Prior to 1995, candidates for mayor and city council in Chicago ran on partisan tickets. In 1995, the Illinois legislature supposedly changed this practice by requiring that such candidates run in non-partisan elections, like those for municipal offices in Texas. However, this veneer of recent non-partisanship has simply institutionalized the control of Chicago government by the historic Democratic machine, as shown by the re-elections of Richard M. Daly and the election of the current mayor, Rahm Emanuel, without any real opposition from what had historically been the Republican Party in Chicago and Cook County, Illinois. This Democratic machine has effectively run Chicago, block by block, ward by ward, since 1931, when the last Republican mayor, William Hale Thompson (who served for 12 of the 16 years from 1915 to 1931), was replaced by Anton Cermak (whose son-in-law would later serve as Illinois Governor, as a federal judge, and, finally, as a federal prison inmate—the latter being an unfortunately bi-partisan trait of recent Illinois Governors).
Regardless of what else can be said about the meteoric political career of Barack Obama, he is a product of this well-oiled and tightly-operated political machine. In turn, much of the breathless praise that has been heaped on the Obama campaign’s ability over the last two Presidential elections to harness technology to identify and mobilize voters is nothing more than praise of a modernized application of the Chicago model of machine organization to national politics. As with any form of political machine, tight control is required to keep it operating, and such tight control often leads to corruption—both petty and grand. For example, during the administration of the first Richard Daly, one of my late aunts was required to change her voter registration to the Democratic Party in order to be hired as an administrator of the Chicago Public Library. Now, your immediate reaction might be, “isn’t that illegal,” and the answer would be, “yes, it is.” But in Chicago, the historic answer would be, “so what, the City works—shut up and play the game.” Eventually, this petty corruption, if allowed to fester, becomes ingrained into a system that people simply learn to accept and game to their own advantage.
Unfortunately for the future of both parties, if this model is allowed to seize control of the national Democratic Party (which it may already have done) and the Republicans fail to implement an appropriate organizing model to remain competitive, it may soon be as difficult to elect a Republican (or a Democrat who is not anointed by the machine) to national office as it is to elect a Republican (or an independent Democrat) in Chicago.
Such a machine requires centralized control of the operation and the message, repetition of the message, and conformity to the message. One of the downsides of email, text-messaging, and social media revolution that the Obama team mastered, is that it provides a wonderful vehicle for such control, repetition and conformity. And it is that level of control that I want to focus your attention to in the remainder of this post, because, as we watch efforts like “Organizing for Action” and “Battleground Texas” begin to attack Texas politics, we must not lose sight of who is really behind this effort, and how tightly it will be controlled.
To begin with, let’s remind ourselves as to how the operation was launched during Obama’s first campaign. In a recent column in the online publication Salon, Lee Fang recounted the following:
A central dynamic created by the growth of new media is the proliferation of virtual communities. The Obama campaign in 2008 tried to harness this trend by creating MyBarackObama, an interface for campaign supporters to create online identities, connect with other supporters and publicize their campaign activity. The technology was based on Howard Dean’s successful use of the web site Meetup, used in 2004 to network and find fellow supporters. By showcasing their own contributions in the form of pictures, videos and “points” for volunteer service, MyBarackObama did more than simply foster engagement. They created a social premium for volunteers to share their contributions with others. … The online community gave Obama campaign operatives a wealth of information about its supporters, and the seemingly walled structure (although it was open to anyone) of such a network provided a sense of togetherness for people inside that community.
… Shortly after Obama took office, Democratic planners moved the MyBarackObama listserv and online community into the apparatus of the Democratic National Committee, converting it into Organizing for America.
(emphasis added) See: http://www.salon.com/2013/04/23/secrets_of_the_conservative_media_machine/
During the 2008 election, the email address used to contact MyBarackObama was [email protected]. Now let’s see what happened to the use of this email address after Obama takes office. The following is an email that he sent to his supporters trying to capitalize on one of the most inexplicably idiotic actions ever taken—the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama having done absolutely nothing:
From: President Barack Obama [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 4:40 PM
Subject: A call to action
Notice that the email address of the sender is the email address that had been used by the Obama campaign’s MyBarackObama online effort, and that to unsubscribe, the recipient must still go to the MyBarackObama website. Now, however, the email address is being used and paid for by Organizing for America, which is being described as “a project of the Democratic National Committee”—whatever that means from a legal standpoint.
