Christine Ford says that when her scarlet letter was released, her world and that of her family was turned upside down. She has received death threats which forced her and her family to move out of their home. Well, count me out. There are no tears for Dr. Ford here.
The latest hero of the #MeToo movement brought all her troubles on herself. If Dr. Ford wanted to maintain her privacy, why did she run to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo with her attempted rape accusation? Why did she send Dianne Feinstein a letter spelling out the details of her sad tale about being sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh?
Considering her credentials, Ford must be a reasonably intelligent woman. No intelligent person would ever believe that such a letter would remain confidential and buried deep in Feinstein’s bosom. No, no, Ford had to know that her accusations would become public. And her intent all along was to destroy Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Now that Kavanaugh has been sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, maybe the poor woman and her family can return to their home. Then the victim of her own making will be offered a hefty sum by book publishers to write the story of overcoming a traumatic attempted rape to become a respected professor of psychology who was hounded by death threats for doing her civic duty. And of course, she will also be offered a hefty sum by television producers for her story as well. I can see the TV movie now, starring Rose McGowan as Ford and Bela Lugosi as Kavanaugh … No shit, Bela is dead, you say.
Ford has energized the #MeToo movement. She will make millions off of her ordeal. She will be lauded in history alongside of Anita Hill. No tears here for Christine Ford.
First Class, Frequent Flyer/Liar CB Ford is CIA MK-Ultra sex grooming gang enabler….
her daddy was CIA….her grandpa was CIA….FBI has all the DNC collision text messages….
Joe, you’ve been taken in by the conspiracy theorists and their tripe. There is absolutely no truth to the allegations that Ford or any member of her family had a connection to the CIA.
With all due respect Howie, Joe may very well be spot on. Whatever the case, her entire story was fabricated in an to attempt to crush a conservative/sane voice. It is a time tested tactic of the left and usually works, that is until the Trump Train showed up. The spineless republican party of just a few years back would have folded up like a cheese omelette.
If you believe that CIA crap, I’ve got some great ocean front property in Phoenix that I’ll sell you for a real good price.
why of all the memes libs create for their causes did they come up with ‘pound me too’ as the tag for their latest squirrel?
Re: Christina Ford. She’s already yesterdays trash as far as the dems are concerned.
Victor Davis Hansen also did an excellent column on Ford.
“. . . rub was that Christine Blasey Ford inadvertently became the best witness—against Christine Blasey Ford.
She had claimed that she was afraid of flying, but by her own admissions she was a frequent flyer.
She claimed the event took place in the early 1980s but also the mid-’80s—but also summer of 1982. Thus, her reported age at the time of the incident was equally fluid as a middle teen or late teen.
She swore that she had no idea that Senate investigators were willing to fly to California to interview her to accommodate her aerophobia—an offer splashed over the media for days.
Her halting answers to questions about her legal assistance funding, her past experiences with lie detector tests, the existence of any tapes or videos of her lie detector interview, and the content, accessibility, and nature of her therapist notes were either self-contradictory, illogical, or incomplete.
An ex-boyfriend turned up to question her narratives in a sworn affidavit alleging that she was demonstrably neither aerophobic nor claustrophobic—and perhaps far from being a novice in matters of taking lie-detector tests . . . .”
I made my beliefs clear in your last commentary Howie, there were plenty of examples of Ford demonstrably not telling the truth that were either ignored or just left hanging as the democrats parsed every word Justice Kavanaugh said or wrote to an impossible degree. Their semantic games aside, I don’t need any conspiracy theories to explain what I observed, it was obvious to anyone paying attention for themselves. Dr. Ford does not seem to have suffered anything of substance over the years given her education, protected educational seat, and all the related perks. Now she has all the perks of being a short term media darling, cashing in all while her supporters continue to claim how she had nothing to gain.
I watched Justice Kavanaugh’s swearing in last night and take solace in the fact that he looked much healthier than his new peers, the left must be terrified having seen just how fragile Justice Ginsburg was looking at the event, she was hunched over while sitting and could barely walk when it was time to leave. Perhaps President Trump will get another pick soon, the court then likely to have many more 6-3 decisions than the 5-4 that bothered a few folks.
Contrary to the swill some are selling, Dr. Ford was not particularly believable, especially given she refused to show the Senate members of the committee the supporting records to her claims, the line that she wanted to keep them private not making sense given she made them available to the mass media types selling her story publicly. That in no way detracts from true victims of crime of either sex, that so many look at it that way shows a failure of their education and upbringing. Had Ford offered her records, it might have bolstered her credibility but now we’ll never know, her Feinstein-supplied lawyers making her look guilty as can be outside of liberal circles.
