In a act of political chicanery you’d think was smack dab out of Washington DC, Montgomery County Commissioners voted 4-1 on Monday January 26th to grant County Judge Doyal sole authority to restructure county administrative personnel. Shortly after that vote, Doyal laid off his political rival, Director of Infrastructure Mark Bosma.
From the Conroe Courier:
“Bosma, who has worked for the county for 23 years, ran against Doyal in last year’s contentious primary election, including a runoff between the two.
The move comes after Doyal and Bosma battled for the county judge seat last year with Bosma leading Doyal in the GOP primary election March 4 with 17,228 votes to Doyal’s 17,133 votes. However, with a third candidate in the race, Bosma did not receive more than 50 percent of the votes to avoid a runoff.”
During that same Commissioners Court meeting, but not reported by the Conroe Courier until four days later, the Commissioners unanimously voted to appoint a new member to the board of The Woodlands Road Utility District.
I bet you’ll never guess who.
“Commissioners unanimously appointed County Judge Craig Doyal Monday to fill one of the RUD board positions. In December, The Woodlands Township board picked Mike Bass in a 6-0 vote. Board member John McMullan was absent from the meeting.”
Through what mechanism did The Woodlands RUD acquire two new board seats?
Cmon, you know the answer.
“In 2013, House Bill 3895 amended the RUD’s enabling legislation to allow the board to expand its number of directors, with those two positions being filled by “one or more political subdivisions other than a school district and municipality.”
Who in the Texas House and Texas Senate sponsored this bit of legislation?
C’mon Dave, I haven’t checked but I’d bet that bill came from one or more of the estimable members from Monkey County.