On Saturday March 21, Norm Adams of Texans Against US Citizen Workers reacted so worriedly to testimony in front of the Texas Senate Sub Committee on Border Security (here, here, here) you’d think his Empire learned the Rebellion was circulating these Census Bureau statistics to purposely blow up the Death Star commissioned by Darth Vader Adams.
In writing his new book, Mark Levin has come across some statistics that he finds remarkable, that completely disprove the Amnesty lie that there are jobs American citizens just won’t do.
Here’s what he’s come up with from the United States Census Bureau. And he says these are jobs that people have stereotypically attributed to immigrants, but are done by mostly American citizens:
– 51{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Maids and Housekeepers are American Citizens
– 58{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Taxi drivers are American Citizens
– 63{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Butchers are American Citizens
– 64{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Landscapers and Grounds Workers are American Citizens
– 66{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Construction Workers are American Citizens
– 72{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Porters, Bell Hops, and Concierges are American Citizens
– 73{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Janitors are American Citizens
Levin points out that when you hear the lie repeated by someone again, you should point out that it isn’t true and that most of the jobs are done by American Citizens.
Judging from Adam’s email in support of against the US citizen worker, he’s doubling down on the “doing the jobs Americans won’t do” line. Check out this drivel from his recent email:
Attention Business Owners
Action Needed Now
Arizona-style bills by Hall, Schwertner and Perry will make life miserable for undocumented immigrants, and employers who hired them in compliance with the rule of law!
Texas Business PACs should withdraw their support of these three Republican senators because they are pushing Arizona-style legislation that can put law abiding employers out of business.
Political PACs should remind these senators who financed their campaigns.
Evidently they believe U.S. citizens will line up to do the hard labor of pouring concrete, tying rebar, laying utilities, erecting steel, hanging drywall, painting, installing roofs, plumbing, electrical, cleaning, mowing, washing dishes, picking oranges, harvesting vegetables, and milking cows.
Got that?
Hey Senators Hall, Schwertner and Perry! Remember you work for your DONORS!
Mr. Adams evidently lacks familiarity with the Census Bureau and prefers to make life more miserable for the US citizen & lawful immigrant looking for work and those who’ve tragically lost their children at the hands of an illegal alien criminal.
Prioritizing the needs of illegal immigrants and the cheap-labor lobby employing them over law-abiding American citizens and legal immigrants—smh.
Liz Theiss says
He needs to take a drive through towns and cities outside the Reconquista and sanctuary city no go zones for US citizens. There you will see your countrymen hard at work in any number of jobs. Citizens residing in major urban areas are simply being fleeced for taxation purposes while their own government plots and plans services for illegals behind closed doors
WeaponX says
Norm Adams is a bloody idiot. This advocacy for illegal immigrants working because good, red-blooded Americans won’t is pure bullchips.
In today’s job market, there is a requirement to pass a background check (yes even Maids and Janitors too) which illegals cannot pass.
Tell me again why the advocacy?
Fred Flickinger says
Although I absolutely agree that Americans will do any job, the government must stop providing incentives for people not to work. Unfortunately entry level jobs are competing with the government. When you can receive as much in benefits for not working as you do for an entry level job, why work?
Janet Thomas says
All those jobs that Adams mentioned in his rant? I know Americans that do every one of those jobs. With America suddenly waking up about the horrors of illegal aliens, there’s more information than ever before refuting everything Adams and his cabal of evil have been preaching.
Ross says
Americans will do those jobs, but not in the numbers required by employers. I’ve talked to drywall contractors who would be happy to hire Americans, but many of the ones they hire either quit after a day or two, or fail to show up regularly. It’s often not even a matter of wages, it’s a matter of Americans not wanting to work hard enough, not wanting to be told what to do and how to do it, or just not available. This is especially true in construction and agriculture, where the work has short deadlines. Absent illegal aliens, the crops die in the fields and houses do not get built.
Manuel Barrera says
Dang, I agree with Ross, having worked construction and snapped cotton in younger years. It was true 40 years ago, it was true 20 years ago Americans d0not want to work as hard.
Construction was piece work, the more you worked and the faster you worked the more you made. I worked with a guy from California, Ford, and a guy from Mississippi, Smith, the former black the latter white. They were the exception, we used to start working when the sun rose and quit when the sun set, seven days a week unless it rained.
I had uncles that could make $100 a week in the 50s snapping cotton. We were there in the fields when the sun rose and were there when the sun set, six days a week and rested on the Sabbath.
Look at all the corners, who do you see begging? Not the brown folks, a few exceptions but not many.
I am not sure that Norm Adams is pro amnesty, citizenship, but rather legalization of their right to work. Only about a third would ever attempt to become citizens even if they could. That is what occurred last amnesty.
Just curious how much more would you be willing to pay in taxes for road construction? Look at the work crews and what do you see? Contract work, the state does it, the county does it, as well as the city.
Food how much more would you be willing to pay? Many American farmers can’t compete with farms from Mexico or other countries as it is.
I know that all “illegal” haters will view this message as being pro citizenship for them but it is not. We could easily go to National IDs and require E-Verify of all companies with heavy penalties for the employers. Of course the cost of e-verify should be born by the government why make it harder for people to form small businesses?