When I voted for Trump in 2016, it was really a vote against crooked Hillary. At the time I held my nose because Trump was almost as repulsive as the Hildebeast. Now we may have a crooked Donald sitting in the White House.
Trump has shown himself to be a liar time and time again. He keeps contradicting himself because he’s told so many lies that he can’t remember telling them. He seems to get many of his ‘facts’ from the fake news disseminated on social media. His tweets show that he is a thin-skinned bully.
Trump’s former longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, has reportedly told Special Counsel Robert Mueller about hush money paid from campaign funds to porn star Stormy Daniels. And when Allen Weisselberg, CFO of the Trump Organization, gets through cooperating with Mueller, we may find out that Trump is a crook too.
Trump has no shame. Senator John McCain, who passed away August 25, was a true hero. He served his country as a Navy fighter pilot during the Vietnam War. McCain endured more than five years of torture and deprivation in a North Vietnamese prison camp after his plane was shot down by an enemy missile. Trump, on the other hand, managed to obtain five draft deferments during the Vietnam War, four for college and one for bone spurs in his heels that suddenly showed up right after he graduated from college. Yet he had the nerve to question McCain’s heroism for letting himself be captured.
Furthermore, the draft dodger continued to disrespect McCain even in death. Trump had the White House flag lowered to half-mast for only one day before raising it again when all the other flags in the nation’s capital remained at half-mast. It was only after he received a shitstorm of criticism from the Pentagon as well as from Republicans and Democrats alike that he had the flag lowered to half-mast again.
In fairness to Trump, I agree that he is being victimized by a partisan witch hunt. There was no collusion with any Russian government official. But that’s not stopping Mueller who seems determined to bring Trump down. Mueller is working up an Obstruction of Justice case and he has a possible campaign funds violation with the payoff to Stormy Daniels. And by giving Weisselberg immunity, Mueller may even be able to dig up some past corrupt business practices.
I also think Trump’s foreign policy sure beats the crap out of Obama’s and I do like that he has rolled back many of his predecessor’s edicts. And, of course, I also like his nominations for justices of SCOTUS. But all that does not alter the fact that Trump is a disgusting jerk.
There is no doubt that Robert Mueller, the mainstream media, former CIA Director John Brennan, the Obama insiders and Hillary’s supporters are all openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against President Trump. While Obama was untouchable as the first black president, unfortunately for Trump, his skin color does not protect him.
But the embattled president is not helping his cause any with his vindictive tweets. While Trump’s hard-core followers love those tweets, the majority of Americans disapprove of them. And then there is the alleged turmoil within the White House which plays out more like an old Proctor and Gamble soap opera than the way a government should function.
Despite my disgust for Trump, I will vote for him again if he makes it as far as 2020 and runs for another term in office. I hate to think of what direction this country will be headed to under the administration of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris or someone else of their ilk. God save America if any of them ever get to take over the helm of our government.
So if he makes it to 2020 and runs for reelection, I urge all of you to vote for Trump, even if you are disgusted with him, just like I will do.
Regarding your comments about John McCain vis a vie Donald Trump, this was posted on another blog (I believe that it came originally for a Facebook post). It’s far more eloquent than I am:
“First, I quote Melville: “To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee; For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.”
John McCain, by his own design, just spent the last week pi$$ing on the objects of his hate – using his family and friends to do the same, and all because he never achieved what he sought to achieve: the presidency.
Here is the wisdom I wish to impart: the desire for power can blacken even the best of souls, and those blackened souls don’t deserve honor, celebrity, or recognition. The more you give honor to those who don’t deserve it, the more others will follow suit and crave that honor and attention.
You teach your politicians how to treat you. Stop giving them celebrity.
McCain was a small, bitter man. He didn’t care about you. He only cared about getting even.
For lack of term limits, he was allowed decades to walk away from his humanity. Out of spite, he frequently sided with those who wanted to take your freedom from you.
