Breitbart TV has the story.
On March 28th, 2013 Vice President Joe Biden told the coalition “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” that:
“and lastly, but not least, the Assault Weapons ban and the limitation on the size of magazines, let me say this as clearly as I can: this is just the beginning…”
Houston’s Mayor Parker is a member of the firearm-grabbing coalition “Mayors Against Illegal Guns“. How does Mayor Parker define “illegal guns”? In the mind of Progressives, the definition is a firearm owned by the 99 Percent of law-abiding, legal firearms owners (Progressives, Hollywood-types & their bodyguards are exempted from this definition, of course).
Millions of law abiding firearms owners & CHL holders will never commit a crime and Mayor Parker knows this. Do you know what group of people HAVE been arrested or convicted of a crime? That’s right….MAYORS!
ELEVEN current or former mayors have been arrested or have been convicted of crimes. The website “Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors” has documented the rap sheets of ELEVEN current or former mayors convicted of obstruction of justice, misconduct in office, disorderly conduct, and fraud.
And with the arrest of another MAIG comrade, perhaps the law (S.B. 374) Mayor Parker supports should first be applied everyone in Mayor Gloomberg’s gun-grabbing cabal.
Sally Belladonna Baggins Stricklett says
Mayor Parker… isn't she just peachy!
KM says
Why doesn’t Mayor Parker “come out” and tell the people of Houston she is in that coalition, maybe like let the Houston Chronicle know? I’m sure the people of Houston would like that information. Glad I don’t live in the city limits.
Trebor Gordon says
With all the blundering statements Biden makes and has made, I’m not sure why anyone would even give his statements serious consideration. A point I’d like to make is this: The 2nd amendment is focused on our ability to defend ourselves against the tierney from the government, the government has assault weapons, and the like. Could this be a way to ensure the “people” are unable to match that “fire power”? Maybe not, but its a thought. Lastly, Someone please help me out on the mayor and guns, isn’t Parker a member of the NRA? Or, did I dream that one?
Martha Tillman says
Bloomberg is in the same group as Biden, et al: Idiots.
Mary Leyendecker says
Mr. Biden entered into the crucial position of Vice President of the United States of America on the coattails of Mr. Obama. Let us pray Mr. Obama remains blessed with good health and safe living environments. I would say to any thoughtful person, review and study the record of hyperbole on gun control. On the very day of the Newtown, CT massacre (December 15, 2012, correct?) of 26 kindergarteners and those who cared for them on the sacred ground of the public school classroom, plus the shooter plus his Mother of blessed memory, people started yammering and hammering about guns and ammo. Actors portrayed grieving parents. Legislators voiced their opinions to the skies. Frauds were perpetrated in collecting funds for the horrified bereaved families. Emotions and rages tore through commjunities and behind closed doors. The NRA drew attention upon itself. Jillions of firearms and billions of bullets have been stockpiled by federal agencies ….. yadda yadda bing … LOOPHOLES of a peculiar, special interest nature remain UNCHANGED among federal firearm laws; WHY. God bless you and your family always. Come to Texas and bring your business plans.
Lee Umphres says
The further this gun ban escalates the more blue I lean. The Mayors AND our foreign enemies will not be safisfied until the people are unarmed. I had thought our mayors and the government were proponents of the people AND The Constitution!
Jim Perkins says
red is republican, blue is democrat
milton partain says
Mayor Bloomingidiotberg and Mayor Asinine Porker are two of a kind . She rules over a city where the majority is Hispanic , second black and then whites . A Democrat surrounded by Conservative suburbs . Aligning herself with Bloomingidiotberg almost guarantees that she will have no chance at higher office in Texas .
Izzy says
Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland took no chances after one of his assistant prosecutors was assassinated two months ago. McLelland said he carried a gun everywhere he went and took extra care when answering the door at his home.
“I’m ahead of everybody else because, basically, I’m a soldier,” the 23-year Army veteran boasted in an interview less than two weeks ago.
On Saturday, he and his wife were found dead in their home just outside the town of Forney, about 20 miles from Dallas, killed in an attack for which authorities have given no motive.
If Mike McLelland had an assault weapon this horrible tragedy might not have happened. Wake up Mayor Parker. Obviously we need MORE guns not less.
The bells tolled twenty-six times GONG today
For the victims of Sandy GONG Hook
Six for the teachers who GONG taught there
Twenty for the GONG precious little martyrs, but
No bells tolled GONG for Nancy Lanza
She knew she GONG needed to be near him
She GONG was trying to do what she GONG could
He had Sensory Integration Disorder
He couldn’t GONG handle her touch
And we know that Nancy was GONG very sad
Her son GONG couldn’t love her back
The twenty-seventh GONG unlucky victim
The twenty-seventh devastated mother GONG
The President remembered GONG the dead
During GONG a service at Newtown High School GONG
He spoke the names GONG
Of those who were slain, but
No bells tolled for Nancy Lanza
Marsha Moore says
They better hurry she is term limited. But should assure a REPUBLICAN will replace her. And who ever it may be they better support the Constitution or they will get the Lycos treatment.
tired dog says
I’m late to the party as usual, but, note that Porker, like Di-Fi before, has a ccw and packs heat but would happily strip you of your tools of personal preservation.
Her police chiefie would also happily strip you of your tools.
Recall Porker, fire chiefie.