Press release from the Chris Carmona campaign:
Fellow Patriot,
This week I want to share with you an idea which was developed in consultation with many individuals from the grassroots. In reviewing the historic HCRP losses of 2016 in Harris County on the night Donald Trump was elected President, the grassroots were consistently saying they were not being heard, and when they could get in touch with someone at HCRP, the feedback was lackluster, not effective or most often, disregarded.
As your next Chairman of the HCRP, I am proposing that we create a post for Regional Vice Chairs (RVCs) who will serve several purposes that benefit the HCRP as we build up to the 2018 and 2020 general elections.
This idea moves beyond the concept of satellite offices and would have one person per region who can work with the SREC members and the SD chairs as well as with the precinct chairs to better and more effectively communicate with the new HCRP leadership. And on that measure, these RVCs would help develop proper messaging for each region. These RVCs will serve as partners in fundraising, especially for regional efforts, as people are more likely to assist with dollars when they can see the direct benefit.
We must remember, our purpose as a political party is to get our slate of candidates elected in contested elections. As has been discussed for quite a while now, HCRP’s lack of a powerful GOTV effort in 2016 led to the historic losses we suffered, and the effort by HCRP in 2017 does not provide any encouragement either. If we are going to win again in Harris County, we must have room for new thinking and a new approach. I am ready to lead on this effort and I hope I can count on your support.
It is time to win again!
Thank you,
Chris Carmona
Candidate, Chairman of the HCRP
Related: Chris Carmona: Return the Republicans to the grassroots
So this guy has run for city council, state representative, county attorney and party chair? Geez, he’s like the Chris Bell of the Republican Party. Just wants his place – any place – at the trough.
Who’s your ghost writer? You have no experience, no successes on which to base your claims on either. In your own organization you have an ex-con as your #2 person. You really don’t pass the gate keeper and for sure don’t make it to the interview.
I totally agree we need to do something about regional trainings etc. Driving an hour to the HCRP offices on work nights for trainings and phone banks isn’t realistic and I can see where it leads to apathy and burnout. With that said, a chair that doesn’t support our party’s nomination for President is disturbing.