“You have a civic duty to vote and push the liberal platform” – this was part of the brainwashing that I received at an early age into what is nothing more than a high functioning cult in the Black community called the Democratic Party. I always wondered why it was considered a civic duty instead of a moral obligation and 15 years ago after becoming a Republican I understood why; morality resides in our party.
To suggest that only a civic duty exists in this election is to minimize the work that must be done in this country and underestimates the forces that are hell bent on destroying the foundation of this country. In elections, there are some issues that go beyond passive participation; those issues require you to vote your faith and to offer assistance whenever possible. Those issues place upon you a moral obligation to act.
I. Abortion
Over a million babies are murdered each year in this country as democrats attempt to convince everyone that abortion is a viable method of birth control and to suggest otherwise, is an attack on women. We must do everything that we can to prevent these murders from occurring, even if that means being subjected to claims of sexism from the very group we are looking to protect. How can women support abortion on demand when it is being used for programs like gender selection where baby girls are murdered in the womb because boys are considered more “valuable” in some cultures?
The first obligation that we must have as a society is to protect the weak and there is no group weaker than babies. I am a firm believer in Pro Choice-you have the “choice” to use contraception to prevent a pregnancy; you have the “choice” to raise the baby that was gifted to you; or you have the “choice” to give the baby up for adoption.
Blacks and Hispanics are some of the most religious people in the country, but the Democratic Party has convinced them that it is ok to vote for candidates that push programs like abortion that fundamentally conflict with their religious upbringing. No matter how you spin it, murder is not about politics and should not be accepted, we have an obligation to stop it.
II. Racism
Democrats have done an excellent job in falsely claiming that the Republican Party is racist when a close examination shows that the Democratic Party is built on racism. Think of the genius of their trickery, first they reign as the party of racism through groups like the KKK; they promoted violence against minorities; and they treated minorities as a species that was less than human. Democrats now use that past to convince minorities that it is their party that can best protect them from the very evils that they unleashed on minority communities.
Democrats keep minorities in a constant state of fear and self-doubt so that they never realize that their true potential rests within their own minds. In order to perpetrate such a devious plan, minorities are kept in an infantile state where the government acts as the parent.
Republicans must not abandon any community to be left to the mercy of the liberal agenda; an agenda that does not believe minorities are smart enough or strong enough to rise above their situation. We have to fight to end programs that are race-based and not merit-based and counter the belief by liberals that Blacks and Hispanics are so intellectually feeble that they need government handouts instead of opportunity. We also must stop the continued electoral racism which mandates that election lines get drawn based on race. The Democrat theory that limits minorities’ choices on the ballot by race is part of their belief that obviously minorities are too dumb to decide who can best represent them. These programs and beliefs perpetrated by the Democrat party are insulting and plain racist and we have an obligation to stop racism.
III. Envy
The mantra of this election cycle has been “look at what everyone else has that I don’t have”. The sin of envy is a capital sin for a reason; it opens up the heart to justify committing other sins. “Robbery is ok because the rich man had a lot of money”, “he sold drugs because he was born poor”…excuse after excuse for sinful behavior lies at the doorstep of envy. This President has used envy so much and so effectively to tear this country apart that he has even convinced people that he sympathizes with the poor while having a personal wealth of approximately 8 million dollars and holding an Ivy League degree.
As Republicans, we must do all that we can to help end this virus of envy that has been unleashed in this country; a virus that has turned good people into common criminals under the guise of fixing wealth inequality. Democrats condoned, coordinated, and endorsed the criminal behavior of the occupy movement instead of practicing goodwill and feeling blessed for the material gifts granted to our fellow neighbors.
The spread of envy by the President as a means to divide us has been disastrous in this country. It has turned American against American and must be stopped in this election so that we can start the healing process.
We have to do everything we can to meet our moral obligation:
- Vote Early-October 22nd – November 2nd
- Find candidates that share your beliefs and make a campaign contribution
- Volunteer your time to work on campaigns or at polling locations
- Share this message – we need all the help we can get to win this election