At one point, someone mentioned that it was time for the “sleeping giant” of conservative voters to wake up and start working for a candidate rather than rally around issues or only against candidates. Here is Roy’s answer:
As I’ve said from the beginning of the Tea Party “movement” it will be interesting to see if they can translate their anger to votes. I think that they can remain non-partisan while directly supporting a candidate but they must pick the right candidate for the right reasons.
One of the questions I had for Mr. Morales pertained to the Harris County Republican Party and their work on his behalf. I asked him if he was satisfied with their efforts and, somewhat to my surprise, he said yes he was. He stated that they had already used their phone bank for him and also said that they would be coming out with something new in support of him as early as next week. So there you go.
The race is wide open at this point in time. Most people aren’t giving Mr. Morales much more than a snowball’s chance for various reasons, primarily that Houston is a Democratic city and will remain that way. Mr. Morales says his internal polling has him in a dead heat with Annise Parker and Gene Locke, with Peter Brown below the radar. The truth is that he is going to be underfunded and is a long-shot candidate at best unless, as mentioned earlier, those so offended by the Obama administration’s far left agenda become active and not just angry. If that happens, it could change the entire dynamic of this race.