As most of you know, Prop 1, the so-called Houston "Rain Tax" passed last November by the slimmest of margins. The opponents of the measure have tried every means available since then to overturn that election to no avail. Now, some are questioning the efforts of one of the groups opposing it, the "No Rain Tax PAC". If you review the PAC's year end campaign finance report, you'll find an expenditure of roughly $22k for "voter mail". The problem is, according to one of the insiders, they can't find anyone that received the mailer. So I told them I would help by asking around – did you receive one of these flyer's before the vote last year? (click the picture to expand it)
If you received it, let me know, either in a comment or via email.
On a related note, the group that has taken on the umbrella of repealing the rain tax, Coalition for a Greater Houston, has decided to form a candidate screening committee to "bless" candidates in the upcoming city elections. Whoa, boy, that ought to be fun! Take a look at some of the "leaders" of this group and I think you'll see my point. Here are my suggestions if you are interested in having this group bless you:
- Don't be a sinner – they don't like sinners, especially of the homosexual variety. They don't really mind liars and cheaters though, so maybe you can get in.
- Don't be a woman – why bother?
- If you are a woman and want to bother, wear appropriate clothing. Any one of these colorful suits should do the trick.
Just trying to help.