Dave “Garcia” Wilson has filed to run against Jessica Farrar in the primary race for House District 148. You may have heard of Dave Wilson, Houston Community College Trustee. In that race, Dave Wilson was endorsed by Ron Wilson. After Dave defeated a 24 year incumbent by 26 votes, his victory was featured on The Daily Show and Politico. The local Democratic leaders were so upset by Dave’s “exploitation” of the district’s bias and prejudice that County Attorney Vince Ryan sued Dave and attempted to invalidate the election. Again, Dave was victorious and has been fighting the good fight to stop corruption at Houston Community College.
I thought that Big Jolly readers would appreciate a little exclusive background on Dave’s latest campaign decision; so, here we go . . .
Monday was the filing deadline for the 2016 primary. Monday afternoon, Señor Wilson traveled to the Harris County Republican Party headquarters intending to file against Ted Poe, who has been jumping off the conservative reservation lately. While contemplating the decision, Dave decided that his roots are more closely aligned with good old Texas Democrats and headed on over to the Harris County Democratic Party headquarters where he was welcomed with open arms. Not exactly.
Dave’s initial plan was to file against his congressman, Gene Green, thinking that this district would more readily accept Dave as a pro-life, anti-HERO Democrat. This plan was shattered when Dave realized that Adrian Garcia filed to challenge Green. Dave’s vision then shifted to his State Representative, Jessica Farrar. In direct conflict with her constituency’s voting history, Farrar is pro-choice and supported HERO. Voilà!
Senator Whitmire and Vince Ryan were not very happy to see Dave’s face at party headquarters. Whitmire quickly questioned, “Who let you in and who are you here to file against?” Dave quickly retorted, “Are you up for re-election?” There is clearly no love lost there. Ryan wasted thousands upon thousands of taxpayer dollars doing the Democratic Party’s bidding by trying to oust Dave from his elected HCC post. If only Dave had been wearing a Go Pro. I could support a law that required Dave Wilson to permanently wear a body camera in public.
The truth is that I hate to see Dave run for another office when he is successfully rooting out corruption at Houston Community College; but, this race will be very interesting. The anger is real against Dave Wilson. But, what is this anger about? Are they mad at him because he is an old white guy? Or that he beat the overlords at their own game? Dave Wilson does not apologize for his firmly held beliefs concerning abortion and homosexuality. And that scares and angers a lot of people.
On Monday, while the heads of Harris County Democrats were exploding, Dave explained to the overlords that his beliefs were more closely aligned with their community – see the results from the recent HERO vote. I am sure that the leadership has already convened twenty meetings about how to oust Dave from the ballot. After all, Dave has proven more than once that he is much smarter than they are. Meanwhile, I am investing heavily in Orville Redenbacher’s. County Attorney Vince Ryan has a contested election ahead of him although I am sure he is relishing in the thought of trying to run Dave through the gristmill again and trying to remove him from office in front of an election. But, Vince can’t afford that kind of publicity right now.
You know what the best part of all this, the thing that drives evil democratic overlords bat shit crazy? Dave does not have to give up his HCC seat – only if he is elected.
This is an odd predicament for the Dems. They are desperate to oust Dave from his HCC post so they can continue to loot and plunder. It is a lot easier to do so without Dave Wilson looking over your shoulder. Just this week Dave was in the local news discussing malfeasance and contracting at HCC.
This race promises entertainment based on legitimate issues and the core values of the Hispanic community. Will they continue to support a representative who is not aligned with their core values? Or will they see Dave as someone who can bring promise to their community. Meanwhile Señor Wilson will continue to make heads explode at HCC. Hey, stranger things have happened.
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Cypress Texas Tea Party says
I just hope that no one confuses this “Dave Wilson” with me, who is the Director of the Cypress Texas Tea Party. Yes, there are two of us.
Don Hooper says
Dave, I have to get you two together. You need to have Dave come speak to your group.
Karen says
What a hypocrite! I distinctly remember in the Mayor’s race 4 years ago, Dave Wilson claimed that he and Jack O’Connor were one of only 2 Republicans in the Mayor’s race, (conveniently ignoring Fernando Herrera who had a stronger Republican voting record)! The man has no principles. You’re either a Democrat or a Republican. Just what we need, more dishonest Legislators…….
Manuel Barrera says
Does voting in a Republican Primary make one a Republican? If the answer is yes why was the Republican party supporting Bill King? King had not voted in a Republican primary since 2010. Willie Davis had only voted in a Democratic primary but was supported by Republicans.
If voting is not the only requirement for being a Republican then what is required to be a considered a Republican? Must one think like Trump that all persons who have Mexican ancestors are rapists or drug dealers? If one supports same sex marriage can one be a Republican? If one supports abortion can one be a Republican. Since the Republican party is about 90{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} white is being white a requirement?
I am just wondering as I vote for Republican candidates but vote in Republican primaries, but I am not sure if I may meet the litmus test for being a Republican according to Karen. What is Karen last name?