That deserves no honor or recognition.
And he used his own week of scheduled mourning in the wake of his death to stab at those he hated. From the grave, he rose classless and hateful.
Sometimes, someone does something so outrageous and egregious that their act becomes a verb named after them.
Don’t McCain your life, causing its last shadows to fall bitter on your enemies. Rather, seek the good and go out with style and class and warmth.”
To begin with, while you may have seen something similar to what I wrote, what you see here are my own words. My information has come from various sources, but I did not plagiarize this post from someone else.
Fat, I’ve always respected your comments, including those in which you disagreed with me. But your vicious smear of McCain is beneath you! The man you described would never have been allowed to lie in state inside the Capitol Building. America has lost a true patriot who put country ahead of political expediency.
I was referring to your comments in your essay above. I believe that John McCain was a war hero. He deserves our gratitude and respect for his service to our country as a member of our Armed Forces. He endured the most horrendous conditions imaginable and did so with fortitude and honor. I salute his service and leadership as an Air Force pilot.
His military service ended 36 years ago. Since that time he has been an elected politician – for both good and bad. And, while he did much that was good, he also played the bad guy on numerous occasions. Leaving aside his personal life (where he had his own set of missteps to deal with), to say that he never practiced political expediency is to ignore reality.
Perhaps the fitting end of his political life has been the circus surrounding his funeral and memorial services. First of all by the choices that were made of who to invite and who not to invite, and then by the craven political remarks by many of the speakers. Now, you might say that what was said and done at his funeral was out of his control. And, you might be right. If so, his family did him a disservice.
So, I absolutely honor the memory of John McCain the warrior. However, John McCain the politician is a completely different person – and one who is much less deserving.
Hillary not withstanding, if you voted for Trump in 2016, you were the victim of a con man. If you still plan to vote for him today, you’re not paying attention. I have to ask myself why the Russians wanted Trump in the White House so much that they would risk America’s wrath, (and Hillary’s), if their play failed. I believe the last 25 years of Republican actions have been leading up to these last two Supreme court nominations. But why would the Russians care about turning our Supreme Court to the right? Do we really want to find out? Instead, let’s dump Trump at the earliest opportunity, put someone in his place who is less volatile and turn the court to the center with a different choice than Kavanaugh. Let’s make America SANE again.
Oh please! I knew exactly whaat I was getting when I voted for Trump. . . . I was NOT getting Hillary. I would have voted for my pet rabbit over Hillary. And, frankly, at this point in time the offerings the Democrats have on the horizon don’t give me cause to think that there will be better options in 2020. Biden is barely lucid. Elizabeth Warren is a laughing stock. Kamala Harris is so liberal she makes Hillry look like a John Bircher. Cory Booker – now there’s a REAL con man.
The Russians? They’ve played everybody for chumps. They didn’t care WHO got elected. What has Trump done for them? They simply wanted to screw with the system and make whoever got elected less effective. In that they succeeded beyond their wildest expectations – aided to a large degree by a Democrat party who simply couldn’t understand that they actually lost and a whiny, self absorbed Hillary who is willing to blame anything and everything for her own loss.
As for Gorsuch and now Kavanaugh, as far as I’m concerned they’re moving the court back to the center. (BTW – Kavanaugh is a done deal – he’ll be sitting before the fall elections. With any luck Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be the next to retire and Trump can fill his 3rd seat. Picking Justices is one of the things Trump does best!
I truly believe that Donald Trump is trying to do the right thing. He may be a little fuzzy on exactly what that is, and he may be foggy on how to do it, but I truly believe that is his goal. The Democraps, on the other hand, (especially Hillary) are, IMHO, interested in public office for personal enrichment and to accumulate personal power. They are venal and vile. Trump isn’t running for Pope or head of the Moral Majority. Is anybody surprised by the probability that an immensely rich PRIVATE CITIZEN was belly bumping with a couple of very attractive, very willing young women? You shouldn’t be. I do not much like Trump, I despise Hillary. He got a strict constructionist on the Supreme Court. He is likely to get another one. Those two things, as far as I am concerned, cement the Trump administration on the positive side of history.
