By Chris Carmona
It seems the anti-life crowd has moved the debate about abortion to a rather absurd new place. Instead of sticking to their “convictions” and simply being pro-choice when it comes to abortion, they are now debating openly the unequivocal murder of a child after it has been delivered from the womb. A point at which, by almost every measure I can think of, a baby is a human being, a life. This is being termed an “after-birth abortion.”
The Slate piece digs to appallingly low depths when it states, “Since the newborn isn’t a person yet, its significance continues to hinge on its mothers’ decision.” Wow! The culture of death that permeates our opposition to this is nothing short of astonishing.
I’m reminded of the democrats clever little advertising campaign where they accused their opposition of a “War on Women.” I pledge, as a Texas State Representative, that I will protect the little innocent lives, little girls included. I want those baby girls to have a fighting chance in this world. Demanding anything less, makes us unworthy of the forgiveness we ask for regularly. If you’re a Democrat officeholder or candidate, and you’re in favor of this so-called “after-birth abortion,” please stand up now and let yourself be counted.
And, tell me again, who is waging a war on women?
Chris Carmona is a local attorney, former Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party Outreach Committee, and current candidate for Texas State Representative.