Once again we return to the charges from the 185th Grand Jury and media reports that Harris County DA Pat Lykos initiated an “investigation” of said grand jury. The central figure in these allegations is the Harris County DA’s Chief Investigator Don McWilliams. I caught up with him this afternoon and he provided the following statement about the “investigation” and his role in it. I think that after you read his statement, you might surmise that the reports have been greatly exaggerated. But, you decide:
Pay particular attention to that last line:
What I have recounted in this document was provided to the Attorneys Pro Tem when I met with them, outside the presence of the Grand Jury, in November.
So the Attorneys Pro Tem knew that Chief Investigator McWilliams did a quick check on the 22nd for a legitimate law enforcement purpose and found nothing, so he stopped investigating. And they knew that on the 29th, his “investigation” consisted of nothing more than a “cursory internet search” as stated by DA Lykos. And still they tried to frame it as some sort of nefarious “investigation” of the grand jury members.
Not politically motivated?
My arse.
Wow, Lexis Nexis Accurint system is not proprietary information. It is not proprietary to law enforcement and you too can pay Lexis for the same information. Many news media outlets, law firms, corporations, banks, financial institutions, hedge funds, any individual subscribe to this system and the information it provides. Accurint operates a law enforcement system and it is described at the link below. This should never apply to Grand Jury members because you can not have a felony criminal history and sit on a grand jury.
I have used Accurint extensively and it is a very powerful software, anyone can use it if you want to pay for it. The system allows you to see loans, real estate assets, residences, phone numbers, loan documents, credit card information, business filings, DBA information, lawsuits, property taxes, judgement’s and the like. The most powerful tool is the relationship feature of the software. You can put two peoples name into a search and like information as described above would appear in a hierarchical order of importance. This is not proprietary information and a company, Lexis Nexis, just saves you a lot of leg work of doing the research yourself.
An investigation by a law enforcement agency is very different and could consist of subponeas for your bank records, business records, emails and phone records Interviews by investigators or you, family members, neighbors and witnesses. Grand jury appearances, appearances before grand juries where they make you wait for 5 hours, the list is endless and quite different than a Lexis Nexis Accurint search. This gets me to my next point.
Ted Oberg, Murray Newman, and the malcontents, as I call them all know this. They want you to think that Judge Lykos did something wrong because the whole BAT Van thing didn’t work out. This is the Allen Blakemore spin team in damage control because their boy Anderson is starting to stink to high heaven. And this of course begs the question of what do you do with an out of control grand jury.
Anyone one of us had we been the District Attorney would have moved to see who these people are and who they are affiliated. The Grand Jury foreman is associated with Mike Anderson and has been so for many years. Well who are the others and what is their relationship to Anderson or Anderson’s political consultant Allen Blakemore, all of these questions should have been asked by Ted Oberg. People are upset their little trick didn’t work and because Big Jolly is now doing the work or channel 13.
There certainly has been possible crimes committed by the grand jury and include perjury by one or more of the grand jurors in a hearing in Al Bennet’s court, false arrest of Rachel Palmer, leaking secret grand jury testimony to Ted Oberg and others, official oppression, using the grand jury for an illegal purpose, witness intimidation, and those are the ones we know about. So if you ask should Grand Jurors be investigated, you bet they should and especially when they use the color of authority to break the law. Every day that goes on we learn more and more about the connections to the Anderson campaign by grand jurors, special prosecutors, and Judge Marc and Susan Brown. More importantly so do those that sat on this grand jury and when they realize how they have been used and misled, more will come out. Again, if Mike Anderson will behave this way to obtain office what do you think he will do to defendants.
There sure are a lot of “coincidences” we are supposed to ignore:
1. moments before Republican primary filing opened police unions denounced DA Lykos for not filing trace cases (something Mike Anderson originally agreed with DA Lykos on and conveniently flip-flopped to gain union support) and Mike Anderson was quick to file for DA citing police dissatisfaction with DA Lykors.
2.a grand jury launches an investigation of the DA’s office and the run away 185th grand jury’s foreman was sworn in by Mike Anderson’s wife, Devon Anderson.
3. the 185th’s judge, Susan Brown was angry with DA Lykos for demoting her husband Marc Brown when he was an ADA.
4.the Special prosecutors Judge Susan Brown appointed to investigate DA Lykos were friends of her husband and also campaigned against DA Lykos and support Mike Anderson.
5. In spite of the Judge and Grand Jury foreman both seeming to try as hard as they could to help their friend Mike Anderson by briging DA Lykos down the other members of the Grand Jury could not be swayed to return an indictment.
6. criminal defense lawyer Chip Lewis who represented Amanda Culberson (the central issue of the run away Grand Jury) is hosting a fund raiser for Mike Anderson.
The Mike Anderson operatives are all upset on how DA Lykos flip-flopped but dismiss as no big deal how their candidate flip flopped on the abortion issue. How blatant a slap in the face to pro life supporters such as myself that when Mike Anderson was a judge he allowed minors to seek abortions without parental consent.
Mike Anderson has the support of 2 very strong pro life avocates:Terry Lowry and Steve Hotze. How ironic that Mike Anderson has their support when he promoted abortions while on the bench. Shame on Mike Anderson, Steve Hotze and Terry Lowry for not putting the human dignity of unborn children first above political favor.