From the Inbox – Harris County Republican Chair Jared Woodfill releases a list of conservative leaders in Harris County that support his leadership:
‘CONSERVATIVE’ REPUBLICAN COUNTY LEADERS SUPPORT WOODFILLJudge Robert Eckels, Commissioners Cagle, Morman, and Tax Assessor Mike Sullivan ENDORSE Jared Woodfill
It’s unanimous – conservative county leadership only trusts one man to continue leading the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) – Jared Woodfill. Why change what works? Conservative leaders like Woodfill do not come often, and there is a reason he has served longer than any other predecessor – he does the right thing, and he does the right thing effectively.
There are those who want to take our party in a different direction, but these Republican leaders [pictured below] know that Woodfill will not compromise on our conservative principles and platform.
The facts are conclusive. No Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) Chairman has ever done better leading at the local level.
1) The years 2008 and 2012 were the two largest Republican Primary turnouts in the 64 yr. history of the HCRP.
2) In 2008 and 2012, Republicans in most large urban counties were being overrun; however, Republicans in Harris County worked hard and won seats. In fact, in 2012, while Obama was winning around the country, in Harris County all countywide incumbents won and we picked up seven new countywide offices.
3) Jared’s opponents make note that the top of the Republican ticket hasn’t won Harris County in the last three election cycles. This criticism is actually the greatest feather in the cap of Jared Woodfill and the HCRP. The fact that there have been zero coattails at the top of the ticket, but several down ballot candidates have either a) won outright, or b) received a higher percentage of the vote than the Republican Presidential or Gubernatorial candidates, speaks to the effectiveness of the local Party, its leaders and volunteers.
4) MOST IMPORTANT: It is an empirical fact that 2010 was the greatest election cycle in the history of the HCRP; more seats were won, and by a greater margin.
Conservatives understand that “change” for the sake of change – is unwise. Let’s keep doing what works. We know where “change” leads.
Would you or your organization like to endorse Jared?
Email your endorsement letter direct.
For additional information about how you can help Jared’s re-election campaign, visit his website (
For anyone that thinks yesterday’s sloppy release of Ed Emmett’s endorsement of Paul Simpson was a game changer, think again. Communication skills are arguably the biggest part of the Chairs job in the HCRP and Jared Woodfill excels at that portion of the job.
If you are a conservative Republican, and most Harris County Republicans are conservative, which lead do you follow? It was a huge mistake for the Simpson campaign to give talking points to the left media and bloggers in their attempt to oust the chair of the very conservative Harris County Republican Party.
This much I know: cheerleading for Simpson and Emmett from far-left vulgar bloggers isn’t going to help their cause. And advice from moderate Republicans to disavow social issues will, if heeded, result in losing elections and destroy the party. There is a balance that must be maintained between all factions of our coalition – dropping any of the factions is bad advice.
Janet Thomas says
How wonderful that Woodfill is erroneously taking credit for Republican voter turnout in 2010 and 2012. The vast turnout resulted from the fact that Obama won in 2008, the disaster that ensued and the realization that the country was headed for disaster. The Tea Party groups formed shortly after the 2008 election, energized people who had never been involved in the process before and got massive amounts of people engaged in the process. Let’s give credit where credit is due and it’s not with Jared.