Psst: Republican Party of Texas: this all you got?
How about we count some of the ways this is stupid, ignorant, ineffective, and downright offensive? Okay?
First off, do you really think it is effective to bash President Obama to a community that voted overwhelmingly for him? Isn’t it time we pulled something out of our hat besides Obama bashing?
Next, lets look at the five “points” that are supposed to make Hispanics regret their vote and send them running to Republicans for help.
- Better off today? – Well, no, they probably aren’t. But then again, they weren’t better off before the last election and Hispanics still voted for the guy.
- Record college costs – Instead of stating the obvious, why not state what Republicans would do to reduce costs and debt? Um, hmm.
- Housing program failure – So Obama saved 2 million people from foreclosure but if he didn’t save you, you should be mad. Is that what this says?
- Breaking “La Promesa” – Seriously? Because Obama didn’t do the job Republicans refuse to do, we are going to blame him?
- Rising Health Care Costs? – Do you really think that people without insurance care much about rising premiums?
Completely ineffective for the target audience. Now, if this was addressed to white folks in the ‘burbs, it might just work! But are these the issues that Hispanics in Texas face today? Methinks someone at the Republican Party of Texas needs to get out into the neighborhoods and talk to people!
Now, I’m not finished just yet because I haven’t touched on “offensive”.
Let me ask you something? Why is smiling President Obama light-skinned while bad President Obama is dark?
How do you think that will play in the homes and communities of black citizens across Texas?
Get a clue folks. Get out from behind your computers and meet the people you are targeting. You just might find some success!