Just in time for the New Year and for the Harris County Republican Party Primary, we get our first glimpse of how HCRP Chair Jared Woodfill and team are going to handle one of his challengers, Paul Simpson.
With lies, particularly about social issues such as gay marriage.
Okay, well, that was pretty much to be expected given their past performances but this particular lie was as predictable as the sun setting in the West. Courtesy of Woodfill supporter and mailer of paid slates Gary Polland, we get this:
Stop The Imperial Mayor Of Houston: It seems that for Mayor Annise Parker of Houston, the City Council is something to ignore as is the will of the people. The citizens of Houston in a referendum years ago (2001) said NO to partner benefits. The citizens of Texas passed a constitutional amendment defending the tradition of marriage.
No Ruling By Executive OrdersDespite that, Parker and her chief lawyer David Feldman have in their latest effort reversed the people’s vote and ignored the City Council and are allowing partner benefits.
Courageous HCRP Chair Jared Woodfill is leading the fight to stop this illegal grab of power in the courts and obtained an injunction to halt this illegal act.
Meanwhile, Woodfill’s opponent, Paul Simpson, unbeknown to most Harris County Republicans, was QUOTED in the Washington Times blog in support of the Mayor’s illegal overreaching.
It says here Simpson is running for Chair of the wrong party. Maybe the Libertarian Party is interested.
Emphasis on “QUOTED” was mine because after I pointed this out on Twitter the little weasel changed it to “referred to” – as you can see if you click here and read the revised website. Click here to view a screenshot of the original wording.
Doesn’t matter that Polland changed “quoted” to “referred to” because it is still a lie. The author of that blog on the Washington Times website, Dave Nalle, never once said that Paul Simpson supported Annise Parker’s attempted end around of Texas and Houston voters. And Simpson doesn’t support that end around, as he confirmed to me but that I already knew just from being around him and from his past statements. As well as his strong Christian faith.
Remember, this is the same Gary Polland that took $40,000 to support Annise Parker for Mayor. Can’t make this stuff up folks.
But what’s a little lie here and there in the pursuit of power, right? And money, don’t forget the amount of money that Polland makes off of the taxpayers via court appointments from Judges that are beholden to Jared Woodfill or the candidates in the Republican primary via Polland’s paid slate “newsletter”.
After years of following the paid slates in Harris County, I don’t expect “better” from Gary Polland. The man is what he is.
But Jared. Sigh. From Jared I expect much, much more. Remember what I wrote after he won the run-off primary in 2010? I’ll remind you of part of it:
Don’t equate Jared with certain members of his team. I’ve found Jared to be a person of integrity and I wish other politicians were as tough when it comes to absorbing blows and understanding that it isn’t personal.
And I still believe that. And once again, I am calling on Jared to tell his team to stop with the lies about his opponents and focus on the issues that are preventing the HCRP from being the shining star among Texas Republicans that it should be.
Fact is, he doesn’t need his team and supporters to lie about his opponents as he is the odds on favorite to maintain control of the party. Jared is an excellent spokesperson for the HCRP even if he has other faults. This type of campaigning only makes it harder to bring the party together after the primary and try to win Harris County for Greg Abbott, something that we failed to do for Governor Rick Perry in 2010.
Jared, as you stated in the video below at the 4 minute, 45 second mark, the best voter’s guide is the Bible. And one of the teachings of the Bible is that you should not bear false witness about your neighbor. Jared, be a Proverbs 32 man and help your supporters do the same.
texaswoman says
Great info.