In the middle of another battle for the Chair of the Harris County Republican Party, I see a retweet by Scott Braddock of the Quorum Report that is very relevant to the race.

Why is that relevant? Because Emmert happens to be, as the caption says, the Chair of the Dallas County Republican Party.
Want to know what happens when you have party leadership focusing on management and organization instead of politics?
Google “Dallas County turns blue“. Then think, why that’s exactly what Paul Simpson wants to do. Then ask yourself, self, do I really want Harris County to turn blue? Is there anyone in the race for chair that thinks politics is as important as management and organization in a political party? Then go vote. Simple as that.
Check your facts, David. The demographics in Dallas County are extremely different. The suburbs of the city of Dallas are not in Dallas County. The better comparison is between Dallas County elections and city of Houston elections and the Republicans certainly have not done well in Houston under Jared’s leadership. In fact, I think it was the endorsement of Gary Polland that helped Mayor Parker get elected.
Bill, all I said was Google it, then go vote. And I have pointed out the problems we have more than anyone. But that doesn’t mean that I should throw out the baby with the bathwater. If you believed that a candidate you had criticized in the past was better than his current opponent, what would you do?
BTW, I’ll be on Malone tomorrow talking about your boss. Yikes! Wish me luck!
Argumentum ad consequentiam:
If you believe that management and organization are the most important skills for a Party Chair, your county will turn blue. Turning a county blue is undesirable. Therefore, management and organization are not the most important skills for a Party Chair.
“Then think, why that’s exactly what Paul Simpson wants to do.”
You provide no evidence, you simply assert it. You say it is so, so therefore it is. But hey, you support Jared Woodfill and you decided that Paul Simpson wants to turn Harris County blue, so obviously two plus two equals fifteen! Gotta love that new math of yours.
Erich, the problem with you trying to be funny is that you aren’t. Go figure. I have provided evidence. Many times. And your wife disparages the position of precinct chair, one of the “pillars” of Paul’s campaign. Next time you try to be funny, hire someone to help.
Wade Emmert wasn’t the county chair when Dallas turned blue. Dallas was already blue when he got elected. Dallas turned blue under Jonathan Neerman. Wade’s focus on management and organization was a welcome change from Jonathan Neerman, who couldn’t delegate tasks effectively. You cannot be effective in grassroots politics, without having a lot of organizational and managerial skills.
Harris county turned blue under Jared. Management and organization will be a welcome change.
My wife “disparages the position of precinct chair?” Sounds like another one of your unsubstantiated assertions to me. I even entered her name in the “search this website” box, and only two blog entries come up (both from 2010). For each of these blog posts, it was because her name appeared in the caption of one of the pictures on that page.
I see a false choice here: nobody has suggested — at least to my knowledge — that Paul will focus on management and organization INSTEAD of politics, but rather that the party has been focused ONLY on politics under Jared Woodfill’s leadership and needs some iota of manager and organization in addition to politics.
I am not sure how anyone can make a serious case that having a better-organized and more well-run county party would somehow make it less effective.