As a resident of CD-36, the race to replace Rep. Steve Stockman is particularly important to me. My choice before the primary was Ben Streusand and he remains the clear choice for any voter who is concerned about the morass in Washington, D.C.
It is not surprising that his opponent, Dr. Brian Babin, has received the endorsement of the Houston Chronicle. The editorial board of the Chronicle has always been more impressed with politicians that raise taxes and spend money instead of those who hold the line on both. A couple of points from the Chronicle’s endorsement are worth mentioning:
Fortunately, he has a reputation for being able to work with those who don’t necessarily share his conservative beliefs, and he has some experience in elective office. He’s been a school board member, City Council member and mayor, and – yes, dear voter – he has voted to raise taxes a few times during his dozen years in elective office.
Actually, Dr. Babin has voted to raise taxes more than a “few times”. In fact, he has voted to raise taxes once every two years he has been in office. That isn’t a “few times”, that is a pattern.
We also are troubled by the fact that he doesn’t live in the district.
Let me ask you something. When was the last time the Houston Chronicle editorial board cared about the residency of a candidate? Oh, that’s right. When it was Republican Michael Kubosh running for City Council. Or when it was Republican Dave Wilson running for the board of the Houston Community College. They don’t seem to care about the plethora of Harris County Democrats that do not live in their respective districts. What is the one thing that the Chronicle ed board thinks that Dr. Babin has in common with those Democrats? Um, hmm. The “willingness” to raise taxes. Think about that before you vote against Streusand because he doesn’t live in the district.
And also think about this. Dr. Babin thinks that because Streusand doesn’t live in the district, he is using a “loophole” to run for the district. Seriously, he has said that repeatedly and even uses it in his campaign emails and mailers. Here is an example:
Since when did Article 1, Section 2 of the US Constitution become a “loophole”? This email displays one of the fundamental differences between the two candidates: Streusand respects the US Constitution, Dr. Babin thinks it is a set of guidelines with “loopholes”.
One of the other differences between the two is that Streusand embraces capitalism and Babin mocks him for it. The Johnson Space Center in Webster is obviously a key employer in the district and has been downsized significantly. Streusand sees the infrastructure in place as an opportunity to attract private space companies and is leading the effort to attract private investment to replace the government program. Babin criticizes him for this and “promises” to spend more taxpayer money. Forget the fact that he isn’t going to be able to do that, think about putting someone in Washington, D.C. that doesn’t believe in the private sector and thinks that big government is the answer to all problems. Those kinds of representatives are the ones that got us trillions of dollars in debt.
Ben Streusand is endorsed by a who’s who of conservatives, conservative groups, and area Tea Parties:
Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee; Texas Alliance for Life; Dave Welch, Executive Director of Houston Area Pastor’s Council; Gun Owners of America; American Gun Rights; Houston Realty Business Coalition; Harris County Deputies’ Organization; Clear Lake Tea Party; Battleground Tea Party of Texas; Tri County Texas Tea Party; Kingwood TEA Party; Jeff Sadighi, Chairman of Southeast Texas TEA Party; Lydia Damrel, Co-Organizer, Southeast Texas TEA Party; Texas Conservative View PAC; Conservative Republican of Texas PAC; The Texas Conservative Review; Terry Lowry and The Link Letter; Texas Home School Coalition; Big Jolly Politics; Hon. Susan Combs; Hon. Paul Bettencourt; Conservative Activist Peggy Venable known for her work with Americans for Prosperity-Texas; former Speaker of the Texas House; Hon. Tom Craddick; former 2014 CD36 candidates Colonel Jim Engstrand, Chuck Meyer and Dave Norman; Texas Republican National Committeeman Robin Armstrong; Houston At-Large City Councilman Michael Kubosh; Allan Polunsky, Former Chairman of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and Former Chairman of the Public Safety Commission; Cynthia Werner, State Director-Texas, Christian Coalition of America.
Congressman Ted Poe is one of Streusand’s strongest supporters, while Speaker John Boehner’s allies are supporting Babin. Streusand has promised not to vote for Boehner – Babin has promised to support him.
Who do you trust?
Ben Streusand is still the right choice for CD-36. Find out more about him:
Facebook: BenStreusand
Twitter: @BenStreusand