What a disastrous election night for the Harris County Republican Party.
Arguably, County Judge Ed Emmett has been the best head of Harris County in its history. Unquestionably, County Commissioner Jack Morman has served his constituents well. Both office holders deserved to be retained in office, but come next year they will be gone.
Emmett and Morman were swept away by a straight party voting blue tsunami. So were all the other county Republican office holders.
Emmett will be replaced by 27-year-old Lina Hidalgo who is completely unqualified to fill his shoes. Hidalgo has a political science degree from Stanford but has been working as a Spanish-English medical interpreter at the Texas Medical Center.
Morman will be replaced by perpetual candidate Adrian Garcia. Although Garcia is a former Houston police officer and sheriff of Harris County, every law enforcement officer organization in Houston and Harris County supported Morman and opposed Garcia’s election. Garcia’s tenure as sheriff was marked by scandals involving his deputies in the Harris County jail.
It did not take a nuclear scientist to figure out this would happen. What is surprising is that the elections were actually close. According to the US Census Bureau, as of July 1, 2017, the population of Harris County, which includes Houston, was 43 percent Hispanic or Latino, 29.7 percent non-Hispanic white and 19.7 percent black.
Race and Hispanic Origin | Percent |
White alone, percent | 69.80% |
Black or African American alone, percent | 19.70% |
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent | 1.10% |
Asian alone, percent | 7.30% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent | 0.10% |
Two or More Races, percent | 1.90% |
Hispanic or Latino, percent | 43.00% |
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent | 29.70% |
Thus Hispanics and blacks constitute nearly 63 percent of Harris County’s population, two groups that if they turn out to vote will vote a straight-Democratic ticket.
I predict that the Hispanic population will continue to grow and eclipse all other demographic groups in Harris County. Houston and the county will be Democratic strongholds for the foreseeable future with a huge majority of Hispanics.
Luckily, this was the last election with the straight ticket option. Perhaps Republicans can retool their message and take advantage of that.
Take this time Republicans to challenge your votes based on illegitimate US citizens not having birthright citizenship with no right to possess a social security number and no right to vote in US and State elections in violation of the Alien Registration Act under Title 18 and Patriot Act required to be filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to identify thousands of immigrants in your state aiding the Federal Reserve Shareholders and the college mind control systems to usurp the US government established under the Constitution. Mexican Anchor babies do not have US birthright citizenship because it is very clear in the Mexico Constitution that Mexican children have Mexico birthright citizenship having jurisdiction over their Mexican Citizens children. This is standard for most foreign countries. So Anchor babues shoukd not be in US publuc schools, schould nit possess a social security number and required to be regusyered with the INS and have an Alien Registratiin Number. All Republicans in all states need to challenge the election based on Citizenship right to vote. Many that voted for Fletcher do not have Birthright US citizenship using stolen SS# entire Harris County voting needs to be challenged based on not legitimate US citizens having no right to process a social security number. If the Republicans through the district do this many Republican judges , Culberson, Stan Stanart ,Chris Daniels etc. would have won. The entire state of Texas voting needs to be challenged based on not legitimate US citizens under the 1924 immigration and naturalization Act and the Alien Registration Act of 1940 not having the right to possess a social seurity number with no right to vote. Lizzie Fletcher an attorney knew her district was filled with illegitimate voters and preached her message to give every resident in the US US citizenship knowing a majority of her voters were in violation of the Alien Registration Act under Title 18 not legtimate US citizens using stolen SS# hidden by the illegal encryption technology in all computer systems and computer programs. All of Harris county votes need to be challenged for US citizenship filed in federal court under the Patriot act and the Alien Registration Act to make sure it is addressed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court not a federal judge whose orders will most definitely be forged by the university law schools like most significant federal cases over the last 50 years. Every Republican in Harris County if Emmet loses should challenge the voting in Harris County based on Proper US citizenship having the right to process a social security number and the right to vote Illegally voting to usurp the US government for the Federal reserve Shareholders who provided them an illegal social security number often belonging to an authentic US citizen. Lizzie Fletcher an attorney aided and targeted illegal voters to vote and I would name her as a defendant and file under Patriot Act and Alien Registration Act of 1924 as the two lead act with the immigration and Naturalization act of 1924 as evidence I would put in the Mexico, Cuba, Honduras and Guatemala Constitution with any of their laws needed to prove these immigrants have the birthright citizenship of their parents and grandparents back to 1924 which would enable the FISC to deport the illegitimate voters and their entire Chaim migration all also user of a stolen social security number and having stolen US benefits like the illegitimate voters to overthrow the US government for the Federal reserve Shareholders. many candidates elected like Cortez are fraudulent US citizens that also need to he named in the case in those states who allowed a fraudulent US citizen on the ballot. All Legislature under the US Constitution is required to be checked by the Supreme Court for violations of the US Constitution . We have so many unconstitutional independent agencies because this was not done. The Republicans in Congress need to challenge any law passed not first verify with the Supreme Court under the Patriot Act and the Alien Registration Act, and INS act of 1924 since the US Congress has so many congressmen who are fraudulent US citizens aiding to usurp the government
maybe we could use this wall of words to staunch the flow of illegals
Hey Vicki, get David to let you post an article..with actual paragraphs and punctuation. It looks like there might be some good information in there.
