news, etc. HCRP? You guessed it, more announcements about Jared’s appearances.
The Houston Young Republicans uses their page on Facebook to engage people and publicize events. Yes, when someone from the group is making an appearance, they do publicize that too, but that’s not *all* they use social media for. The HYR twitter has more about the HCRP Executive Meeting than the HCRP’s does! It has more tweets in the past two weeks than the HCRP has all year.
Is that a “one track [sic] pony”? If so, it’s a pretty important trick that I’m emphasizing. It’s hard to be considered a successful magician if you’re not even able to pull off pulling a quarter from behind someone’s ear.
David Jennings says
One trick pony rides away – dude, you’ve made this point about HCRP’s terrible social media over and over. If you want to handle their social media stuff, give the office a call. I can’t help you.