You know, the deal that Rep. Paul Ryan, Sen. John Cornyn, Sen. Ted Cruz and other Republicans are pushing? Yeah, that one.
Leave it to a Democratic politician to oppose it. Sigh.
“I’d like to see the text of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal,” I told the person I reached in the office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “it’s classified.”
“But representatives from some 600 private corporations have access to it by way of a secured Internet portal,” I said. “I’d like the password to the secured portal, please.”
“That’s not possible,” she said.
“But I’m a former cabinet official. I had security clearance. Why can representatives from 600 private corporations have access to this text and not me?”
“I’m very sorry,” she said.
“Look, Congress will be voting shortly on whether to fast-track this deal without amendment or discussion. Several members of Congress have called me to get my advice before they vote. All I’m asking for is the same access to it that people who work for 600 corporations are getting.”
“I can’t help you,” she said.
“WikiLeaks has already published three leaked chapters and is selling the entire thing for $100,000. Wouldn’t it be cheaper and simpler just to give it to me?”
She laughed and said goodbye.
I don’t think this is a laughing matter.
I don’t either, Mr. Reich. I don’t either.
How in the hell did it come to this? Democrats supporting transparency, Republicans saying, no, no way, we must have backroom deals!!!
I’d shake my head but I’d get whiplash over this one.
Where did you get the idea Republicans supported transparency?
The Democrat Party is controlled by and run for the benefit of the socialists and communists. In order to get votes, they blast the Republicans as Rich Fat Cat Millionaires who don’t want to share the pie with democrat voter base. The RINO controlled Republican Party (including Karl Rove, et al) are paid for, controlled by, and run for the benefit of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (the 600 corporations mentioned, e.g. the RINO’s campaign contributors). Some might say they are Fascists. The Trans Pacific Partnership removes the congress’ constitutional control over foreign trade, giving that power to the US CoC. As Rick said, this is not a “Transparency” issue. It is a Socialist/Communist versus Fascist Turf War, in which NEITHER side has the American Citizen’s or the Constitution’s interests in mind.
In general, the Democrats are a bunch of hypocrites when it comes to criticizing Republicans for backdoor dealings and serving as corporate lackeys. They take their fair share of corporate dollars to do corporate bidding.
Not that corporations are inherently evil, any more than any other type of organization, public or private, is inherently evil. But the fact that I don’t think my neighbor is evil will not cause me to shrug in apathy when he effectively gets to cast 10,000 votes while I only get to cast 1.
As for the TPP, we don’t need to read the text of the deal to know it is a cesspool of corruption. We know that specifically because we can’t read it. Do we want free trade? That does not require secret negotiations. Pass a measure that lowers trade barriers contingent upon the other side doing the same. Tah-dah! Free trade.
For the record, John Culberson also voted to fast-track the TPP. Such cronyism is one of the reasons why I have chosen to run against him in 2016.