The Houston Community College (HCC) Board did not offer the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor $600,000 each to induce them to leave. Before the Chancellor took medical leave, she changed the Vice Chancellor’s employment contract (without the board’s knowledge) which obligated this board to the $600,000 buyout. The Chancellor also never provided the board with a note from the doctor to justify her medical leave.
Contrary to the Houston Chronicle article (7/21/13), the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor pulled off a $1.2 million sting on HCC, and the board, as they jumped a sinking ship. (They are laughing all the way to the bank).
In the last two years HCC enrollment has declined 15.3{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986}. HCC is expecting a 5{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} to 10{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} decrease in enrollment this fall, while Lone Star College and San Jacinto College enrollment is increasing. The debt at HCC has gone from zero in 2001 to over $1 billion in 2013.
Revenue from the Federal and State government will be reduced this year. Tuition revenue will be lower because of declining enrollment. HCC has lost its financial advantage over Lone Star and San Jacinto. It is $100 cheaper to take 15 hours at San Jacinto and pay the out-of-district tuition rather than pay in-district tuition at HCC. It is within $400 at Lone Star College.
Richard Schechter, the board chairman, jumped ship one month after getting re-elected for another six year term. Richard Schechter, along with Art Tyler, controlled the HCC board with an iron fist. They coerced the board into sanctioning a fellow board member because she questioned the “Land Deals”, the “Chevron” contract, the college in “Qatar”(spending over $45,000,000 in a Middle Eastern country), and hiring Schechter’s friends (Larry Veselka, Brad Duester, Boris Miles, and Zimmerman).
The board has finally opened their eyes and told the administration to straighten up. They view Art Tyler as the “fox watching the hen house” rather than a “watchdog” as the Houston Chronicle portrays him. Ms. Spangler and Mr. Tyler created an atmosphere of self dealing that infected the whole organization. There was no regard for the students and the community.
I do agree with one thing the Chronicle said “we need a planned national search process for a new Chancellor”. We need a new Chancellor that knows the difference between right and wrong. We need a Chancellor that will clean house.
Dave Wilson
Houston, TX
p.s. I have attached data to substantiate my statements. I would be glad to share more with you. I suspect that since Mr. Tyler is gone all kinds of things will come to light.
Sally Stricklett says
Shining the light!! Excellent work. Thank you.