Via Battleground Texas themselves. The banks must have significantly lowered the credit card limits for Democrat donors Steve Mostyn, Penny Pritzker and others on the Obama Donor List so much that they’re asking Battleground Texas to return to the fund raising dark ages and accept campaign contributions in the form of…a check!
But wait!
There’s more!
Looks like the Democrat “smart data plus money” digital strategy initiative isn’t working too well in Texas. The spelling skills of Battleground Texas’ webmaster are equally questionable; “matched by a generous donors“?
Sally Belladonna Baggins Stricklett says
hehehe good catch.
Richard Norton says
Excellent…. They are traitors to the Republic.
Richard Willard says
This is probably one of the most idiotic posts I have ever read. Are we Republicans really so far behind technologically that it escapes us that when someone donates by credit card (which is an option on their site) the group must pay fees, and thus doesn’t get the entire donation? For larger donations, campaigns/groups would probably prefer a check to avoid the fees.
I guess we can nitpick about a misplacaed “s”, or attempt to make up some lame issue (really a non-issue) about accepting donations by check while Battleground Texas focuses on things that matter….like registering voters. Way to go!
Yvonne Larsen says
Heh. BGTX should not have had a story written by their Journolists (recommended by their campaign advisors no doubt) that they were such a high tech organization….pretty sloppy advising. I’d fire that advisor dude, but that’s just me.
During the 2007-2008 campaign, Obama For America turned off the CVV credit card verification system and you’ll notice the Battleground Texas site does not have a section for the credit card donor to enter that 3 digit number (four digits if the card is American Express) for card-present verification. Additionally the Battleground Texas credit card form prompts the donor to select “Country” and the donor could choose from many countries. I thought donations from foreign nationals was/ is against Federal Election Law.
BGTX would never want the word “fraud” or “fake” associated with their donors or those voters they’re trying to…ahem…register now, would they? That would make them seem a little too much like ACORN…..
Yvonne Larsen says
BTW “Richard Windsor” was the alias used by former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. She used this alias to conceal emails from FOIA’s.
Richard Willard has ironically used the same first name, shares the same first initial of his last name and his last name contains the same amount of characters as Richard Windsor.
Richard Willard says
….Yes, ironically my parents decided to name me Richard upon my birth, and therefore that is the name I use. It MUST be a conspiracy. I am not sure whether to laugh or cry.
Now that we have the lunacy out of the way, I can address your other points. I fail to see how accepting a check has anything to do with being “high tech”, but I suppose that is just me. I can agree that they should not have turned off the CCV on their online donations, and foreign nationals cannot contribute to either federal or state campaigns. That said, if we have no evidene that they are accepting these contributions, then we have no evidence.
As for registered fake voters — is there any evidence they are doing this either? Or is it more wild speculation? I am all for fighting back against Battleground Texas, but just making things up is not the way we should go about this.
Yvonne Larsen says
“Richard” asked for evidence of Battleground Texas funny business. Here it is.
Does violating Texas voter registration laws (during a Juneteenth Festival BTW) count as funny business?
Gisela. A. Fernandez. says
I been trying to donate $ 25.00 all day and it keeps knick my money back. I don’t what up . I would like for you guys to get it. Going to Austin Capital tomorrow , maybe I can give there .