Nineteen years ago we suffered a horrifying attack on our soil by terrorists whose goal was to target civilians and harm the economy. Make no mistake, this was pure terrorism; it was an attack against civilians and the economy. While the Pentagon was hit the goal was not to cause military casualties. The goal was to inflict psychological harm on the population.
The horror of that day lives on, but for many they never knew or have forgotten what occurred. We now see mobs in the streets rioting in the name of social justice. Criminals who assault law enforcement officers and who resist arrest on sexual assault charges are honored by the Democrat party and professional sports. Just like on that fateful day nineteen years ago we see a small minority who is willing to use any means necessary to impose their views on others without care for the harm they impose.
While the mentality of the terrorist from that fateful day is now firmly enrooted in the Black Lives Matter supporters and Antifa denizens, we also see that the opposite holds true. A small number of individuals who are dedicated to the proposition that people deserve to live in peace are achieving spectacular results.
It is fitting that today, of all days, a second peace agreement between Israel and a Middle East nation is announced. The people of Israel deserve to live in peace just as much as the people of Portland, Seattle, and Kenosha. Just like the terrorists nineteen years ago, terrorists routinely target the civilian population in Israel to achieve their political goals. However, in the midst of all the turmoil that is the Middle East, peace is taking root. In the past month the United Arab Eremites and now Bahrain have normalized relations with Israel. While neither country was an actual threat to Israel the peace deals with Israel show that goodness still exists, and that a small contingent willing to do good are capable of achieving results.
When we remember the horrible attack nineteen years ago, and see the same mindset instilled in the mobs rioting and celebrating criminals it’s easy to become angry and despondent. Remember, though, just as those of ill will are bent on causing chaos and harm we have the opportunity to achieve peace and goodness. Let us choose to reject those who celebrate lawlessness and foment hatred along the lines of class and race. If Kamala Harris is proud of Jacob Blake let us be equally proud of those who stand against the proposition that race and class divide us. Let us see the accomplishment of today, rather than the harm nineteen years ago, and choose to be the ones who unite seeking peace and the greater good for all.