Just a few days later the following flyer was circulated for an event to be held in Houston later that month:
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 3:33 PM
Subject: Fwd: Organizing for America- UH Heath Insurance Reform Forum
Navid Zanjani
Regional Field Director
Organizing for America
University of Houston – Health Insurance Reform Forum
Special Guests:
Dr. Richard Murray
Dr. Elizabeth Rigby
Dr. Jennifer Clark
Dr. Syed Ahmed
October 21st 6pm-8pm
The University Center – Cougar Den Rm.12
Join us for a Health Insurance Reform Forum at the University of Houston.
We will discuss the current policies and the President’s Plan for health insurance reform.
Come see what Organizing for America is doing to help with health insurance reform and how you can get involved.
Bring family and friends to see how this change will impact you.
As we see, this event is being sponsored under the name of Organizing for America using the Obama campaign logo, but OFA’s regional director’s email address is at the Democratic National Committee. So, we have the Obama campaign online organization becoming a project of the Democratic National Committee while still using the campaign’s email address, and now it is working directly with operatives of the DNC.
There are so many similar emails and flyers from the 2008-2011 time period that friends forwarded to me over the years, that I won’t belabor this history further. Instead, I want to fast forward to the 2012 campaign. Here is an email from the Obama-Biden re-election campaign, now called—wait for it—“Obama for America” (yes, there’s that OFA acronym again). Notice, again, that roving email address from the sender:
From: Gillian Bergeron, BarackObama.com [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012 8:12 PM
Subject: Join the action in Houston
Hey XXXXXXXX: Something really cool happened last week, and I had to share with you.You probably know that one of our top priorities this year is registering as many new voters as possible. This past Thursday, supporters down in Florida really stepped up, registering over 10,000 voters. In a single day. I’m not sure if that’s a record, but it’s definitely amazing.Florida is just one example — and it wouldn’t have been possible without folks from neighboring states pitching in to help. Every day, supporters are getting involved in this campaign — whether it’s registering voters, making calls, knocking on doors, or participating in one of a million other ways.This Thursday, your neighbors in Houston are continuing that work by organizing phone banks. Folks will be making calls into nearby battleground states, asking voters to support President Obama. It’s critical work — can you join them?Yes, I’ll be there!No, I can’t make it, but I’ll help by signing up for Dashboard, the campaign’s online field office. What: Phone bank in Houston
Where: 2117 chenevert street
Houston, TX 77003When: Thursday, October 11th
Shifts start at 1:00 pm
Or find other phone banks near you.I am constantly in awe of the energy and enthusiasm of the folks who have stepped to own this campaign. I hope you can make it to the phone bank this Thursday — there are just 30 days left.
Sign up now:
Gillian Bergeron
Deputy Get Out the Vote Director
Obama for America—–
Can’t make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today.Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible
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If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here.We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact
with supporters. Click here if you’d like to unsubscribe from these messages.
This campaign is a community, and all ideas are welcome.
We appreciate any feedback you might have — positive or negative.
Click here to contact the campaign with any questions or concerns.
