If you have the time and are in the area, I’ll be at the Houston Property Rights Association meeting at noon in the Galleria area:
Big Jolly….Republican Blogger Extraordinaire;
Postmortems on the 2012 Elections
This Friday the HPRA speaker will be David Jennings, who will bring us news on the status of his party, the factors that let to the GOP lawsuit brought against the Harris County Democrat Party for violating the Texas election code, and where he thinks the GOP is headed.
SEE: http://www.bigjollypolitics.com/
Houston Property Rights Association
PUBLIC INVITED: $16 — Courtyard Restaurant – 1885 St. James Place
Friday, November 9, 2012
Buffet lunch – 12:00 to 2:00 – Program starts at 12:30
(Directions: The Courtyard is south of San Felipe, west of Yorktown, and east of Chimney Rock.)
Please tell your friends and neighbors about our meetings.
LOL, I think that Barry Klein got a little carried away with the “extraordinaire” description but it should be fun. Hope to see you.
I was there. The advertised topics relating to Democrats were not discussed. No questions were taken.
LOL, no questions were taken? Dude. Be serious.