Robert Mueller was the worst choice for special counsel because he is a god friend of James Comey, the former FBI director who was axed by President Trump for refusing to go easy on former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Although Mueller was hired to investigate whether Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians, the special counsel has wide discretion on what he can investigate. Remember, Kenneth Starr was hired to investigate the Clinton Whitewater scandal and ended up investigating the world’s most famous blow job.
Some legal experts believe Trump committed obstruction of justice by trying to pressure Comey to go easy on Flynn, and he compounded that by firing the FBI director. Some even believe that Trump’s rocky relationship with Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a form of obstruction of justice.
Mueller has got to dislike Trump for firing old buddy Comey. I think he is not only out after Trump, but also after Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law. Look for Kushner to be indicted for obtaining business favors during the campaign and afterwards. Donald Trump, Jr. is also in his crosshairs for collusion with the Russians.
While some Trump campaign staffers could fall for collusion with the Russians, Mueller may not find that Trump himself was involved in any collusion. But obstruction of justice is another matter. Since a prosecutor can play a grand jury like a fiddle, look for Mueller to obtain a grand jury indictment of Trump in the near future.
If Trump is indicted, his attorneys will probably challenge the indictment on grounds that a sitting president cannot be indicted outside the impeachment process. It will take the Supreme Court to sort it out. If that fails, Trump can always pardon himself.
Mueller, however, knows that a mere indictment of Trump will destroy his presidency and leave him little choice but to resign. And that’s getting even for firing Comey.
If that assessment is correct, I see Trump going on Twitter telling people it’s BS partisan political games, pardoning himself, and continuing on. There is no way Trump resigns. He’s not built that way. You hit him, he hits you back. Trust me, I don’t care WHAT they say he did. I’m not going to get off the Trump train, and neither are the rest of his supporters. Michael Moore was right……Trump’s election was the biggest F-U to the existing political establishment in the US in memory, and let’s say Mueller indicts Trump. He’ll pardon himself, tell Mueller to get bent, and go on…..2nd biggest F-U, and me and millions of others will be cheering him on.
Is a ‘god friend’ a mafia thing?
I’m sure all those people are into ‘spirit cooking’ weirdness and evil, along with the Podestas, so ‘god friend’ might not be far off the mark. The lower case ‘g’ indicates it’s a false god, not God. Moloch, maybe?
My bad! I did not catch the typo. Obviously I meant good friend. Being visually impaired is a bitch.
One fact, Howie, just one fact. Don’t you have at least one fact to support your hypothesis?
I appreciate having an active fantasy life as much as anyone else. But if you want to lead us down your garden path, you need at least one fact for bait.
I was just expressing my opinion based on numerous reports of where Mueller’s investigation is going. And in my opinion, he is out to get Trump.