The actions of the Republican Party of Texas, under the leadership of James Dickey, are just nuts. One day after James Dickey sends out an email calling for unity, I find out that he has rejected a check for $1,400 from the Log Cabin Republicans to place an ad in the program for the upcoming convention in San Antonio. Here is the ad he rejected:
Damn. That is pretty offensive, isn’t it?
This is so ridiculous. The sad part is that there are some members of the LCR that have Stockholm Syndrome and sing James Dickey’s praises because he talked to them. Or something like that.
Guys and gals, that’s BS. Sometimes you gotta break a window. Or three. If you are going to vote for the guy, demand that he support you. Sheesh.
Michael Baker is an amazing man. Our governor likes to talk about his backbone of steel, well, let me tell you, he ain’t got nothing on Michael. Here is his email to me when I inquired about this:
Hello David,
The Texas GOP has turned down our ad for the program advertising Texas LCR two events that we are having at the convention. The Texas Republican Party of Texas states that the same rules for the booth applies to the add in the program. Keep in mind that we were the only organization declined a booth this year.
We will be making history this year by having a room in the convention hall for delegates and elected officials to come meet at greet our members. We heard from a few at the last SREC meeting that they do not know where we stand on the party platform. This will be an opportunity to find out how we can agree on 90% of the issues.
Attached is a copy of the ad. We would appreciate everyone’s help in getting the word out about our two events. Log Cabin Republicans work harder than anyone to unite the Texas GOP. We will be present as the life of the party!!
Michael Baker
Log Cabin Republicans of Texas, Chairman
If you are going to the convention, why not stop by and meet your fellow Republicans that are members of the LCR? I promise, they are just ordinary folks that care about the same things that you do. Promise!
Jeff LeBlanc says
This exclusionary policy has been going on long before Dickey – Just saying.
David Jennings says
Your point?
Jeff LeBlanc says
You are trying to put the blame on the chair. Which is fine too. But, in reality he let the body debate it. How about we talk about replacing the SREC members who voted no? Despite who you support..NEITHER of these candidates would have allowed this.
David Jennings says
Mr. LeBlanc,
When did the body debate it? I watched the meeting several times, I do not recall anyone mentioning denying this group from purchasing an ad in a program.
I mention James Dickey because he is the chair. As the chair, he should lead. I’m not much for followers.
Jeff LeBlanc says
I think you have a fair point. But, again, if the body is not with you, they are not with you. The chair can only do what the body wishes. The SREC vote was clear on this issue. I disagree with the SREC, but that’s how it went. I feel they should be included. Clearly, the governing body of the RPT does not agree…..changing the chair does not change that outcome. Changing the SREC members, possibly.
Nancy ojeda says
Totally unrelated, but congrats Mr. Jennings!! Hoping for some normalcy from your neck of the woods!
Foolme says
If you examine the rules of the party you will find the answer. James Dickey didn’t originate the determination. Why don’t you find out the correct parties who are responsible for it. If you want it changed then you need to work the political process.
Paul Kubosh says
There are people who spend way to much time thinking about homosexuals. I would let them have a booth.
Fed up says
this is discrimination and this kind of BS in 2018 is unacceptable- between this nonsense and the MQS moron tribe it’s not the party any rational R’s want to be affiliated with – what a bunch of bigots .,,.say adios to the majority this kind of BS just getting R’s there faster
Karen says
I believe this is what you call representative government as applied to party structure. The SRECs were elected by their Senate District to represent them. Our current state party chair was elected by the SRECs. If the SRECs & our state party chair no longer represent their constituents, they will get voted out. How would you do things differently?
Jeff Larson says
This is about like blaming Trump because Congress won’t vote Obamacare away.
Dave Wilson says
The Republican Party, through its leader James Dickey, is not trying to force our morality on the Log Cabin Republicans; rather he trying to prevent the Log Cabin Republicans from forcing their immorality on us.
Dave Wilson says
The Republican Party, through its leader James Dickey, is not trying to force our morality on the Log Cabin Republicans; rather he (is) trying to prevent the Log Cabin Republicans from forcing their immorality on us.
Desmond Taylor says
All the LCR members I know work very hard for the Party
Jason Vaughn says
You attack the man that said that defended LCR in committee and never mention the attacks from Asche comparing LCR to leftist anti-freedom activists.
Jason Vaughn says
Maybe my stockholm syndrome comes from the Dickey family opening their home to me for a few days when I found myself unexpectedly homeless. Maybe it comes from him finally pushing to give all the auxiliaries a voice. Maybe it’s that for the first time I know of in 20 years their was an actual open debate on whether LCR TX should be denied. Maybe it comes from the fact that the other option sad she doesn’t support LCR TX having a booth and compared them to leftists. Maybe it’s the other ope attacked LCR’s coalition partner Republican Liberty Caucus. Gosh I wonder where in the world this support might have come from.
Amy Hedtke says
As a staunch James Dickey supporter I’d be happy to help hand out these announcements for the LCR.
Jason, Jeff, anyone — Y’all know that I’m stupid easy to find– get some to me during committee meetings.
And I know based on her public comments that Cindy Asche would not have been as supportive of the LCR even showing UP at ANY RPT event.
DanMan says
If I’m going to be made to care about gays and their issues can I ask a simple question or two? Do the LCR believe we should provide same sex benefits to public and private employees? As it is we appear to be heading to the ‘1+’ model where public employees get to designate a beneficiary.
My retired neighbor’s grandmother passed over her own daughter to provide a monthly stipend through CALPERS to her. The grandmother parlayed a 9 year run as a cafeteria worker at an elementary school in El Cajon to a monthly check for her granddaughter that has paid her for 25 years.
Do gays have minority status that qualify them for special considerations like blacks and Hispanics get? I can see they already require religious exemptions when they feel like demanding accommodation that would never be extended to those they persecute. The whole ‘bake me a cake’ fiasco is what frosts me. Where is market freedom for a Christian couple that doesn’t want to participate in gay ceremonies?