Ok, let’s try to recap where we are now: the Obama 2008 campaign online apparatus is shifted to the DNC, including its email address, under the name of a project using the acronym “OFA;” then, the email address reappears as the Obama 2012 campaign address, and the campaign has adopted a name with the acronym “OFA.” Well, guess what happens after the 2012 election: a new organization is created, called—you guessed it—“Organizing for Action,” that also goes by the acronym “OFA.” Here is how the website for that organization describes itself:
Organizing for Action is a nonprofit organization established to support President Obama in achieving enactment of the national agenda Americans voted for on Election Day 2012. OFA will advocate for these policies throughout the country and will mobilize citizens of all parties and diverse points to speak out for speedy passage and effective implementation of this program, including gun control, sensible environmental policies to address climate change and immigration reform. In addition, OFA will encourage the formation of chapters that will be dedicated at the grassroots level to this program, but also committed to identifying and working progressive change on a range of issues at the state and local level. In carrying its work, OFA will operate as a “social welfare” organization within the meaning of section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
So, OFA is no longer a project of the DNC, or the Obama re-election campaign. It’s now a 501(c)(4) “social welfare” organization. But, low and behold, look who is sending emails on behalf of OFA, look at the logo they are using, and look at the email address they are using—and then look and see how and why they are trying to raise money and mobilize:
From: Stephanie Cutter, BarackObama.com [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:41 AM
Subject: How the sequester affects XXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXX –Prepare yourself for job layoffs, reduced access to early education, slower emergency response, slashed health care, and more people living on the street.This Friday is the final deadline for congressional Republicans to stop disastrous automatic spending cuts (known as the “sequester”) that will hurt everyday Americans — including you.These budget cuts will take a sledgehammer to the budget, and indiscriminately cut critical programs vital to economic growth and middle class families.If Congress fails to act, we’d see budget cuts pretty much across the board to critical services that teachers, first responders, seniors, children, and our men and women in uniform rely on every day.It sounds bad because it is. And with all these cuts on the line, why are congressional Republicans refusing to budge?Because to do so, they’d have to close tax loopholes for millionaires and billionaires, oil companies, vacation homes, and private jet owners. I’m not kidding.It’s on each of us to speak up. Share what these budget cuts could mean to you — or someone you know — today. Congress needs to hear it. President Obama has offered a balanced plan to reduce our deficit, asking the wealthy to pay their fair share so that we can protect programs that are incredibly important for working and middle-class Americans.
But congressional Republicans so far are refusing to compromise.
Here are some of the consequences if Congress fails to act by Friday:
— 10,000 teachers would be laid off, $400 million would be cut from Head Start, the program that makes sure at-risk preschoolers are ready for kindergarten, and 70,000 kids would be kicked out of the early-education program completely.
— The budget for firemen and other first responders to react when natural disasters strike would be cut by $35 million.
— Nutrition programs that help make sure seniors don’t go hungry would be cut by $43 million.
— A program that helps provide housing for the formerly homeless, including many veterans, would be shuttered, putting them at risk of going back on the street.
— A number of programs that help the most vulnerable families and children would be slashed — including the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children dropping 600,000 women alone.
Right now, each of us has a responsibility to step up and make sure Congress hears our voices.
Whether you’d be directly affected by these sequester cuts, or whether they’d affect a senior, veteran, or teacher you know, please share what they mean to you:
Let’s keep the pressure on congressional Republicans to do the right thing.
Stephanie Cutter
Organizing for Action—————-
Let’s finish what we started. Chip in $75 or more to Organizing for Action, the grassroots movement that will get the job done.
Paid for by Organizing for Action
Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.
This email was sent to: XXXXXXXXXXXXX.
If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters. Click here if you’d like to unsubscribe from these messages.
Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035
From: Sara El-Amine, BarackObama.com [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2013 11:10 AM
Subject: RSVP requested: Action Planning Session in Houston
XXXXXXXX –As we get Organizing for Action off the ground, we have a lot of decisions to make about how we structure ourselves and how we take action.Those are decisions that supporters like you, who’ve been so important in building this movement, should make. On Saturday, March 16th, volunteers in Houston are hosting an Action Planning Session — and you should be there.This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of planning what OFA will do over the next few months.Here are the details — can you make it? What: Action Planning Session in Houston
Where: 3805 West Alabama
Houston, TX 77027When: Saturday, March 16th
12:00 pm
You’ll be able to sit down with neighbors and help lay the foundation for your prospective OFA activities — organizers will provide materials to guide the conversation, but they’ll be turning over the brainstorming, creative thinking, and ambitious planning to you.Whether you’ve been a part of the local grassroots movement in Houston for years or you’re just getting involved now, you have something to contribute to the conversation. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have a say in what happens next.
RSVP now for the Action Planning Session on Saturday, March 16th:
Sara El-Amine
National Organizing Director
Organizing for Action—————-
Let’s finish what we started. Chip in $75 or more to Organizing for Action, the grassroots movement that will get the job done.
