I’ve had the pleasure of attending a couple of political events last week and I must say, I have to “agree to disagree” with some of my political friends. Here are a few of the things I‘ve heard. Most of which are based in sound judgment.
- "We think the world of Fernando and would gladly support him in another race”.
- "What a brave man Fernando is, running into the “burning house” when everyone else is running out”. “If it where any other race I would be front and center!”
- "You know Mayor Parker has a lot of support already.”
- "Mayor Parker has all that ‘money’, how will Fernando ever raise enough money?”
- "You wouldn’t believe all the ‘big’ names that are supporting Mayor Parker.”
- "Fernando is a great guy and so is that little wife of his. We need ten thousand more just like them, but he can’t win against Mayor Parker.”
- "It’s a waste of time and resources. We would be better off working to help elect John McCain or whoever gets nominated to run for President”.
- “Mayor Parker has all those volunteers.”
- “Mayor Parker has two MILLION dollars cash.”
So tell me does Mayor Parker slay conservatives with just a “look” from her big red eyes?
Has Mayor Parker retrieved her superhero cape from the drycleaners?
Does Mayor Parker have invisible body amour, a steel tipped manicure and magic stilettos?
Good Grief! People please; Mayor Parker puts her pants on one leg at a time just like every average guy.
Many a time I have been within mere feet of “Mayor Parker” and lived to tell of it. She is neither nine foot tall nor bullet proof. She does not breathe fire nor has she laser beam vision. She does have a couple of million bucks in the bank (in her campaign account) thanks to help from Barney Frank, plus a ready supply of “paid” volunteers. This isn’t her first rodeo and she has some strong supporters, no doubt. Kind of reminds me of Sylvia Garcia. Mayor Parker has also managed to upset almost every voter out there. Ask yourself this question. “Who might not want to vote for Mayor Parker?” How about anyone that got a water bill? How about the family and friends of the 747 city employees she laid off? How about anyone who is fiscally conservative and was led to believe Mayor Parker was also? How about the churches, schools and other non-profits she seems so willing to toss under the bus. How about the homeowners that can’t alter their home due to forced historical preservation? What has Mayor Parker done to endear herself to them? Has anyone else ever won city wide against so much money and power? Does anyone remember the “Red Light Camera” battle? The Kubosh brothers beat a large and well funded group which included many “BIG” names. They won because the people voted with them. Roy Morales got within a few points of the run off with less than 100 thousand dollars. Here in KISD we recently had a school board election where both well funded incumbents lost. They lost because people are sick of the old ways.
Why should we sit back and let Mayor Parker continue her “reign of terror and destruction”? Houston is the fourth largest city in the country and are we going to sit back and say “no we can’t” while our children’s future is wasting away? Fernando has a plan; you don’t send men into a burning building without a plan. He has no “big” names he has to repay with special favors or contracts. He wants the same thing we all want, a chance for a better life ourselves and an even better life for our kids. He needs to raise some money, no doubt. He doesn’t need two million in the bank to win. He’s got a great team of volunteers and family that will work to get the word out. He’s had block walks with nearly a hundred people canvassing the neighborhoods on a single day.
People are right about him being a great guy and having a great wife. So how about giving him a chance and seeing what happens. If we do nothing Mayor Parker gets a free ride and can spend a couple of million helping Barrack Hussein Obama get reelected.
Or do you want to support a local conservative family oriented candidate who may just win? Maybe we should look back and see that Brown, Lanier and White all won with between 120,000 and 150,000 votes. Parker only got 81,000. She’s not near as popular as one might think. Ask Sylvia Garcia how far nearly a million dollars goes when you’re running against an unknown like Jack Mormon? Jack only had 40,000 dollars and the will of the people behind him.
The perfect storm is brewing across the nation and Houston is not exempt to its influences. If our base will simply VOTE, Herrera wins. We can sit around and say we can’t win or we can get behind Herrera and WIN! He needs volunteers, he needs money and most importantly he needs help in getting out the vote. He needs to be allowed to speak to your group. I know Herrera will do his part. Will you do yours? Ask him what his vision is. There are more than enough votes and dollars out there to defeat Mayor Parker.
Izzy says
I will agree that there is a perfect storm brewing….. in New York's 26th District. Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated Republican Jane Corwin because of the Medicare issue. And the winds are freshening across the country. Barack Obama will be reelected in 2012 and the Senate and House may both be Democrat afterwards. Medicare could be the tornado that destroys the House the Tea Party built. Bob Dylan just turned 70. Sing it with me…….
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.
Yvonne Larsen says
The Buffalo News is reporting the following:
Kathy Hochul (D) 48,530 votes
Jane Corwin (R) 43,836 votes
Jack Davis (Fake TEA) 9495 votes
53,331 votes for the GOP candidates combined and 48,530 for the Democrat.
simple simon says
"A Pox on both your houses!"
When will both the parties start doing something that is good for the American people instead of doing what benefits the election cycle?
It is no accident that both parties are held in such low regard by the general populace.
Izzy says
I thought Mr Davis was a Democrat prior to sidling up to the Tea Party? But I'll give your side the benefit of the doubt and split the difference.
Kathy Hochul= 53277
Jane Corwin= 48583
Izzy says
Way too easy for a smart guy like you. The vote in NY 26 was a referendum on Medicare and by extension, social security. Most folks prefer a little socialism with their capitalism. A Dem candidate won in a heavy Republican district because people don't want granny standing in line at LBJ hospital behind a bunch of illegals and going for supper in the dumpster in back of Macdonalds after her 401K collapses. Now, Simon says clap your hands twice and say " I am my brother's keeper."
DanMan says
Izzy there is a reason democrats have not forwarded a budget in over two years. There is also a reason that not one single senator voted for Obama’s budget yesterday. The reason is reality. In the first instance democrats are hoping to hide it and in the second they had to face it and it makes their leader completely out of touch with the nation.
Do you really think democrats will be able to skate along for another year without addressing the coming financial consequences of doing nothing? Watch Illinois and California in the coming months and you will see what I’m talking about.
Izzy says
I think I understand your point. Granny gets to stand in line at LBJ and eat out of a dumpster so the folks that make over 250K/year don't have to pay more taxes. Got it. Here's an idea. Cut the defense budget, raise ss taxes, do away with oil company and ag subsidies and tax wall street trades. I'll be watching Cal and Illinois in the coming months to see what you are talking about.
gtotracker says
Actually, send home the freeloaders who jumped in line ahead of granny and are stealing the resources she spent a lifetime paying in to, and her lot will improve dramatically.
Eric Dick says
I'd suggest conducting an experiment. See how many people voted for our mayor in 12/09. See how many people voted for city council officials. See that some city council at large candidates received more votes than our sitting mayor.
NPChoustonian says
I too have been been in close proximity of Mayor Parker. I have even publicly challenged her and lived to tell the tale. She is most defenitely vulnerable and we have to do all we can to replace her. I voted for her because she was the better alternative last go around, not this time.
Saul says
Because nothing says "get out the vote" quite like a blog post………………