If you don’t know who Christian Adams is, then you probably haven’t been watching Fox News or reading conservative blogs. He is the Dept of Justice lawyer that filed charges against those New Black Panthers who stood in front of a voting location in Philadelphia in November 2008 with nightsticks in their hands, daring white voters to enter. Click here to read 895,000 links about it. He resigned in protest after the Obama administration dropped most of the charges that he filed – watch this video for more information:
You know you have arrived as a conservative when NPR attacks you. Click here and here.
So why was Mr. Adams in Houston at a “tea party” meeting? As I’ve noted before, one of the core missions of the King Street Patriots is to stop voting fraud through their program called True the Vote. There is so much voter fraud in elections that it is almost impossible to capture the true extent of it. So Stuart Mayper, a local Harris County Republican precinct chair, picked up the phone after hearing Mr. Adams’ story and asked him to come to Harris County and talk to the people that are trying to stop the fraud. There you go.
There is so much already written about Mr. Adams and his trials that I’ll leave it to you to click on the Google link above and read about him. But I will comment on two things from the meeting.
First one is when Catherine Engelbrecht asked him: well, you know, all of your information is good and all but what can we DO about it? His answer kinda surprised me: be a poll watcher. Interesting. His reasoning is that knowledgeable poll watchers can prevent most of the fraud by simply being there. Okay, well that should be easy enough. And every single “tea party” group plus the Harris County Republican and Democratic Parties can train people for this simple job. So get out there and do it. I have links to the various tea party type groups on the right hand side if you don’t want to go through one of the two official parties. Or you could find the Libertarian or Green Party groups to help you. The bottom line is that voter fraud has to be stopped and stopped now.
The second thing came from the video that was shown. I don’t have that specific video for you to watch (here is part of it) but in the video, the black thug named King Samir Shabazz said that the New Black Panther Party will be “ready for you”. Rather than anyone in the room being intimidated by that, there was a low murmur and one guy said, “we’ll be ready for you too”.
Earlier today, I happened to read Neil Aquino’s blog in which he mocks Tea Party groups for being angry. I think that angry liberals are so used to normal Americans not standing up for themselves that they don’t understand what is happening here. What is happening is that normal Americans are starting to grow tired of the crap thugs like King Samir Shabazz say. They are tired of being used and abused simply because of they are “white” or conservative. They are saying, enough already, Enough.
Fact is, we aren’t racists. King Samir Shabazz may well be or he may be just another victim of LBJ’s Great Society fiasco, by which black folks more than any other group have been enslaved. The media will not allow us to criticize Mr. Obama without calling us racists, even though the charges are false, as the New York Times had to acknowledge.
The problem is that, as was said last night, “we’ll be ready”. This country is being torn apart by an administration and Congress that are trying to pull us away from our roots and into their academic theories. You want race wars and civil unrest the like of which haven’t been seen in 150 years? Allowing the left to continue down the current path they are on will guarantee that. The “white-guilt” ridden liberals had better understand this, sooner rather than later. Truth is, we shouldn’t be apologizing for slavery, we should be be apologizing for LBJ’s policies. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was not, as is popular with the JournoList crowd, George Bush’s fault. It lies directly at the feet of LBJ and every namby pamby liberal that advocates laziness and servitude to the state.
Be careful, King Samir Shabazz. You might get what you ask for.
Read Christian Adams’ blog here: ElectionLawCenter.com