A couple of press releases in the race for Harris County Republican Party Chair.
From Paul Simpson:
The Paul Simpson for Republican County Chair campaign is pleased and honored to announced yet another endorsement to our growing list of Conservative Republican officials, leaders, and grassroots activists endorsing Paul Simpson as our next Harris County Republican party Chair.
Maria Espinoza, President of Eagle Forum-Houston, has announced her support for Paul Simpson for Harris County Republican Party Chair in the upcoming primary:
“Paul is the pro-life conservative who can rebuild the grassroots in Houston, and provide the much-needed conservative leadership. The kind of leadership that will fight for Family, Faith and Freedom. There is too much at stake to continue down the same failing path.
That’s why I’m supporting Paul Simpson for Harris County Republican Party Chair.”
Maria Espinoza, President, Eagle Forum-Houston
Maria Espinoza
Ms. Espinoza joins Harris County Judge Ed Emmett, Former State Party Chair George Strake, and hundreds of Party Leaders, Community Leaders, Business community Leader and Grassroots activists in supporting Paul Simpson for Harris County Republican Party Chair.
Join them and our Republican Grassroots Army at the GRAND OPENING of our Campaign Headquarters
Pol. adv. by Paul Simpson for Harris County Republican Party Chair campaign,
John O’Neill, Treasurer
From Jared Woodfill:
Conservative Slates Endorse Jared Woodfill
Terry Lowry, Steve Hotze, MD., & Gary Polland all back Jared Woodfill
It’s official. The slates are in, and they support Jared Woodfill. At a time when Republicans are engaged in a war for the soul of America, we need to stick with proven, conservative leadership.
Terry Lowry[Link Letter]
Terry Lowry
Dr. Steve Hotze [Conservative Republicans of Texas]
Dr. Steve Hotze
Gary Polland[Texas Conservative Review]
Gary Polland
Check out Jared’s latest radio ad by clicking on the link below!
For additional information about how you can help Jared’s re-election campaign, visit his website (http://www.jaredwoodfill.com).
As the race heats up, I’ll try to keep track of these endorsements. Obviously Simpson has a steep hill to climb with the big three “pay for play” slates siding with Woodfill but that was not unexpected. Jared effectively used the “conservative leader” meme that was opened up and Lowry’s endorsement was probably sealed when County Judge Ed Emmett went with Simpson.
The battle lines are becoming clearer – will Simpson be able to turn out Emmett’s “November Republican” voters? Will the endorsement from Espinoza help Simpson overcome the perception that he is anti-social conservative? Can Woodfill hold his base in a year when many voters seem to want change for the sake of change?
When will the endorsement matrix be updated to reflect the new ones? Or, have I just overlooked the link?
David Jenningssays
George, I put it in the Menu bar above titled 2014 Harris County Republican Party Primary Endorsement Matrix. I’ll update it as we go. Lowry and Polland have not released their entire slate yet.
The C-Club and the Houston Realty Business Coalition have published their endorsements.
When will the endorsement matrix be updated to reflect the new ones? Or, have I just overlooked the link?
George, I put it in the Menu bar above titled 2014 Harris County Republican Party Primary Endorsement Matrix. I’ll update it as we go. Lowry and Polland have not released their entire slate yet.
The C-Club and the Houston Realty Business Coalition have published their endorsements.
Karen, those are included on the sheet above.