As I’ve said many times over the course of the current debate of some very reasonable, commonsense regulations of the abortion industry in Texas, the best thing about it is that it continues to provide clear contrasts between Democrats and Republicans. Yet another example today courtesy of Christy Hoppe and David Barer writing in the Dallas Morning News’ Trailblazers blog: Fact check: Planned Parenthood web ad blurs distinctions.
In the post, they expose a lie about Sen. Carona:
The ad features Republican Sen. John Carona’s, R-Dallas, face alongside a woman’s and reads, “A Texas health center’s cancer screening could save her life. Closing the health center could further Sen. Carona’s political ambition. Act now before Friday’s vote.”
Facts: Under the proposed legislation requiring most abortion clinics to become surgical centers, many of the state’s clinics would be forced to perform expensive upgrades. Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers, based on history in other states, say this would force most operators to close the clinics.
Planned Parenthood operates 10 abortion clinics in the state that would be mandated to raise to the new standards. The abortion clinics, by law, are separate entities and must be separately funded from health centers where cancer screenings take place.
So they caught Planned Parenthood in a bald faced lie about shutting down cancer screenings.
But the best part of the report is that a Planned Parenthood representative finally tells the truth about their bogus “separation” of abortion clinics from the rest of their “services”.
Justine Sessions of Planned Parenthood acknowledged that, but said some abortion clinics and health centers are housed within the same buildings. She suggested that if it were too expensive to upgrade the abortion clinics, then it could also force a shut-down of the health care clinics in the same building.
In other words, she confirms what we’ve been saying all along and why the Texas Legislature cut their funding off in 2011 – they mix their funds and taxpayer money was used to support abortion.
Thank you Justine Sessions. And thank you to the Democrats that continue to try and stop commonsense regulations that will improve the healthcare of Texas women. The clear contrast between Republicans that want to improve women’s health and prevent late term abortions versue Democrats that choose neither will help keep Texas red.
One other thing. Why do Texas Democrats, allegedly the party of diversity, continue to shill for a procedure in which 63{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the aborted babies are black and Hispanic?
From my Congressman, Steve Stockman (R-36):
how many angels can dance on the head of a pin I wonder?
Planned Parenthood operates 10 abortion clinics in the state that would be mandated to raise to the new standards. The abortion clinics, by law, are separate entities and must be separately funded from health centers where cancer screenings take place.
Progress My Eye!
How strict is Paradisus in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic about