No, ladies and gentlemen, these people will not run and hide from a few white-guilt ridden leftists. Once again, a FULL house for a routine (boring, actually) Monday night meeting.
As for the meeting itself, it was informative, which means pretty boring, as I noted above. Phil Fountain from Empower Texas was a last minute sub for Michael ‘Quinn Sullivan from the same org. Seems as though Mr. Sullivan’s home was flooded this past week from the deluge that Hermine dropped. Been there, done that, Mr. Sullivan – I feel your pain.
One piece of advice for Mr. Fountain and Empower Texas as a whole: stop soft-pedaling the failure of Joe Straus as Speaker. Tell the truth – he was put in place by Democrats and is the sole reason we do not have Voter ID in place today. If we had Voter ID in place, organizations like King Street would not have to train so many poll watchers and we wouldn’t have to worry as much about fraudulent elections. He is supporting incumbent Dems in a quid pro quo for their support as Speaker. He is not helping a single Republican (to my knowledge) in their quest to defeat incumbent Dems. Tell the truth – it is the only solution to our problems. Sorta, kinda, mentioning that you guys will address the Speaker’s race after the election isn’t getting the job done.
For those “Top Houston political bloggers” that insist that Tea Partys are Republican fronts or that they are funded by billionaires, let’s just say the truth: you’re flippin’ nuts. This room was packed full of people on a night when the Republicans in Harris County were meeting across town. No Harris County Republican candidate was in attendance, no precinct chairs, nada. And as far as that billionaire crap goes, sure, I’m positive that somewhere in the U.S., there is a billionaire that said, hmm, if I throw some money at one of these groups and help them out, they’ll help out my causes. But that is a far, far cry from the lefty narrative that all Tea Party groups are funded by billionaires – the truth is that these groups survive on weekly donations by passing the hat.
I want to touch quickly on the racial diversity of this group. The white-guilt ridden lefty bloggers will undoubtedly point out that this crowd is majority white. To that I say, well, yes, it is. And your point? The smattering of “people of color” in the room (I’d guess 10-15{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986}) certainly can’t be called racists, can they? Oh, yes, I forget, they are Uncle Toms or Tia Lisas. Who cares what you think? Do you seriously think that we are going to stop our fight to return this country to some semblance of what it once was simply because you call us names? If so, you are fruitier than the people that engage in the vulgar term you describe us with.
If people want to know the truth about Tea Partys and the people that attend them, they must find out first hand because the mainstream media and lefty blogosphere WILL NOT TELL THE TRUTH.
Watch this video and see what one man finds when he dares to FIND THE TRUTH:
If you, Mr. or Mrs. Lefty Blogger, are scared to go by yourself to a Tea Party meeting, I’ll extend an open invitation to escort you and protect you from these radical people. Just let me know.