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Jared Woodfill, master of the counterpunch

Say anything you want about Harris County Republican Party Chair Jared Woodfill with one exception – don’t say he doesn’t know how to counterpunch. From the Inbox:


Commissioner Jack Cagle – “Jared is a conservative leader we can count on.”

HOUSTON, TX – Last week, conservative county leadership unanimously endorsed Harris County Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill.   Among those leaders was County Commissioner Jack Cagle, an elected official known for his robust, conservative, and  bold leadership approach. As a demonstration of Commissioner Cagle’s commitment to Chairman Woodfill’s leadership and vision for Harris County, Cagle committed to donate a generous $10,000 to Woodfill’s reelection campaign.  

Woodfill stated, “I am honored to have Commissioner Cagle’s support and generous contribution. Jack is a true conservative leader who understands that principle, not compromise is the key to growing the Republican Party.  He believes that leadership starts with a core set of values and principles, and that no leader  with a ‘finger in the wind’ will be able to lead the biggest county party in the biggest Republican state in our union.”

Would you or your organization like to endorse Jared?

Email your endorsement letter direct.

For additional information about how you can help Jared’s re-election campaign, visit his website (

Between his press release Friday and this one, that was one masterful left-right counterpunch to Harris County Judge Ed Emmett’s endorsement of Paul Simpson for HCRP Chair. Think about it.

First, Simpson gets no immediate benefit from Emmett’s endorsement and contribution in terms of press coverage. Instead of a press release, the left wing Quorum Report puts out a memo to their subscribers, then Patti Hart parrots that in the Houston Chronicle. Which led to this exchange between way far left Geoff Berg on KPFT 90.1 and Quorum Reports’ Scott Braddock:


Once you are past the vulgarities directed at decent people who participate in Tea Parties, the insults to Ted Cruz, the mocking of Rick Perry endorsing Jared, Emmett being an establishment Republican, and the admonishment from the left for Republicans to be “grown ups” and “play nice”, ask yourself if that helps Paul Simpson defeat Jared Woodfill. But hey, they got my name right, so there is that.

Meanwhile, Woodfill sends out a press release the day after the Emmett/Simpson debacle to every precinct chair in the county and tens of thousands of Harris County Republican Party primary voters telling them about his endorsements from four “conservative leaders” in the county.

And then Monday, just to make sure that people haven’t forgotten, he sends out the press release above to the same people. County Commissioner Jack Cagle’s $10,000 donation neutralizes Emmett’s donation plus Woodfill hits hard again on the “conservative leader” theme.

Hey, I know how this must feel to hardcore Simpson supporters. In 2010, when Ed Hubbard was in a runoff with Jared, I was giddy that Bob Perry gave Ed $20,000. Then, in a counterpunch just like the one this year, Jared struck back. Ouch that hurt. I can still feel the pain. So I know how Simpson supporters feel.

And I also know that pundits and reporters are trying to paint a false narrative of a civil war coming to Texas Republicans. Nonsense – that’s the way we roll. We fight hard but then we come together to win elections in November when it counts. It will be no different this year, regardless of what left wing pundits try to push.  This “civil war” is nothing more than natural tensions in a party with such diverse beliefs and coalitions as the Republican Party.

Unfortunately for Simpson, he gave Jared the meme for the race – conservatives vs those who want to eliminate social issues and play into the hands of the liberal press.


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