There isn’t a lot of “news” coming out of the race to replace Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison right now. Sure, there are a few small forums, with candidates jostling for hard core voters that have probably made their minds up already anyway, but on a broader scale, there just isn’t much happening. Rep. Michael McCaul is putting out feelers to see if anyone thinks he should enter. Dannie is still flirting, getting exposure where he can, hoping someone will take him seriously.
But mostly it feels like everyone is waiting for Lt. Gov. Dewhurst to come out of hiding or wherever he’s been so that the campaign can really begin. Personally, I think Dewhurst is playing it smart avoiding the little forums because the plain truth is, he has no supporters there. Don’t believe me? Go to a few and talk to the people that attend. The kindest comment that you will hear is that he is a RINO – and it goes downhill from there.
Taking advantage of the news vacuum in the race, former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert has released a comprehensive plan to get America working again. And when I say comprehensive, I do mean comprehensive. This is the kind of stuff that we usually see from think tanks, not candidates for U.S. Senator. I mean, seriously, where’s the rhetoric? You won’t find much of it here. This is about the extent of the rhetoric:
No doubt, detractors will attack and criticize my proposals. I welcome it. Instead of offering a sweeping vision for reform, I could have put forth dyed-in-the-wool, run-of-the-mill proposals that my opponents are talking about on the campaign trail. But I know their plans will not lead us out of this recession or end the overreach of government. I say go big or go home.
I have to admire the guy for trying this route in a Texas Republican primary, especially one fueled by the remnants of the 2010 tea party successes. These remnants much prefer slogans like “Don’t Tread on Me” over reading comprehensive solutions to the situation we find our country in today. The plan itself is based upon solid conservative principles and is innovative at the same time. But will Texas Republican Party primary voters take the time to read it? Who knows? Maybe if they watch his introduction to it, it will spur them to at least read the Executive Summary he has produced.
You want truth? Try this on for size:
The common practice for Republican politicians today is to rail against President Obama's economy and call for rolling back his disastrous policies. The truth is that Obama has made our situation far worse, but our problems did not start with Obama and they won't stop by simply rolling back his policies. We are in a crisis that has been created by Washington and can only be fixed by outsiders, not more lawyers and career politicians. This plan is about creating new opportunities that aren't out there today. Make no mistake; these proposals will change the way our government works. And for those like me who have felt the pull of government holding our country back from its place in history as the "shining city upon a hill," this plan will restore the greatness that we know our country can achieve.
What? It isn’t all President Obama’s fault? Really?
Think about that. As best as I can tell, every other candidate in this race is running strictly and solely against President Obama. That is all well and good, and certainly President Obama has been a disaster for the country but if the next senator from Texas doesn’t understand that the problems we face are far deeper than President Obama’s policies, then we stand no chance of reversing course.
Don’t take my word for it. Read this plan. If you like it but still like your candidate better than Mr. Leppert, that’s fine, but tell your candidate to adopt it or at the very least to read it. You never know what can happen when good ideas are shared.
This plan is amazing. I read the summary and can't wait to read the whole thing. I think we've all been waiting long enough for someone who actually has some ideas rather than just blame to pass around.
Agree with Natalie…this is impressive. Seeing all these ideas put forward in such a straight forward, simple way makes me even more disappointed in our current leaders. Pay attention! There are solutions to our problems if you're willing to stand up and start making better decisions. Hopefully, Leppert and others like him can show the rest of our leaders the way.
Still have a few reservation about Leppert , but I love how he's going with a no bs, pure substance campaign, refreshing to see something other than fluff for once.
I must admit, I've been in Ted Cruz's corner for quite a while now, and I was hesitant to even look at this plan of a guy that I don't even expect to compete, behind Cruz, Dewhurt and Jones. But, I decided to take a look, the executive summary and the video you posted were enough to draw me in further.
I read the report and I didn't find one thing I disagree with. This plan was detailed, it was informative and it was right. I kept reading this damn thing like it was a novel I couldn't put down. I don't know that I'll switch to Leppert, but it certainly made me think. I'm wondering how soon the other candidates will come along with their similarly detailed plans.
I hope people will read this plan, I'll share it with my friends and family, but I'm willing to bet fewer than 2,000 people in the entire state will read a plan like this. Here's to a great publication for those willing to get to know where candidates stand.