Has anybody ever thought that neither Ford nor Kavanaugh are lying, that is deliberately making false statements they know are false. It was a long time ago but from listening to Kavanaugh testify and hearing what some of his high school and college friends had to say, I’d bet he was a binge drinker. That was common when I was in college (during the LBJ and Nixon administrations) and it’s still common today. Students study their asses off from Sunday afternoon until the last class on Friday, then they get drunker than hell Friday and Saturday.
When Justice Kavanaugh was in high school and his freshman year at Yale, he was by definition young and stupid. I did lots of things when I was young and stupid that give me the chills now. Lord knows what he did when he was young, stupid and drunk. And, you can bet that when he came home drunk while in high school, his parents said something like, “Thank God its only beer. He could be smoking marijuana.” It might have happened and he doesn’t remember.
That shouldn’t disqualify him from anything 35 years later. He’s no longer young and he’s demonstrably not stupid.
As for Dr. Ford, like her, my daughter is a PhD psychologist who is a research scientist in a major research university. And, as any psychologist (or people like me who are lawyers) will tell you, memory is a fragile thing. Our brains aren’t video machines that play back what we saw and heard. That’s especially true when you’ve young and experiencing a major scary, traumatic incident. People might remember something that is not factually correct. There have been dozens of cases in which a person spent decades in prison based on eyewitness testimony only to be found innocent when the DNA is tested. There are dozens of studies showing how unreliable eyewitness identification is.
No one seems to have trouble believing former altar boys (yes, I was one of those too) who 30 or 40 years later say they were abused by a priest. I’m pretty sure something happened to Dr. Ford at that party but it may not have been what she remembers today. Or, it might have been exactly as she remembers it.
What is important is that we don’t pick who to believe based on our partisan view of the world. That is the road to trouble. There’s another psychological theory called confirmation bias. We tend to hear things that match our preconceived notions. Two people, one a conservative Republican and the other a liberal Democrat, might listen to the same political speech and hear something different.
If we examine the facts dispassionately and can’t decide who is telling the truth, we can’t decide who’s telling the truth. That happens.
What is important is that we examine facts and supporting data dispassionately and try to avoid confirmation bias and looking at it through the lens of our politics.
Tom, if Dr. Ford had provided the requested supporting documentation to the committee, it might have bolstered the case that she was telling the truth as she remembered it. It would have also supported her version of events if a single one of her named witnesses had remembered such a party, her best friend would have reason to remember if Dr. Ford left her alone as the sole female at a drinking party full of guys. And it’s tough to get around her terrifying fear of flying that prevented her from attending the hearings earlier when it came out that she flies all the time. All of that also ignores the other inconsistencies such as the home remodel serving as the reason to get couples therapy in 2012 yet the remodel was in 2008. As you say, the memory is a fragile thing.
Contrasting that with the testimony of Justice Kavanaugh who was very up front about his drinking and admitted to drinking to excess at times. He also admitted he had a weak stomach so he puked when drinking too much, the difference between someone puking and being a blackout, memory loss binge drinker is very substantial, especially without a single specific, confirmed case of his doing so. While I don’t discount the possibility Dr Ford was attacked at some point in her life, and accept that the two parties were acquainted, only one person on Earth seems to think “that party” as you put it, ever took place. Even if you use her unproven outcry claim from 2012, 30 years after the events were supposed to have taken lace, isn’t it more likely that she transposed Kavanaugh and the others from her youth into a completely generic party that never took place, than her fluid recall of a party no one else remembers?
So I completely agree with your final sentence, the facts just do not support the claim. As far as the politics of the matter, the totality of circumstances shows the heavy influence of the left in how the parties were treated, the withheld letter, the scrubbing of social media by Dr. Ford, and the rest of it. As a lawyer, wouldn’t you love to have cases where the witnesses against your client refuted everything stated by the DA, where the state refused to provide supporting documents (Brady aside), and even the sole accuser admitted they weren’t sure of the facts?
Peter: What I’m saying is that the liberals say Dr. Ford is telling God’s honest truth and everything she says is gospel while conservatives say Judge Kavanaugh is telling the truth. There’s not enough data to be sure. Everyone is looking at it through their own political prism.
In criminal law, that should be an acquittal but usually it’s a guilty verdict in the real world. But a senate confirmation hearing isn’t a criminal trial.
As a larger issue, the charge of unwanted sexual advance or sexual assault now seems to be enough. Many colleges and universities have internal procedures that give the accused student less due process than he would get in North Korea. People’s lives are being ruined by expulsions and suspensions from colleges on nothing more than a she said, we don’t need to hear from him and he doesn’t need to know what she said procedure.
As to Judge Kavanaugh, I still say that a drunken stupid thing while in college isn’t enough to make me vote against him if I had been a senator. What would make me vote against him is if he lied about it.
I’m not saying he lied. I’m saying I can’t be sure one way or the other on the information I have.
Regarding the criminal aspect, no corroborating witnesses and the victim cant remember much of the events that took place, there would be no charges. This was a total fabrication for political purposes and is sickening.