Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) endorsed Maria Espinoza for Texas’ 7th Congressional District and in the process dropped 28 Republicans from their endorsement list. According to their December 23rd press release Congressional Representatives John Culberson (TX-CD 7), Kevin Brady (TX-CD8), and Pete Olson (TX-CD22) are among 28 Republican lawmakers removed from ALIPAC’s standing endorsement list and transferred to ALIPAC’s Cantor List.
“ALIPAC activists are being asked to contact these 28 lawmakers to inform them that they are no longer supported by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC and that their names are being added to The Cantor List. ALIPAC has 49 remaining endorsements found at
ALIPAC’s Cantor List is being used as a targeting device for Americans that oppose illegal immigration and amnesty. Lawmakers on The Cantor List are more likely to face a GOP primary challenger and removal from office like Eric Cantor was removed. ALIPAC played a role in Cantor’s defeat and the campaign manager that dethroned Cantor, Zach Werrell, is now searching for more challengers to help in 2016. Werrell also has a book out to help insurgent GOP candidates called “How To Bag A RINO“.”
ALIPAC supports those that come to America legally with respect for our citizens, laws, and principles.
Of course! Us lawful immigrants should oppose unlawful alien invaders. The reason immigrants leave Latin America is the lack of respect for the rule of law there, so what good does it do us to undermine the rule of law here in America?
Why do people leave Cuba?
To play baseball in America, of course.
I’m sure that press release meant to mention that Espinoza lists Werrell as a part of her campaign team. Hardly a bold move.
Yes, Zach Werrell, the strategist who helped take out Cantor, is part of our team.
Why don’t you report the fact that Culberson voted to fund ($1.8 billion) not 10k, but 300,000 Syrian refugees this fiscal year alone,. 75-80{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the public opposes that and he can’t stand up and fight ? I’ll take anyone over Culberson. The ex W. Bush official James Lloyd is a self-proclaimed homeland security expert, but despite 1000’s of words placed in recent emails, I’ve yet to hear him say a peep about any of the security/immigration provisions of Cromnibus. Cromnibus created record numbers of job-killing H2B visas (low skilled workers) and Culberson is on record of supporting more H1B visas (high skilled). . These visas were created the Dems and Bush 41 and allow companies to hire foreigners without even advertising the jobs for Americans. The youth unemployment rate for African Americans and other minority youth is unconscionable and rather than do something or at least expose it, Culberson votes to make it worse. makes