Paid for by Organizing for Action
Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.
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If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters. Click here if you’d like to unsubscribe from these messages.
Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035
From: Jim Messina, BarackObama.com [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 3:41 PM
Subject: You can be damned sure this isn’t going to stop:
XXXXXXX –I want to make one thing absolutely clear:We’re up against a whole lot more than just opposition in Congress.We’re up against interest groups with money to burn — organizations willing to drop every last penny they have to stop President Obama’s agenda in its tracks. We’re already seeing it on gun violence, and immigration reform — they’re going to spend millions to throw a wrench in the works of progress.You can be damned sure that this is not going to stop.Organizing for Action is going to shift the balance of power in Washington back to real people. People like you have shown over and over again that no amount of spending can stop millions of Americans calling for change.It’s going to take each of us rolling up our sleeves, getting to work, and chipping in what we can when we can.We have our first fundraising deadline this weekend. Donate $5 or more right now to become a founding member of this organization: https://donate.barackobama.com/First-Deadline
This is going to be fun. If we do this right, the other side won’t know what hit ’em.
Jim Messina
Organizing for Action
Paid for by Organizing for Action
Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.
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If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters. Click here if you’d like to unsubscribe from these messages.
Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035
From: Sara El-Amine, BarackObama.com [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:07 PM
Subject: XXXXXXX, meet Lauren
XXXXXXXX –When Organizing for Action launched just three months ago, we were a bare-bones organization without a single paid staff member on the ground.Since then, because of the work of our dedicated volunteers, we’ve been accomplishing some incredible things. But the time has come to take our organizing to the next level.That’s why I am excited to introduce Lauren Coffee, the new Texas state coordinator for Organizing for Action.The state coordinator’s role is to support the work folks like you are already doing. Lauren will help identify leaders, build chapters, and work to keep all of our skills sharp through trainings and development programs.Your coordinator will work with local volunteers to build a strategy specific to your community, and to make sure the Texas team is getting all the resources this organization has to offer.Introduce yourself — add your name and let Lauren know you’re ready to lend a hand:http://my.barackobama.com/Ready-to-Help This is just the beginning. A lot more to come!
Sara El-Amine
National Organizing Director
Organizing for Action—————-
A movement of millions elected President Obama. Let’s keep fighting for change. Chip in $75 or more to support Organizing for Action today.
Paid for by Organizing for Action
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If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters. Click here if you’d like to unsubscribe from these messages.
Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035
From: Elizabeth Warren [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:05 PM
Subject: Boston
XXXXXXX –It’s a calm, quiet day in Boston today. It’s difficult to believe that such horror filled our streets only a week ago.Two times, bombs rocked the streets of Copley Square. Three lives were taken that day, and a law enforcement officer was killed just three days later. More than 260 people were wounded, many of whom remain hospitalized with amputations and other scars of tragedy.I’ve heard from folks across the country, asking what they can do to help. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino have formed a fund to help the people most affected by these tragic events.If you’re looking for a way to help, please consider making a donation to The One Fund Boston today.During the Boston Marathon, everyone in our city cheers for each other. We help each other across the finish line. When terror struck, we acted as a family. Throughout the chaos, courageous people ran toward danger to help strangers in need.Now we cry together. We pray together. We help each other.No one can replace what we’ve lost here in Boston. But today, and in the weeks and months ahead, we’ll get through it together — through sorrow and anger, rehabilitation and recovery. That’s what families do. The OFA family knows how to work together to accomplish amazing things. Let’s make a difference for the Boston Marathon victims.
Your donation will directly help the families who need it most.
Please make a donation now to The One Fund Boston:
From West, Texas to Watertown, Massachusetts, we remember and honor the men, women, and children we lost last week. We help those whose lives will never be the same. And we thank our first responders, medical professionals, law enforcement officers, and National Guard for their heroic work.
I’m very proud of the people of Massachusetts for their strength, resolve, and courage. Bostonians are tough.
We are fighters — and we cannot be broken.
No matter where you live, thank you for being with us in our time of crisis and our time of healing. We run together.
Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senator, Massachusetts
Paid for by Organizing for Action.
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If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters. Click here if you’d like to unsubscribe from these messages.
Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035
I know this has been a long post, and I want to thank you for getting all the way to the end—but there was a reason for giving you this much detail. When you put the clues from these emails over the years together with all that we are learning about the organization of Battleground Texas, it is very clear that these efforts are being, and will be controlled and orchestrated by Obama and his team from Chicago for years to come. If they have their way, they will remake the Democratic Party and the national government to suit their goals. In the process, they need and want political control of Texas; and they will try to get that control through Battlegound Texas’ block-by-block, precinct-by-precinct effort in our metropolitan areas where over 75{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of Texans now live; and through OFA’s highly centralized control of, repetition of, and compelled conformity with, their message.
Texas is not, and must never be what Chicago has become. To avoid that future, Republicans and our allies have a lot of work to do in a very short time.
As each minute passes, I fear we are too late,
This is a bit of a long read but a very important one. Ed Hubbard explains how the Democrat Chicago machine is organizing across America and the task at hand for Republicans to mount a counter-offensive.
Well done and accurate. Battleground Texas is going strong. I’m continuing to post regular updates on them, too, because we have to be alert and on the offense. It’s a battle for the future of Texas.
Further proof of the web woven by Team Obama comes this morning with announcement that David Plouffe is joining Bloomberg News: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/04/25/david-plouffe-joining-bloomberg-news/?wprss=rss_politics
Here is the latest email from OFA—about climate change. Again, notice a few of the details:
1. Mr. Carson is at “BarackObama.com” and uses the email address that Obama and his team have used since 2008 for its campaigns and, for a while, through the DNC;
2. OFA still uses the Obama logo;
3. Compare this email to the others in the post, and you will see that every time you are asked to take action you are directed to click on a page on the “my.barackobama.com” website—a website used for every iteration of the Obama operation since 2008;
4. If you click on the “my.barackobama.com” link in any of these emails, you will be directed to a page on OFA’s website—again, always closing the information loop so that Obama and his team retains your contact information and controls the message you receive;
5. If you go to the “Contact Us” page on the OFA website, you will find the information I have posted below the Carson email, in which you will find a mistake that gives us further confirmation of who is in control:
a. Notice that you are directed to click on links to [email protected] or [email protected];
b. Notice, however, that the [email protected] link is still associated with the 2012 iteration of OFA—Obama for America—rather than the current OFA also mentioned, Organizing for Action;
c. Finally, notice that all roads lead to Chicago, because at the end you are asked to either contact them at the 5-year old email address of [email protected], or to call 312-698-3670, which is a number within the area code for Chicago.
From: Jon Carson, BarackObama.com [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:50 AM
Subject: Call these climate deniers out:
Right now, way too many lawmakers in Washington flat-out refuse to face the facts when it comes to climate change.
We’re never going to make real progress on this issue unless members of Congress get serious. Instead, some of them have made a habit of publicly mocking it.
We thought it was time to call them out for denying what’s basic science.
Watch this embarrassing video of climate deniers in Congress — and say you’re ready to help hold them accountable:
The science matters in this.
That’s the message way too many people in Washington need to hear right now.
In 2011, there were 240 members of Congress who voted to say that climate change is a hoax.
Most of them are still around today, and they’re getting away with it — some of them are actually proud of it. They think the whole debate is pretty funny.
If we want to make progress on climate change, we need everyone in Congress on board for a solution. It’s our job to show them there’s a price to pay for being a climate denier.
Take a look at this video and join the fight:
Get ready — more on this coming soon.
Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action
A movement of millions elected President Obama. Let’s keep fighting for change. Chip in $75 or more to support Organizing for Action today.
Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.
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Obama for America 2012 Campaign
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One further point related to my last comment: confusing the references to Organizing for Action and Obama for America 2012 Campaign may be more than a mere mistake. I am not an expert in this area of the law, but the treatment of a Presidential campaign as being synonymous with a “social welfare” organization under 501(c)(4) may create a legal problem for our Chicago friends. But then again, in the land of Blagojevich and Daly, who cares about such legal niceties.