We’re constantly told to celebrate Houston’s diversity – Houston Not So Independent School District has a website section dedicated to their Supplier Diversity Program and a password-protected tool to manage compliance with diversity goals. The University of Texas Medical School at Houston supports diversity—the University of Houston sponsors a Diversity Institute event.
Aren’t we told how fortunate we are to live in counties where diversity reigns and make us a “leading example of successful diversity in the community and in the workplace” ?
So why would a few Houstonians object to OTHER Houstonians exercising some of that diversity?
Because these other Houstonians exercised diversity of thought—diversity of speech—diversity of opinion—
CW39 described them as “throwing a hissy-fit” and the CW39 reporter sounded skeptical of a claim that Houston Not So Independent School District received “suspicious” donations.
Perhaps the good folks over at CW39 haven’t paid their Internet bill in a while.
From the Daily Caller– Tucson Schools to take $465,000 from Arab charity with Muslim Brotherhood ties:
Last week, the governing board of the Tucson Unified School District asked the school board to accept a $465,000 curriculum grant from the Qatar Foundation International, a global philanthropic organization with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of the terrorist group Hamas.
The grant money is intended to implement “innovative curricula and teaching materials to be used in any Arabic language classroom,” reports the Arizona Daily Independent.
Two Tucson schools, Safford K-8 Magnet School and Cholla High Magnet School, will be the recipients of the infusion of the terror-infested cash, according to Tucson News Now.
About 100 students at Cholla High Magnet School are learning Arabic. At Safford K-8 Magnet School, 125 students are learning the language.
Last year’s grant for Arabic language from the Qatar Foundation was $55,000.
A handful of similar programs funded by the Qatar charity exist in other American cities. In 2012, for example, the nonprofit provided $250,000 for a three-year pilot project for Arabic language at P.S. 368 in Harlem, reports DNAinfo New York.
The Qatar Foundation International is the U.S.-based branch of the Qatar Foundation, a generous global philanthropic organization founded in 1995 by Qatar’s ruling emir, Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani.
Al Thani is also an influential architect of Middle East media mammoth Al Jazeera.
In 2012, the Qatar Foundation launched the Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics in Qatar. The Center’s director is Tariq Ramadan, a prominent Sunni Muslim and the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.
What did AIMS Principal Kate Adams have to say?
“One of the things we’re very proud of, is how diverse our school is” said AIMS Principal Adams to CW39.
“We represent the diversity of Houston” said Principal Adams to the Houston Chronicle
M’kay –no you don’t Ms. Adams.
Here’s why.
You don’t represent diversity of thought, speech and opinion—in fact you ran away from it.
You see I attended that May 14th 2015 HISD Board meeting.
Houston Not So Independent School Districts Board Services sent out an email which read:
I sat in the back of the meeting room while “those protesters” expressed a differing viewpoint about the opening of the AIMS in front of the HNSISD Trustees.
Once “those protesters” started to speak I watched you walk out of that Board meeting room as fast as you could.
What were you afraid of?—that the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the Qatar Foundation International and Houston Not So Independent School District would be publicized?
That details disclosing the purpose of the MOU with the AIM School are not limited to teaching Arabic and developing curriculum?
How much grant money did Houston Not So Independent School District accept from QFI?
Doesn’t the Strategic Vision of the HISD-AIMS MOU with Qatar Foundation International include “exposing students to a diversity of OPINIONS”?
*An earlier version of this story contained the incorrect spelling of the principals’ last name. I apologize for my error.
RhymesWithRight says
I’m really tired of seeing so-called conservatives protesting parental choice in education — and supporting ignorance over learning.
Liz Theiss says
This school is perfectly voluntary and if the parents make that decision more power to them. However the district is not being up front in alerting parents about the source of the finance and the activities of the Qatar Foundation. We were there to help bring awareness about this link and the school should stop taking money from a MB front group. This is exactly the kind of public debate the Founders encouraged.
Manuel Barrera says
Just curious Rhymes would you feel the same way if the money was coming ISIS?
Why does HISD have to take money from a foreign government?
Do you know what the penalty in Qatar is for homosexuality? here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Qatar
That is part of their culture should it be taught? Or how about adultery? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Qatar
Just wondering Rhymes.
enoughalready says
Rhymes has no depth of knowledge regarding the Muslim Brotherhood or their agenda. Their MO is to destroy America from within by infiltrating our culture, government, education, influence news media, etc. There blueprint for destruction was discovered in an FBI raid conducted back in the 1990s. Perhaps Rhymes should begins her/his education with the book Muslim Mafia. It is a firsthand account of the son of an FBI agent who infiltrated CAIR. There are actual copies of documents printed in the back of the book.
If a child wants to learn Arabic–that is fine. Just make sure they are not being peppered with a barrage of anti-American and pro-Islamic propaganda.
enoughalready says
“Their” blueprint for destruction.
Sue B says
I never had a problem with schools for all the years I’ve been alive having Spanish and other languages as elective courses, it doesn’t take a Masters Degree to know that Spanish is probably a good idea to have some skills in here in the US. I had some friends who chose French, probably because it was cool sounding, I don’t think they have ever used it since the 80’s. But more recently one of my son’s schools added a dialect of Chinese to their choices, that made sense too since a lot of our businesses interact with China. But WHY Arabic? WHY Turkish? (Harmony schools claims to not “require” Turkish but mysteriously many students are misplaced into that class after having requested Spanish). There is an agenda and if you do not realize it and understand it’s NOT good for Americans, you will be sorry when it’s too late. (these kids are not just being taught a language, they are being taught WHAT to think, if you think teens and young adults are acting outrageous now, wait another 10 years after this indoctrination)
enoughalready says
My thinking is that since we agree they are here to infiltrate and destroy–maybe it would be a good idea to have some Americans who understand the Arabic language. They speak English—we need to know their language if we are to know our enemy. We need to know what they are saying over their airwaves and in their mosques. Too many Muslim translators have intentionally misled the FBI in order to protect fellow Muslims. Americans need to learn the language.
Liz Theiss says
They have H-1B visas staffing the joint…can u guess from which countries?
Liz Theiss says
It’s the same technique every time. These guys do ARABIC STUDIES at universities and buy positions of power in our institutions. “Emran El-Badawi directs the Arab Studies Department at the University of Houston. He’s also on the advisory board for the new school. At his home, he and his wife only speak Arabic with their children.”
Isn’t it great how it’s all linked up.