In the race to replace retiring Texas State Rep. John Davis, I will cast my vote for Briscoe Cain.
I’ve known Briscoe for a couple of years now and came into this race thinking that I might support him. But there are several other very good candidates in the race, so I wanted to watch and wait, making certain that Briscoe was the right person. And as I’ve watched his conduct and demeanor over the past seven months, I became convinced that he is the right choice.
Briscoe is young, having just turned 29 (hence, vote the 29 year old in 129 slogan) and some are using that for and against him. To me, his age isn’t a factor, it is his the content of his character that matters. I’ve had the opportunity to see him when he is up and when he is down. The up times are easy, we all know that. But what makes a man is how he handles the down times. Some of us turn bitter and lash out at the world around us. Briscoe hasn’t done that, relying instead upon his deep faith and leaning upon his wife, best friend, and closest advisor, Bergundi. I know that if he gets the opportunity to serve in Austin, he will not succumb to the pressures of money, fame, and fortune, and that he will in fact be what he desires to be: a servant leader, as he discussed in our opening video in the race.
Beyond the quality of his character, his positions on the issues are the closest to mine out of all of the candidates. I have talked to six of the seven candidates at length about the race and have a good feel for where each of them stand on the issues. Briscoe supports an appraisal cap, something that I’ve supported for years. We agree on budget transparency and reform. We agree on the necessity of restoring the 10th Amendment to its proper role, although he needs to learn that they are state powers, not rights. 😉 Because of his relative youth in this field of candidates, he is the only one with a current working knowledge of the education system and has ideas for it that no other candidate does. He understands the need to address the border issue and illegal immigration while at the same time understanding that we must ratchet down our rhetoric to really understand the issue. And most importantly, as a leader in the Right to Life movement, he understands the need to protect the unborn while ensuring that women receive proper health care.
It is a very encouraging thing to have someone to vote FOR in a race instead of simply choosing the person you think would do the least damage. I am voting FOR Briscoe Cain for State Representative in HD-129.
As I said, there are other good candidates in this race. I like this quote from candidate Jeff Larson:
There is more diversity of thought on the Republican side in 129 than appears at first glance.
Indeed there is. Listed below (in ballot order) are the links to the six candidates that I talked to, along with the website of the one candidate that I was unable to meet with and talk to at length, although I certainly know her and we both tried to fit it in our schedules. I think that after examining all seven, you too will find someone to vote FOR. Hopefully, you will agree with me and vote FOR Briscoe Cain.
Mary Huls (website only)
Not my district, but after meeting and listening to a lot of candidates, I came away thinking that Briscoe Cain is an impressive young man.