Vicki: You’re so knowledgable about the law, tell me what part of Title 18 United States Code you are talking about. And while you’re at it, the naturalization act of 1924 and the registration act of 1940 were changed or repealed years ago. And what part of the Patriot Act are you talking about?
I’ve only been a lawyer for 36 years and I was only number 2 in my law school class so I am sure you know more law than I do. Like the part about the Supreme Court having to pass on the constitutionality of every law. That’s a new one on me.
Hysterical ramblings like this post are the reason the Republican Party is in trouble. I was a Republican in this state when it was a felony. I was an officer in both my high school teen age Republicans and the University of Texas Young Republicans about 50 years ago. Now, a lot of people professing to be Republicans scare the hell out of me.
I’m an unreconstructed Goldwater Republican. I’m a libertarian conservative like he was. And, I feel like he did. Shortly before he died he said that in 1964 he was called a dangerous radical conservative by the Democrats. In his old age, he was called too liberal by a lot of Republicans.
Anyone who thinks that there are thousands of illegal aliens voting in our elections has been spending too much time in Amsterdam smoking funny cigarettes. Most illegal aliens do anything they can to avoid any contact of any kind with government officials for fear of being deported.
And, the problems with voter fraud generally cluster around mail-in ballots not in-person voting. There have been several scandals involving Democrats and mail-in absentee ballots in Harris County that were never prosecuted. Want to know why, ask Johnny Holmes. He was DA at the time.
Calm down, take a breath. Learn about what you’re talking about.
As for Culberson losing, the reason was that he didn’t do much except fight light rail for Metro. He got cocky. He thought he had a lifetime lock on his seat. Then along comes an attractive relatively moderate (by Democratic standards) woman and he gets blindsided. His loss was a suicide.
I stopped reading this reply after the first “sentence” which was 8 lines long with no punctuation before the period. I cannot grasp the intent of the writer with this kind of rambling.
I saw that Culberson lost, hmmmm. Well admittedly I havent followed him since I left Houston thirteen years ago, however back then, he supported by omission open borders, NAFTA, CAFTA etc and was proud to have done so as did most republicans. I have always said that if democrats ever take power the republicans simply need to look in the mirror. I have to wonder if something had been done about illegal immigration in 2001 after 911 would we be in this mess, probably not but GW Bush was in love with illegals.
Thank God Ted Cruz won!
The demographic data fails to take into account citizenship, or non-citizenship levels especially among Asians and Hispanics. Thus blacks and Hispanics do not in fact form even a majority of the county’s voters, and Hispanics in particular are diverse and Republican candidates often get a decent share of support from among that ethnic community.
Mainstream, I suggest you rethink the demographic data. How did Emmett and Morman lose? Simply because the names Hidalgo and Garcia did them in. Unless a whole bunch of illegal immigrants voted, your premise seems to be flawed.
meh, merely the result of two generations of open borders so no surprise there.
No love lost for Ed Emmett. I put him in the same corral as Devon Anderson. His endorsement of Collier over Patrick was probably what cost him. I was an undercount for that race. John Culberson’s time finally came. He and Pete Sessions have been stalwarts of the Boehner/Ryan method of growing government while advancing tax cuts. Does Culberson have kids? He sure doesn’t seem to care about the future of our national finances.
Going to be interesting to see how Sly reacts to having to actually manage spending. I believe he is on record as saying he is fiscally responsible by virtue of voting for state budgets that had to balance. Yo Sly, are the state pensions in better shape than Houston’s? Hope so.
Pretty interesting election over all. That was awesome of Cruz to take so much money from the dems in their efforts to unseat him. It helped the gop senate quite a bit too. That and getting rid of McCain, Flake and Corker ought to make it much easier to seat some really decent federal judges and that destroys the dems playbook of advancing their agenda by litigation instead of legislation. If I were offered a larger senate majority for two years of Pelosi reminding of us why democrats are idiots with a Trump backstop I’d take it. I wasn’t but I got it anyway.
oh…and Hillary still isn’t our president
Lizzie beat Culberson. chortle.
At what point do we begin to reevaluate the leadership at the HCRP?