I got as far as McCain was a hero. That week of McCain worship was ironic in that the person that was the focus of the whole shebang wasn’t even there.
And McCain’s petty spite was broadcast by his family and other never trumpers throughout the event. Is anybody going to remember anything about that 8 day jab at Trump other than that?
Howie don’t let your hatred of Trump do what it did to McCain.
Dan, I think there is a difference between hatred and disgust. I don’t hate Trump but I am really disgusted with his absolute lack of character.
As for John McCain and his family, their animosity against the draft dodger who had the nerve to question John’s wartime heroism is well justified. In effect, Trump not only made an uncalled for insult against McCain, but he insulted every American soldier, sailor and airman who had the misfortune of being captured by the enemy.
Trump has no shame and no decency!
The economy is roaring under Trump. He gets it. Socialism has taken over the Democratic party. There is no choice for anyone who understands economics. Trump it is. Appreciate the show.
Howie, you can type away all you want because i place you in the same “drawer with McCain” and then I raised my RIGHT feet as a Republican (you are not one of us) and i shoved the drawer dead to our world of intelligent voters for finally realizing we have been lied to by your friends through their years in office.
We voted for TRUMP not because we were running from the Hilaries. We could have voted for Ted Cruz, you had that option also. Why didn’t you?
We, included you, VOTE FOR TRUMP because we trusted what he said he was going to do for us Citizens. We don’t care how many women he beded, at least the Kennedys got him beat including the possible death of one. Your past President Kennedy from what I heared had them coming and going from the WH.
Texas has had their share too. You also address my President Trump did not serve in the armed services. No problem with me on that. Look around and do a google search on the present State of Texas Republican Representatives tell us which ones did NOT serve in or around any war zones. I then want you too look at House and Senate Representatives in DC tell us which ones dodge the war zones equally and did not serve.
FAT ALBERT and DANtheman said it so good to you especially. They both said exactly what I am feeling. It takes a SPECIAL kind of person man or woman to give up their lives and willingly walk towards a riffle bend down and pick one up then walk up into a military plane and fly off to a FOREIGN country walk off the plane to go kill another human being who is just as passionate for their country as our soldiers are for our freedom on this country.
I will curtesy to a soldier and a police officer who both have a special valor of armor in their spirits (God created that type of inviduals for war) that takes fear out of them to protect our daily lives each day.
Senator John McCain was never recognize by many as a National Hero. Nope, he was in my book a soldier doing his best to be great at what he could do for USA. In his short time in the Navy (short time!) He did what he could, capture he made the best he could as a prisoner of war. He came back to run for higher office and to do better as a Soldier/Citizen for us and made a mockery with his votes including tanking his vote to doom our better Health Care System. He doom it just as he had showing off in his Navy jet planes he crashed (got covered up by his Admiral Dad). Left his 1st wife holding a “binding Matrimony Contract” he made before all others in church and before God to which he vowed to honor, love and take care, for better or worse till death did part them. Why did he run into the arms of another woman during trying times? He is not a hero, only a war soldier who gave his most he could and made it back home.
My HEROES are those left beyond our shores on a battle field never to be seeing again. Our loved ones that were sons to American Mothers, wives left behind in Vietnam to be forgotten by (politicians including persons those just recently passed). My Hero was killed (not died by natural causes) in a foreign land because he believed his life had a purpose to serve his country as a Soldier. A soldier has a loving heart, a strong deminor. This is the reason why my President said what his personal feelings towards McCain were just like I am expressing mine.
Howie, take your ill feelings and go vote outside of Texas, you are not one of us. Go to El Paso and throw your vote with with the other swines up there (pigs).
