Press release from the Tom Leppert for Senate campaign:
Leppert Raises $1.1 Million During First Month of Senate Campaign
$2.6 Million Cash On Hand
“As I’ve Talked To Texans, Small Businessmen And Women, And The Republican Grassroots, It’s Been Clear They’re Looking To Elect A Real Texas Conservative To The U.S. Senate Who Understands How To Tackle The Fiscal And Economic Issues Facing Our Nation. We’ve Got Great Momentum Behind Our Campaign, And I’m Looking Forward To Continuing To Grow Our Support Across Texas.”
DALLAS, Texas, April 6, 2011 – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tom Leppert announced today that he raised $1.1 million in the first quarter of 2011. While his opponents entered the race well before him, Leppert announced his candidacy in late February, giving him only one month to fundraise during the quarter. Along with a personal investment of $1.6 million in his campaign, Leppert now has $2.6 million cash on hand. This significant early fundraising indicates the base of support Leppert needs to continue expanding his campaign.
“Thank you to all the supporters who have invested in my campaign to elect a real Texas conservative to the U.S. Senate. I announced my candidacy just over one month ago, and I am gratified by the support I’ve already received,” said Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tom Leppert. “As I’ve talked to Texans, small businessmen and women, and the Republican grassroots, it’s been clear they’re looking to elect a real Texas conservative to the U.S. Senate who understands how to tackle the fiscal and economic issues facing our nation. We’ve got great momentum behind our campaign, and I’m looking forward to continuing to grow our support across Texas.”
That is an impressive number, especially considering he didn't jump into the race until February 25th, barely a month from the quarterly filing deadline. I admit that I don't know much about him but with this kind of personal investment and fundraising ability, he should be able to tell his story to Republican primary voters. And if that story is one that is positive and solidly conservative, he just might make some noise. Positive noise.
Which is very different from the negative noise that the so-called frontrunner in this race, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, is making. The Dew is making all the wrong kind of noise – he's fretting about raising even more revenue for the state and not concerned about implementing the cuts that are desperately needed. Just today, Jason Embry over at has this:
Asked if the tax should be changed, Dewhurst said: “We will grow out of the structural shortfall over time, and if we don’t tweak that tax, then it’s going to take a little longer. If we do, then it will be shorter.”
Yikes. This from a man that is going to run in a Republican primary in less than a year? Are you kidding me? First off, there is no such thing as a "structural shortfall". There is only an unwillingness by politicians calling themselves conservative Republicans to cut spending. Second of all, listen to what he is saying: he wants to increase taxes by "tweaking" the business tax. That is why he says that the "correction" to the "structural shortfall" would occur "sooner". Hogwash. Cut spending today and your "problem" goes….poof. Easy as that.
So what story will the Dew have to tell? One of supporting a business tax in 2006 and telling us it is unfair today? One of being Lt. Gov. while Texas spending went through the roof? Hah, do you think those are going to sell?
Or will it be one of, hey, check this out, the Senate put a budget out the door to match the House version of $77 BILLION in General Revenue and $164 in total spending? Sounds like a winning story to me.
Time will tell, time will tell. In the meantime, Tom Leppert is out working hard, raising money, and sounding rational. Hmm.
Roxie Pallas says
Way to go, Tom Leppert!
He's going to be our next Senator and it's good to see he's getting so much support early on in the race. Off to a good, fast start!
Ted says
"Time will tell, time will tell. In the meantime, Tom Leppert is out working hard, raising money, and sounding rational. Hmm."
I saw Tom Leppert on Fox 4 a few weeks back – the man sounds extremely rational. I flat out like the guy and everything he was saying about being a fiscal conservative.
Glad to see he's got great financial support so far – keep it up Tom Leppert!