The next time some blabbermouth tells you that we need to spend more money on education in Texas, tell them to watch this video of the Beaumont Central Marching Band (warning – your ears could be damaged):
And I use “band” only because that is the official term – my goodness that was an awful noise. You’d think that the “band” “teacher” would try to teach these kids to blow into a trumpet so as to make a noise that doesn’t sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. Gosh awful noise.
Big Bird assaulting Mitt Romney? Paid for with your “scarce” tax dollars?
Are you kidding me? Someone’s head should roll (figuratively for those of you in Beaumont) for allowing this to happen. You can call the Beaumont ISD Superintendent, Dr. Timothy B. Chargois, at (409) 617-5132 to complain and tell him that his band is awful. Hard to even call it “music”.
Just say no to more funding for Texas schools and yes to vouchers to give kids that want to learn a chance.
Felicia Cravens says
BISD’s former superintendent was one of the highest paid in TX – I wonder where Chagois falls…
David Jennings says
The Texas Tribune still lists the old guy at $347,000/yr. Dr. Chagnois was the Asst. Supt. at $108,000. My gosh lets hope he makes as much as the last guy or we’ll hear charges of racism.
Felicia Cravens says
Oh hellfire, there’s more:
Felicia Cravens says
Chargois doubled his salary, at least, I saw. My sister works for that district. I can’t wait to hear what she has to say.
Ed Hubbard says
I am speechless! The whole administration of that school, as well as the band leader, should be fired for politicizing such an event (though I’d fire the band leader for poor performance reasons, too).
Jeana Blackford says
I was speechless last night when I saw this and did not sleep well, at all! This band director has, obviously, not taught them MUSIC, which is what he is paid to teach, but rather, he’s made these kids TOOLS to promote HIS political ideaology.
Izzy says
Do not fear Big Bird. Fear the outcome of the SBOE election tomorrow.
David Jennings says
I’m sorry but I can’t get outraged by a candidate for SBOE agreeing with this statement:
Or with this:
If that is all their opponents have, I predict it will be a fairly easy election for them. I’ve enjoyed you and Ed bantering about education – he promises to resume after the election when it won’t get buried in the noise.
BTW, you would really like Donna Bahorich. Don’t let the caricatures of her shape your perception – talk to her.
Izzy says
Would that Ed Hubbard were running for the SBOE. The weaknenesses in the thoery of evolution are in the minds of those that would relitigate the Scopes Trial. I would like to meet Donna Bahorich and discuss the teaching of biology in Texas. That would be interesting. Wait a minute!You have given me an idea for a script!
plindow says
Must be using the “Think Method” popularized by Professor Harold Hill in “The Music Man” and they’re still waiting for the Wells Fargo wagon.
But Hill didn’t try to make a political statement.