From the InBox:
McCaig to Rep. Rosenthal: Get Off Your High Horse and Apologize for Your Vulgar and Bigoted Comments
HOUSTON, TX – Mark McCaig, Republican candidate for Texas House District 135, today released the following statement calling on incumbent State Representative Jon Rosenthal (DHouston) to apologize for vulgar and bigoted comments he made attacking Republicans and Christians:
“The media has written extensively about the distasteful comments made by Speaker Bonnen about Representative Rosenthal, for which Speaker Bonnen has rightfully apologized. Representative Rosenthal has used this episode to raise money for his fledging re-election campaign and fraudulently portray himself as some kind of advocate for political civility. However, Representative Rosenthal has failed to exhibit the basic decency to apologize for vulgar and bigoted comments he has made about Republicans and Christians in the course of his campaigns.”
Last year, in an interview on the “Trans Advocate” podcast, Rosenthal made several comments mocking Christians, the virgin birth, and the sacrament of communion. At one point in the interview, Rosenthal called Christian conservatives a “Christian Taliban”, joked that advocates of abstinence education are “these same religious people that will tell you there’s an exception to that rule, right, you can be abstinent and still get pregnant” and stated “As a non-practicing agnostic, I don’t think I should be, let’s say, required to take communion walking into the Texas legislature. And it’s not that I have anything against eating crackers, but I think those crackers are generally not very tasty.” Later in the interview, Rosenthal personally attacked the Republican legislators who are now his colleagues, stating his belief that “these people are seriously f**ked up.”
“Representative Rosenthal needs to get off his high horse and apologize for engaging in the same kind of name-calling that he has publicly condemned. Representative Rosenthal’s hypocrisy on this matter is overshadowed only by the personal contempt he has expressed for his colleagues and constituents who share different political or religious views that differ from his own. Representative Rosenthal is right when he says the citizens of District 135 are sick and tired of political bullies. They are also tired of the divisive and extremist rhetoric regularly used by Representative Rosenthal. District 135 deserves a state representative who will be an effective and respectful conservative voice for our district.”
It’s amazing how hypocritical some politicians are.
Thank you
So, David, can I assume you will demand an apology the next time a Christian politician mocks or insults Islam? Or is it only bad to mock Christianity?
Ross, the issue is Rosenthal advocates political civility yet peddles in attacks on people of faith. The word hypocrisy is actually used in the article to describe him and evidence of his demeanor is attached.
Can I continue to maintain you are a hopeless liberal that can’t stay on point? Why yes. Yes I can.
David, you notice Dennis didn’t condemn Bonnen? It appears our mutual friend is a political back bencher of little consequence. Didn’t expect that out of him.
I don’t know why Rosenthal would be (no pun intended) identifying as a Republican, and then trying to cozy up to the transsexual community. He’s going to get exactly zero votes from GLBT single issue voters as an R. In fact, this is going to bite him, as the warnings the faith community had about the GLBTer’s are coming to fruition.
Remember nostalgically when “we just want to get married and be treated with respect?” OK, most people found that reasonable. Poof (pun intended), wish granted. I was among those who agreed with that and thought it was reasonable and fair. But that wasn’t really the goal. Marriage and fair treatment wasn’t the goal by a long shot.
Well, now we are seeing a 7 year old boy openly abused and threatened with castration by his own mother, and we’re being asked to accept that, too. I’m telling y’all, this is the moment when there’s going to be pushback on the GLBT folks. Going after children is a red line for most people. Abbott and Paxton have weighed in on it and are going to try and save the kid, and by extension, other kids like him. Rosenthal is on the losing side of this, his attempt to ingratiate himself with the GBLTers by bashing Christians is going to sink him with Republican voters, as it should, and as stated, without the D behind his name, the single issue Dem folks aren’t voting for him either.
Stick a fork in Rosenthal…..he’s done.
Congrats, Rosenthal! You just made Hotze mainstream.
Mr. Daniels, no one on God’s green earth is calling Rosenthal a Republican. He has always run for office as a Republican and the article makes no mention of him as anything other than a democrat.
Ah, I can’t read, apparently. You’re right.To quote Rick Perry, “oops.”
Edit: I stand by the rest of my rant, though. Bashing Christians is an integral part of the GLBT agenda.Funny how they won’t bash Muslims though.