I SHALL GLADLY VOTE AGAIN FOR President Trump. He is a great businessman to make America whole, independent from all others, and make all retirements accounts stronger in building our wealth again so we can live a morecrichly lifestyle.
No other Republican or Democrat Presidents had fone such a great job.
Oh, I forgot Howie did your past President Obama joined any arm services?
Good post!
John McCain should have switched parties, I would have had much more respect for him even if I hated his politics.
Thank you Berna Mac for your comment. I don’t agree with all the things you wrote but you have brought up some valid points about several high profile individuals. Unless I’m reading your comment wrong it seems you may think that El Paso is in another state.
“Howie, take your ill feelings and go vote outside of Texas, you are not one of us. Go to El Paso and throw your vote with with the other swines up there (pigs).”
I like El Paso. It’s true that it is closer to the Pacific ocean than Houston but it is a strong military city filled with a soldiers passion for purpose and duty. In my opinion, the severe violence that is just across the border in Juarez did not filter across to El Paso because of the large number of troops stationed there. In fact, El Paso is a very safe city.
Like you, I voted for Trump because he is Trump. MAGA.
Hanoi Songbird, Keating Bandit, ISIS Hugging, Hobbit Hater McCain was a traitor. His daddy was a traitor on cover-ups on USS Liberty and USS Forrester. His grandpa was a traitor at Leyte Gulf and Pacific nuke tests.
You have a GED grasp of science, history and current events. I will be speaking at the next Cypress Tea Party meeting, show up and learn something about our totally corrupt, demonic warlord dystopia.
Just to keep things straight and not being argumentative, Mr. Olson, if you’re going to call someone a traitor you ought to get your facts right. For starters, Sen. McCain’s grandfather Admiral John S. McCain Sr., died on September 6, 1945. it would have been hard for him to be a traitor involving the Pacific nuke tests as you asserts because he was dead.
Let’s move on to “songbird.” The vast majority of the PWs with Sen. McCain say he behaved honorably. McCain himself never forgave himself for signing a confession to get medical care. As for saying things or signing things while you’re being tortured, I know people who could get you to admit you were the guy on the grassy knoll in Dallas who shot JFK. And you’d feel much better when you got it off your chest.
Four generations of McCains have served the United States honorably in the U.S. Navy. I for one get a bit peeved when someone calls three of the four generations traitors. How long were you in uniform?
By the way, do you know what constitutes treason under US law. I’ll bet you don’t. It’s the only crime set out in the Constitution (Article III). Read it sometime before you start calling people traitors.
If your comment above is indicative of what you’ll be discussing at the Cypress Tea Party Meeting – frankly I’d rather listen to an hour of bad rap music.
No doubt President Trump has unadorable character traits. But, he is aggressively attempting to accomplish what he promised. That is more than you can say about most politicians who spend most of their time misleading their constituents in favor of their special interest donors. Trump’s tweets, although unconventional, are designed to cut out the dishonest press by directly informing the public of his thoughts. To this end he has been very successful. What Trump is doing is absolutely predictable; read The Art of the Deal. There is no other person that can defeat the democrat left.
I have little respect for John McCain, other than he served the nation in Vietnam, he was a petty, vindictive, ego maniac.
Like so many others, Trump lives rent free in your head. Enjoy the company.
Yes Rusk….El Paso is in Texas thst where I wanted Howie to go vote with his Candidate Beto.
El Paso where I visit and have military retired friends would agree with me on Downtown El Paso is still dangerous. Living up on the Scenic Drive one has to be careful of the bullets flying over from Juarez. Up and down Dyer St all the way to Northgate is not so good anymore.
The base had to shut itself down and up around Montana the Tram area…have to watch yourself, the drive over to Meda Dr. Not so good. Graffitti all over the plave and over the over passes too.
The military personnel most live on the other side of the mountain on the cut.
Its been 3 years I have not returned.