Emmett lost votes by attacking Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Less undervotes than most, but got the highest vote count on Rep. part of ballot, including Abbott and Patrick. This means people actively voted against him, not just straight ticket effects. Otherwise he would have been re-elected by a wide margin. (If it was Hispanics voting for Hispanic names only (what an insult), how did Fleishcher (D) beat Alfaro (R) and Andrews (D) beat Garcia (R), both by roughly 110k votes. Oh, that was roughly the margin of D STV vs R STV.
Howie, great piece. Just a few things. How did that Collier vote work for Judge Emmett. Also here is a common refrain: “… every law enforcement officer organization in Houston and Harris County supported … Republican (whoever) …”. We need to compete for every vote
For what it’s worth, the Democratic straight ticket vote was about 140,000 higher than the Republican straight ticket vote and from a quick look, that’s about how far behind most Republican judicial candidates were.
In the county judge race, Emmett lost by less than 20,000 votes which is just about how many votes the Libertarian candidate got.
Election Night was a great night indeed to be in Harris County!! Though I am of the left, I actually endorsed Judge Emmett, and I hoped that he would win. But he did not, and I am looking forward to the leadership of County Judge-Elect Lina Hidalgo!!
At the same time, I applaud Judge Emmett for his years of service and his graceful concession. He is treasured rarity of politics today, and true to form he did not alter that on Tuesday night.
On to the Hidalgo Era!!!
If you worked for Jack Mormon the last 8 years and new how screwed up Precinct 2 was on the inside, you would know why Jack Mormon lost.
When I first got into politic and decide to run for office, I didn’t know if I was a republican or a democrat, so I read the parties’ platforms. I chose to be a republican. So, I ran for State Representative. But first, I broke down every precinct and learned that republicans were losing by a 20% to 80%. This HD was about 77% Hispanic, 22% Anglo and 1% Africa-American. So, with nothing but hard work and 2 thousand dollars for my first three elections I improved the republican’s election percentages by 6% each year. That’s an 18% increase by 2010 when Jack Mormon won Harris County Commissioner Pt.#2 over democrat Sylvia Garcia. What did I get in 2012? A slap in the face for my hard work. House District #143 was re-districted and the 38% republicans were combined with 10% republicans from the HD #144 and now the republicans are looking at a 48% republican to 52% democrats district and thinking its a winnable district for the Republicans. The new HD’s demographics are about 75% Hispanic, 22% Anglo & 3% Africa-American. This is where the republican party grossly underestimated my Hispanic roots. I did not know then, but I know now that the HCRP doesn’t endorse candidates, but it does have some say in which candidates should be supported. I was contact by an associate from TLR & ART and he was rude, he ask me one question three times “are you going to work for us” and when I finally asked for an explanation he hang-up on me. Next thing I know I have a republican primary opponent and he is been heavily financed by TLR & ART. I when ballistic and sworn to cross party lines if he won. My republican opponent won the primary, but I made sure he lost the general election by endorsing and doing a robo-call for the democrat. I defeated that democrat in 2014 with no help from HCRP. When I come back from Austin at the end of the 2015 session I reached out to the HCRP chairman Paul Simpson and offer to work with him to build up the Hispanic out reach program. I made sure that Paul understood that 2012 was not a one time deal and that “I can hurt you more then you can hurt me” if I was double cross again. What Paul Simpson did instead was to undermine my re-election in 2016. Governor Gregg Abbott had sent an aid to help my re-election and even the Governor back down as Paul told PACs that I couldn’t be trusted, he pounded the table in front of my wife telling me he wasn’t going to help me and that I had to hire my own phone-bank-caller and then he undermined my phone-bank-caller by having her calling to support other candidates. I know a lot of this because the people who work for Paul talk and they couldn’t believe that Paul would risk losing other offices to get back at me for 2012. My reply to them was simple “2018 is coming and I will be on the other side”. In 2018 the so call power that be canvass and ask a democratic friend of my to run as a republican for HD #144 he said “no” and they only found democratic Ruben. Yes I endorsed Adrian Garcia for County Commissioner Pt.2 and his won; my message to the Hispanic voters was simple “I am former Republican and State Representative Gilbert Peña and I am endorsing democrat Adrian Garcia because the republicans only want candidates that work for the republican party and not the people, so vote democrat for Adrian Garcia”. If the republican party doesn’t think that that’s what hurt the overall vote, well 2020 is next and if no republican win in Harris County, Trump will get the credit just like Beto got the credit for the 2018 Harris county republican melt down. So, the HCRP better understand one thing they needs the Hispanic voters, but as long as former Republican and State Representative Gilbert Peña carries any weight I will undermine the HCRP efforts just like they undermined my re-election, I have no respect for the HCRP leadership. I have endorsed Carol Alvarado for Senate #6, but she didn’t want a robo-call, push cards or anything just my vote.